Managing the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE)

Test Setup
& Managing the Test
Information Distribution
Engine (TIDE)
FSA Live Training
February 19, 20 & 23
The four keys to success:
1. Account(s) setup
2. Verify, Organize and Match your students
to TIDE.
3. Export documentation
4. Print out tickets (if CBT) and missing
labels (if PBT)
Access TIDE and Set up Account Users
• Go to the portal
• Select the appropriate role
• Click the “TIDE” icon
First Time Users
 Initial SAC accounts will be created by SAR.
 Instructions for creating and managing user accounts are in the
TIDE User Guide.
 Newly added users will receive an automated email that
contains the following:
Their assigned user role(s)
The applications to which they have access
A secure, temporary, one-time link to activate the
 Common account issues and resolutions:
 Email address is incorrect- Contact Student Assessment and Research
 Email address is correct but no email was received- Contact FSA Helpdesk
 Forgot password- Complete the “forgot your password” prompt from the login
screen or call
 Forgot password prompt doesn’t work- Call the FSA helpdesk
Logging In
When prompted, the
user should enter his or
her username (email)
and password.
After a user has logged
in, he or she may be
prompted to choose an
depending on role.
TIDE Home Screen
Manage Users Tab
• The Manage Users tab may be used to:
 Search for existing user records
 Export a list of existing user records
 View and/or edit existing user records
 Delete an existing user record
 Add new user (individual user)
Upload of Instructional Staff to TIDE
 School Assessment Coordinators (SACs) have been set up as CBT
 Lists of instructional staff for upload into TIDE have been posted to the
DWH reports folder. Charter schools will have to download the
template and create their own lists.
 SACs need to revise lists to who will administer CBT tests and upload
to TIDE.
Upload Users
Select the Choose File Button and Select the FSA User list from
where you have it saved on your computer.
Manage Users: Add User
• To add an individual user, select the Add User tab.
• Select the role that will be assigned to the user, fill in
the required fields, and click Add User.
Manage Users: View/Edit Users
• To view or edit users, select the sub-tab View/Edit Users.
• Use the search feature to find the user(s) you wish to view or edit.
• Select a role and school from the drop-down menus, and fill in additional
information to help narrow results.
• Click the Search button after all search criteria have been selected/entered.
Manage Users: View/Edit Users
• To view or edit a user’s record, click the View button next to the user’s
• Authorized users may edit the user’s
first name, last name, and phone
• Click Save to save changes or Go Back
To Search Results to return to results
without making changes.
Manage Users: Delete a User
• To delete a user, click the check box next to the user’s record and
click the Delete button.
• A confirmation screen will appear.
Verify, Organize and Match your Students to TIDE
 Your students need to be verified and matched to what is in TIDE:
 Any student not in TIDE (PBT or CBT) will not receive a score until
late reporting closes.
 Additionally, matching TIDE to your student population will provide you
the following advantages:
 The ability to sort, filter and view student information
 The ability to export student lists for use in creating test
 The ability to print test tickets and labels for all students.
Student Information Tab
• The Student Information tab may be used to:
 Add new student (individual student)
 Search for students and view information
 Export a list of students
 Print test tickets for online testing
 Print On-Demand PreID Labels
Step 2
Verifying Your School’s Student Information
• To view the students who
have been uploaded via preid, select the Grade Level
you wish to view and click the
Search Button
• This will show your students
in that grade level
• Note: Specify
Student info
If you wish
to view
Use Sort to Organize Groups of Student
• To Sort students click the
variable you wish to sort by in
the blue title bar
• Student Name or Class Code
may be helpful sort fields
• Once clicked an arrow will
indicate whether you are
sorting ascending or
• Class codes are teacher
numbers represented by a 3
digit code
Use Filter to Organize Groups of Student
• To Filter your students click
on the Add Additional Search
Criteria link
• You will be prompted to input
a search field to filter by and
a value.
• Once you click the Add
Criteria Button and click the
Search button, only those
students meeting that criteria
will be displayed
Student Information: Export a List of Students
• Follow the steps on the previous slides to load and sort each grade level
of students.
• To export the list of students, click Export and select the desired export format
(Excel or CSV).
• You could either Export by class (after filtering) or Export an entire grade level.
Using Your Export to Organize
• Exported lists should be reviewed against school rosters to identify missing,
withdrawn or misrepresented students.
• Exports could be used to populate administration records
• Exports could be used in the Filemaker-Pro Database
• Exports could be used to provide login/ticket information for computer based
• Make sure exports do not provide personal information where not required
• For example, if used for login information X out all but the last four digits of
the SID
Make it Match!: Add Student
 Once you have checked
TIDE information you would
need to add any missing
 To add a single student
record, select the sub-tab
Add Student.
• Select the correct district
and school and fill in
other required
• Save the entry.
Make it Match!: Delete Student
 Once you have checked
TIDE information and have
identified students that are
not in your school anymore,
or are exempt from state
testing, you may delete them
 To delete student (s), select
the check box to the left of
their information.
 The Delete selected button
will become active.
 Then click on the Delete
Selected button.
 You will be asked to confirm
that. Click OK to delete.
Student Information: View a Student Record
• To view a student’s record, click the View button for that record.
View Student: Student Information
• The top of the View Student
Details box contains the
demographic information for
the selected student.
• CBT Coordinators will also
be able to edit all student
information except for the
student’s SID on this screen.
• Student Information can be
updated before or after
Print tickets (if CBT) and missing labels (if PBT) and
exported class lists
Once you have verified, organized and
matched your students in TIDE, you would
want to get materials ready for test day
CBT students get Test Tickets
PBT students without labels need them
printed and placed on books
Exported class lists can be used to group
test books and test tickets to be given to
Test Administrators on test day.
Student Information: Printing Test Tickets
for Online Testing
• Students taking an online test
will be required to have a test
• From the student search results
page, select all students or a
subgroup of students, and click
Print Test Tickets.
• The tickets containing the
students’ username and other
demographic information will be
made available for printing.
Note: To print Test Tickets by class
code, use the additional search
criteria when searching for students
on the View/Edit Student tab.
Student Information: Printing PreID Labels
for Paper-based Testing
• PreID labels are included in the test materials shipments.
• In the case that a student’s information on the PreID label is incorrect, or a
student has changed school/district, labels can be printed on-demand in TIDE
after the student’s information is updated in TIDE.
 To Print PreID Labels,
• Click the checkbox next to
the student(s) and click
Print PreID Labels.
• A file will open with the new
PreID Labels.
• Print on the additional blank
labels provided in the paperbased materials shipment.
Organizing Your CBT Test Rooms
• To prepare CBT test materials the following steps must be taken:
• Create test rosters (required admin information) for those students who
will be testing at any given time or place. You may use your own program
to do this if you wish. Rosters can be created using class lists or other
school based information. Exporting this information from the student
information screen (upper left hand corner of student information screen)
may assist you in creating rosters.
• Print out Test Tickets. You may either print a whole grade level of
students, or filter by the class information on the view/edit students tab.
Use the “Additional Search Criteria” dropdown to gain access to filtering
• Sort and Divide Test Tickets according to test rosters. This means you
will create a stack of tickets for each teacher administering the FSA.
• Provide the Tickets and Roster to each teacher. These then should be
provided to students on test day
Provide Test Materials to Test Administrators
• Create a stack of materials for each Test
• Materials provided from TIDE should
• Administration record/security
checklist if using export in TIDE.
• Test Tickets for CBT testers
• Test and Answer books with labels
placed on them
• Any other materials as directed by
the Test Administration Manual
• For FSA CBT tests, you are not setting up
sessions like you did in Pearson
• CBT Sessions are set up by teachers on test day
using the login ids.
• Students should be organized ahead of time by
lists you create and the tickets you put with them.
• Therefore, creating lists and putting their
corresponding tickets with them should be your
Use Resources to show Test Administrators on how to
• Training in the use of the Test Administrator Interface, has been posted to the
BECON network
• TA Certification Course:
• TA’s will log in to the TA interface. Choose a test type, click the Start Session
button and provide the Session ID to students
Warn Test Administrators to not approve test sessions
• All Test Administrators will need to approve students to access the test
once they log in via the Student Test Interface.
• Test Administrators should be very careful to only approve students
that are logging in at the beginning of a session or need back in
because of a break.
• Accidentally approving a student who has completed session 1, will
provide them with access to the 2nd session
Online Reporting System
Test Management Center
 Used to manage online testing through:
• Participation Reports
• Test Completion Rates
Participation Report
 Follow steps to create a Participation Report.
Using Participation Report
Common examples of Participation Report cases:
• Which students have not yet tested?
• Which students have started but not yet completed their test?
• Which students have paused tests?
• Did every student in a test session complete their test?
Participation Report Results
 Example of a Participation Report. These reports can be used to keep track of Test
Test Completion Rates
 The Test Completion Rates screen offers a high-level
view of how many students have started and completed
FSA Portal: Resources and information for district and school personnel are
located in the FSA Portal, which is accessed at
 The portal is organized by user roles and also includes links to the Test
Delivery System (TDS), Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE), and
Online Reporting System (ORS).
Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE): TIDE is the enrollment and
user management system for the FSA assessments. Student enrollment and
test eligibility information is managed via TIDE. All school and district
personnel who will administer FSA assessments must have user accounts in
Terms (cont.)
Test Delivery System (TDS): All computer-based FSA assessments are
administered via TDS, which includes the Test Administrator Interface as well
as the Student Interface.
Secure Browser: The secure browser allows students to access the
computer-based FSA assessments. This software must be installed on all
computers or devices that will be used for student testing. A link to download
the secure browser is located in the FSA Portal.
Online Reporting System (ORS): ORS allows school and district personnel
to track the progress of student computer-based testing and access student
results. ORS is accessed via the FSA Portal using the same username and
password used to access other AIR systems.
Student Interface: Students use the Student Interface to log into and take
computer-based FSA tests.
Test Administrator Interface: Test administrators use the Test Administrator
Interface to create and monitor test sessions for all computer-based FSA
Terms (cont.)
Session ID: Session IDs are unique codes generated by the Test
Administrator Interface. In addition to their Username and First Name,
students use the Session ID to log into computer-based FSA assessments.
Test Administrators must record the Session ID as part of their required
administration information.
Test Tickets: Test Tickets contain login information for students. Each student
must have a test ticket to log into computer-based FSA assessments. Test
tickets are generated in TIDE and contain the following fields: Username, Last
Name, First Name (password), Grade, Date of Birth, Student ID Number,
District and School.
FSA Contact Information
FSA Portal:
Toll-Free Phone:
7:30 a.m.–8:00 p.m. (ET)
Monday–Friday (except
Other Important Contacts and Resources
District I and T:
Toll-Free Phone:
Contact Information
Student Assessment and Research
Karl Yeats, Testing Specialist
Email: or
Adrienne Reynolds, Testing Specialist
Phone: 754-321-4250