Chapter 10-2: Roman Government and Society Pages 302-307 Bell Work 2/7 • Define Chapter 10-2 Terms • Copy essential questions • • • • • • • Magistrates Consuls Roman Senate Veto Latin Checks and Balances Forum 10-1 Verbal Refresh • What was the name of the Roman famous story that was like Greece’s Odyssey? • In what ways are the geography of Greece and Rome alike? • What is the name of the Roman Legend of how Rome was created? • Political: Rome was a ______ that became a _______. • How many kings and hills did Rome have? • One of Rome’s most famous dictators was ________. • Roman society was divided into two groups, ____ and ____. Government and Society The Big Idea Rome’s tripartite government and written laws helped create a stable society. Main Ideas • Roman government was made up of three parts that worked together to run the city. • Written laws helped keep order in Rome. • The Roman Forum was the heart of Roman society. Essential Questions • Completely explain Rome’s government. • What happened in the Roman Forum? Main Idea 1: Roman government was made up of three parts that worked together to run the city. • When the plebeians complained about Rome’s government, the leaders knew they had to do something. – Created positions in government that could only be held by plebeians. – Soon the distinctions between patricians and plebeians began to disappear. • As a result, they developed a tripartite (try-PAHR-tyt), or three-part, government. – Each part had its own responsibilities and duties – Each part had its own power, rights, and privileges 1. Magistrates • The first part of the government was made up of elected officials, or magistrates. • The two most powerful officials were called the consuls. • Each magistrate was elected for one year and had his own duties and powers. – 2 Magistrates – Run the city – Lead the army – Finances – Some judges 2. Senate • The second part of the government was the Roman Senate. • This was a council of wealthy and powerful Romans that advised the city’s leaders. • Members of the senate were elected for life. – Advised consuls – 300 members – Some consuls later became senators – Later gained influence over magistrates and took control of finances 3. Assemblies and Tribunes • The third part of the government protected the common people and had two branches. • The first branch were assemblies made up of both plebeians and patricians. Their primary job was to elect the magistrates. • The second branch was made up of tribunes (elected officials) who had the right to veto, or prohibit, actions by other officials. They were elected by the plebeians. – Tribunes stayed in office only one year – Veto means “I forbid” in Latin – Latin is the Roman Language United States Government _________ _________ _________ United States Government Federal • • • President Senator Congressperson State • • • Governor State Senator State Representative Local • • • Mayor City Council Member Sheriff • • • Civic Duty and Checks and Balances Rome’s government would not have worked without the participation of the people. People participated because they felt it was their civic duty to the city. (jury duty) – Citizens attended assembly meetings. – They also voted. – Wealthy and powerful citizens held public office. The wealthy and powerful citizens that help public office were admired by other Romans. Checks and balances were created to ensure that no one part of the government had more power. – Checks and balances are methods to balance power. They keep one part of the government from becoming stronger or more influential than the others. • This is where quarrels arose when officials had different ideas or opinions • When officials worked together, Rome’s government was strong and efficient. Read the “Do as the Romans Do” section on page 304 • Why do you think the founders of the United States borrowed ideas from Roman government? Main Idea 2: Written laws helped keep order in Rome. • At first Rome’s laws were not written and only patricians (the people who made them) knew them. – Many people were punished for breaking laws they did not even know existed. • To prevent this, Rome’s first law code was written and displayed in the forum, Rome’s public meeting place. – Law of the Twelve Tables (450 BC) written on 12 bronze tables or tablets • Read the Law of the Twelve Tables Historic Document on page 305 • How are these laws similar to and different to our laws today? Connecting with Past Learning • Code of Hammurabi • Law of the Twelve Tables • What was the first law code to be written down? • How were these codes different? Main Idea 3: The Roman Forum was the heart of Roman society. The Roman Forum, where the Law of the Twelve Tables was kept, was the heart of the city. It was the site of many important government buildings and temples. It was also a popular meeting place for Roman citizens to shop, chat, and gossip. Gladiatorial games sometimes held •Located between two major hills Palatine Hill (rich people) and Capitoline Hill (grandest temples) •City leaders and common people could be caught mingling •Usually packed with people Essential Questions • Completely explain Rome’s government. • What happened in the Roman Forum? United States Government Federal • • • President Senator Congressperson State • • • Governor State Senator State Representative Local • • • Mayor City Council Member Sheriff Extra Credit (Chapter10 Quiz) Find the names of the government officials at these levels