Test Information Distribution Engine

Writing Field Test Webinar
November 12, 13, and 17, 2014
For Audio call: 1-800-736-7549
About the FSA Writing Field Test
• FSA Writing Field Test will consist of two writing prompts
administered over the course of two days.
• Online Testing for grades 8–11:
• December 1–19, 2014 and
• January 5–February 13, 2015
• Paper-based testing for grades 4–7:
• February 2–13, 2015
• Paper-based test materials arrive by January 30, 2015.
• Paper-based pickup dates: February 11 and February 18,
Understand how the Test Delivery System (TDS) is used for
online testing
Learn how to use the Test Information Distribution Engine
(TIDE) to complete important tasks for both paper-based
and online testing
Learn how Test Administrators will administer online tests in
the Test Administrator Interface (TA Interface)
See how to check the status of online student testing in the
Online Reporting System (ORS)
Test Delivery System Overview
TA Interface
and Student
Test Materials
Common Login System
Any FSA system can be
accessed from the FSA Portal at
The same username and
password can be used for each
of the systems
TIDE System Overview
• Manage Users
• View/Edit Student Information
• PreID or Add Students
• Print Test Tickets
• Print On-Demand PreID Labels
• Verify Contact Information
• Order/Track Test Materials
• Invalidate Tests
Accessing TIDE
• Go to the portal
• Select the appropriate role
• Click the “TIDE” icon
Accessing TIDE
 To access TIDE, you will need:
• Username and password
• High-speed internet connection
• Supported Internet browser
• JavaScript; and Disabled pop-up blockers
 District Assessment Coordinators are responsible for entering other
district- and school-level users into TIDE.
 School Assessment Coordinators (SACs) can add other SAC or Test
Administrator (TA) accounts.
 Once your account is set up, your username and password will be
used to access all FSA systems (TIDE, Test Administrator [TA]
Interface, Online Reporting System [ORS]).
TIDE User Roles
TIDE is organized by user role
and access to certain tasks and
functions are assigned to
specific roles.
A detailed list of roles and their
access to tasks are available in
the TIDE User Guide.
First Time Users
 Initial DAC accounts will be created by FDOE and AIR.
 Instructions for creating and managing user accounts are in the
TIDE User Guide.
 Newly added users will receive an automated email that
contains the following:
Their assigned user role(s)
The applications to which they have access
A secure, temporary, one-time link to activate the
 If a user has not received this email, or if the link has expired,
contact the District Assessment Coordinator.
Logging In
When prompted, the
user should enter his or
her username and
After a user has logged
in, he or she may be
prompted to choose an
depending on role.
TIDE Home Screen
Manage Users Tab
• The Manage Users tab may be used to:
 Search for existing user records
 Export a list of existing user records
 View and/or edit existing user records
 Delete an existing user record
 Add new user (individual user)
 Upload users (group of users)
Manage Users: Add User
• To add an individual user, select the Add User tab.
• Select the role that will be assigned to the user, fill in
the required fields, and click Add User.
Manage Users: Upload Users
 To add a large group of users, select the sub-tab Upload Users.
• Download an Excel or CSV template and add new user information.
• Upload the Excel or CSV file of new user records.
• Preview to confirm the file contents.
• Submit the new user information to TIDE.
Manage Users: View/Edit Users
• To view or edit users, select the sub-tab View/Edit Users.
• Use the search feature to find the user(s) you wish to view or edit.
• Select a role and school from the drop-down menus, and fill in additional
information to help narrow results.
• Click the Search button after all search criteria have been selected/entered.
Manage Users: View/Edit Users
• To view or edit a user’s record, click the View button next to the user’s
• Authorized users may edit the user’s
first name, last name, and phone
• Click Save to save changes or Go Back
To Search Results to return to results
without making changes.
Manage Users: Export a List of Users
• To export the list of users, click the ‘check all’ box at the top of the
table or select a subgroup of users by clicking the check box next to
each record you want to include in the export.
• Click Export and select the desired export format (Excel or CSV).
Manage Users: Delete a User
• To delete a user, click the check box next to the user’s record and
click the Delete button.
• A confirmation screen will appear.
Student Information Tab
• The Student Information tab may be used to:
 Upload students (group of students)
 Add new student (individual student)
 Search for students and view information
 Export a list of students
 Print test tickets for online testing
 Move a student to a different school in the district
 Print On-Demand PreID Labels
Student Information Tab: Upload Students
 To add a large group of students, select the sub-tab Upload Student File
and follow the steps:
• Download an Excel or CSV template and add new student information.
• Upload the Excel or CSV file of new student records.
• Preview the file to confirm contents.
• Submit the new student information to TIDE to receive confirmation.
Student Information Tab: Add Student
 To add a single student
record, select the sub-tab
Add Student.
• Select the correct district
and school and fill in
other required
• Save the entry.
Student Information Tab: View/Edit Students
 To view or edit student records, select the sub-tab View/Edit
• Use the search feature to find student(s) you wish to view or edit.
• Select a school and fill in other information to help narrow results.
• Click Search.
Student Information: View a Student Record
• To view a student’s record, click the View button for that record.
View Student: Student Information
• The top of the View Student
Details box contains the
demographic information for
the selected student.
• District and School
Assessment Coordinators will
also be able to edit all
student information except for
the student’s SID on this
• Student Information can be
updated before or after
Student Information: Export a List of Students
• Search for students. You may sort the results by clicking on the column header.
• You may select a subgroup of students for export by clicking the check box next
to each record you want to include in the export.
• To export the list of students, click Export and select the desired export format
(Excel or CSV).
Student Information: Moving Students
• To re-assign a student’s home
school, click the checkbox next
to the student and select Move
• A screen will appear verifying
the students information. Select
a new school for the student
and click Move Student(s).
Student Information: Printing Test Tickets
for Online Testing
• Students taking an online test
will be required to have a test
• From the student search results
page, select all students or a
subgroup of students, and click
Print Test Tickets.
• The tickets containing the
students’ username and other
demographic information will be
made available for printing.
Note: To print Test Tickets by class
code, use the additional search
criteria when searching for students
on the View/Edit Student tab.
Student Information: Printing PreID Labels
for Paper-based Testing
• PreID labels are included in the test materials shipments.
• In the case that a student’s information on the PreID label is incorrect, or a
student has changed school/district, labels can be printed on-demand in TIDE
after the student’s information is updated in TIDE.
 To Print PreID Labels,
• Click the checkbox next to
the student(s) and click
Print PreID Labels.
• A file will open with the new
PreID Labels.
• Print on the additional blank
labels provided in the paperbased materials shipment.
Contact Info Tab: Verify Contact Information
• The Verify Contact Information
tab (under the Contact Info tab) is
active for all test administrations
where there are paper materials.
• DACs should verify and update their
contact information and the district
shipping and mailing information for
the selected administration.
• Contact information may vary across
administrations. It is important to
ensure that your contact information
is verified for each test
administration for which you are
*Communications regarding Florida
assessments are sent out via email.
Please ensure that the email
addresses entered are correct.
Orders Tab (Paper Materials)
• The Orders tab may be used to:
 Order additional materials
 View order history
 View order summary
 Track shipments of paper test materials
Supplemental Information
 District Assessment Coordinators
are required to select the amount
of overage materials that districts
and schools should receive.
• Select the amount from the
drop-down menu and click
 District Assessment Coordinators
will be required to complete this
task before being able to access
the Initial Orders task.
 The sum of overage may not
exceed 15%.
Initial Orders
 The Initial Orders tab allows the
user to search for the quantity of
testing materials pre-ordered for
each district and school based on
student enrollment in TIDE for the
current test administration.
• Select a school or district and
click Get Order.
• The pre-order quantities will
appear below.
 The Initial Orders tab will be
replaced with the Additional
Orders tab once the Initial Orders
window closes.
Order History
 The Order History sub-tab allows
District and School Assessment
Coordinators to view existing
orders and their statuses.
 To view an order,
• Select the school or district
and click Summary.
• The orders associated with
the school or district will
appear below.
• Click the order number to view
the Order Details.
• Click Back to Order History
to return to the prior screen.
Order Summary
 The Order Summary sub-tab is used to
export order summary results in CSV
 To export an order:
• Select a school or district as well as
the type of order, initial and/or
additional, and click Summary.
• The orders associated with the
school or district will appear below.
o To download orders summarized
by district, click Export.
o To download orders grouped by
school, click Export Details.
• A CSV file will download to your
Track Shipments
 The Track Shipments sub-tab
allows districts to review the
status of shipments. All shipments
are sent to the district offices for
• A list of shipments associated
with the district will be listed
below with their respective
tracking numbers.
• Users will be able to click on
the tracking number to
access an external page with
the tracking information.
Invalidations Tab
 The Invalidations tab may be used by District and School
Assessment Coordinators to create and view test invalidations.
Important note:
• Each invalidation or reset must be submitted individually.
Invalidations: Create Invalidations
• Select Invalidate a Test from the drop-down menu.
• Search for student by ID Number, Username, or Session ID.
• If you selected search by Username, enter the student’s username in the field.
• Click the Search Student Results button to search for tests based on selected
• Find the student’s test you wish to invalidate and enter a reason.
• Click the Create button for the test you are invalidating.
Invalidations: View Invalidations
 Use the View Invalidations tab to review the invalidations that were created.
• Use the steps to search for an individual student or a group of students in a
particular category.
• The Status column indicates the status of each invalidation. To export data,
click the Export button just above the table.
Test Administrator Interface
for Online Testing
Test Administrator Preparation for Online Testing
To administer either an online training test or an online
operational test, you will need to:
 Install the secure browser on student workstations or
 Review that students are enrolled for the test to be
administered using TIDE.
 Set up a Test Session and provide the Session ID to
 When students log in, ensure they have a Test Ticket and
enter their Username and first name as they appear on the
test ticket.
Accessing the Test Administrator Interface
 The Test Administrator
Interface (TA Interface) is
accessed from the user pages
on the FSA Portal.
• Go to the portal at
• Select the appropriate user
• Click the Test
Administration or TA
Training Test icon
• Sign in using your
Username and Password
Test Administrator Home Page
Starting a Test
 You must start a test session
before students can log in to
• Click Writing Field Test
• Click Start Session
 The Session ID is generated
• Provide the Session ID to
Approving Students
 Before students log in:
• Approvals button is not clickable
and says “Approvals (0).”
• Preview table says “No students
awaiting approval.”
 After students log in and request
• Approvals button is clickable and
says “Approvals (#).”
• Preview table lists each student
and his or her selected test.
Approving Students to Test
 After clicking the Approvals button, the following screen appears:
• Click See Details to view student test settings.
• Click Approve to allow students to begin testing.
• Click Deny to reject a student request to take a test.
 Use the Approve All Students button to approve all students listed.
 The Refresh button updates the list of students awaiting approval.
Student Lookup Feature
 Click Student
 Use the Quick
Search or Advanced
Search tabs.
Student Login
 After opening the secure browser,
students will use the information
from their Test Ticket to login.
 Students will be shown a screen to
confirm their demographic
 Students will be asked to select a
test. The first time the student
signs in, the green arrow will be
solid. When a student is resumed
or signs in for Session 2, the green
arrow will be segmented.
 A test confirmation page will
appear, and students will then
await approval from the TA to enter
the test.
Monitoring Student Progress
 After students have logged in and the Test Administrator has
approved them to begin testing, the test session table at the
bottom of the screen will display each student currently logged in
to the session.
Ending a Test Session
Ending Session 1/Day 1 of Testing:
• After students finish responding to the first prompt and have reviewed their
answers, students will click PAUSE on the Review screen.
• After all students are finished testing or after the test session is ended, Test
Administrators will click the STOP SESSION button in the upper left corner of
the screen. An “Important!” box will appear, requesting verification to end
the session and log students out.
Ending Session 2/Day 2 of Testing:
*Note on Session 2/Day 2 TAs will create a new test session, and approve
students to test. Students should select to resume the test with the green
segmented arrow.
• After students finish responding to the second prompt, students will click
END TEST. They will review their response and then click Submit Test.
• After all students are finished testing or after the test session is ended, Test
Administrators will click the STOP SESSION button.
Timing Out
 As a security measure, Test Administrators are automatically
logged out after 90 minutes of user inactivity and student
inactivity in a test session. This will result in closure of the test
• The Test Administrator should set up the session no earlier
than 90 minutes before students begin to test.
• Test Administrators will not be logged out as long as
students are actively testing.
Paper-based Testing
 Paper-based testing materials will be shipped to districts for distribution.
All shipments will be organized by school and will contain planning
sheets for both paper-based and online testing, and test booklets for
paper-based testing.
 Paper-based testing procedures are outlined in the Writing Field Test
manual which will be available in November and will be posted to the
FSA Portal.
 Labels will be provided to the District Assessment Coordinator for return
shipments of test booklets and other non-scorable testing materials.
Online Reporting System
Test Management Center
 Used to manage online testing through:
• Participation Reports
• Test Completion Rates
Participation Report
 Follow steps to create a Participation Report.
Using Participation Report
Common examples of Participation Report cases:
• Which students have not yet tested?
• Which students have started but not yet completed their test?
• Which students have paused tests?
• Did every student in a test session complete their test?
Participation Report Results
 Example of a Participation Report. These reports can be used to keep track of Test
Test Completion Rates
 The Test Completion Rates screen offers a high-level
view of how many students have started and completed
Other Resources to Help with the FSA Writing Field
Test Administration
TIDE User Guide
Writing Field Test Administration Manual
Test Administrator User Guide
Writing Field Test Quick Guide
Contact Us
FSA Portal:
Toll-Free Phone:
7:30 a.m.–8:00 p.m. (ET)
Monday–Friday (except