Population Jelly Babies (Golden Bears!) Learning

Bellwork (back of books)
• Complete the first two columns of the
• Today we will have a little overview!
What I know
What I want to
find out
What I have
What is population and
how does it change?
Learning Objectives:
(to be able to…)
1. Gain an introduction and overview to
2. Identify scenarios that increase and
decrease the population
3. Explain why populations change
Population Jelly Babies (Golden Bears!)
By the end of the lesson
By the end of the lesson you:
• MUST be able to list factors that cause
population to change
• SHOULD be able to explain how different
situations can cause population change
• MAY be able to link the examples used in
the lesson to real life situations
What is population?
Think, pair, share…
Think about…
• How population increases
• How population decreases
• What type of people there are in a
Think, pair, share…
What is population?
Think, pair, share…
How does population change?
Increases population
Decreases population
Changing the population
Think, pair, share…
What type of people are in the population?
People in the population
Cohorts include:
• Young people - also called
young dependants
• Middle aged people - the workers/
economically active
• Older people - also
called elderly dependants
People are having to work for a lot longer, why?
What will this do to the number of elderly
People are born…
People die….
People move in…
People move out…
…and we all get older every day…
The game…
• How will the population of your country
change in response to a series of
‘chance’ events?
• By the end of the game you should be
able to answer this key question…
Why do some populations
increase and others decrease?
The game…
• You will play the game 20 mins
• You will work in small groups
• Be sure to follow the instructions
and read the chance cards
carefully and in full to the group
• Fill in your sheets as you go and
keep track of the game
They are your population!!
Before you start
Groups of 5/6
Name your country
Divide up the sweets
Decide what sweet/colour represents what
part (cohort of the population)
• Write this down
• Complete what your population structure is
You will play the
game 20 mins
You will work in
small groups
Be sure to follow
the instructions
and read the
chance cards
carefully and in
full to the group
Fill in your sheets
as you go and
keep track of
the game
Now you’ve finished
After you have finished the game and have
completed your worksheets consider the
following questions as a group?
Which scenarios changed the birth rate?
Which scenarios changed the death rate?
Which scenarios changed the migration rate?
Which scenarios were push factors of
• Which scenarios were pull factors of
Now you’ve finished
• Who do you think won?
• What makes them the winning country?
• Is it the country with the highest
population or the most balanced
population structure?
• What type of country do you represent?
Jelly Plenary
• Create 3 other situations that could go in
the game as chance cards
• We can share these in a minute
• Make them original, interesting and