Stellar Evolution

p. 534, 3-7, 9
p. 534, 3-7, 9
Compare the size of the Milky Way galaxy with the size of a cluster of
galaxies. How many times bigger is a typical cluster?
A typical cluster is about 100 times the size of the Milky Way galaxy.
4. List the three main types of galaxies.
4. The three main types of galaxies are spiral, elliptical, and irregular.
p. 534, 3-7, 9
Draw sketches of the Milk Way
galaxy viewed from the side and
from overhead. Label the following
on each: central bulge, disc, solar
Explain why the Milky Way appears
as a narrow band of light in the
night sky.
6. The Milky Way is a narrow band
because we are inside the galaxy and the
galaxy has a flat shape.
p. 534, 3-7, 9
7. Describe the evidence that the universe is expanding.
7. Evidence that the universe is expanding is provided by the fact that light
from other galaxies is shifted toward the red end of the spectrum. That
means all galaxies are moving away from each other.
How would other galaxies appear to move relative to the Earth if the
universe were shrinking?
9. If the universe were shrinking, every galaxy would appear to be moving
toward Earth. Blue shift!