SAP Business One for Small Businesses

Long Business Systems, Inc. (LBSi)
Management Software Solutions
We help businesses manage for success
Cleveland – Columbus – Cincinnati - Pittsburgh
Cash Flow Reporting
Why is it important?
Authorizations & setup
Elements of Cash Flow Report
Recurring Postings & Cash Flow Report
Cash Flow Reports
Why Cash Flow Planning?
Simple Goal: have enough cash on hand when needed
Implement good cash flow techniques to ensure you can always meet
your obligations
Start by using the SAP Business One Cash Flow reporting tool
 Keep
 Add
it simple to start with
more functionality as you go
Know your current financial ratios and how they impact cash flow
 Define
where they are now and monitor
Know your liquidity ratios
Cash Flow planning is linked to Liquidity
Liquid assets, i.e. cash are needed for day to day operations
Liquidity ratios measure company’s ability to meet its obligations
Quick Ratio: $$ of liquid assets available to cover $$ of current assets
Quick Ratio = Cash + Accounts Receivable
Total Current Assets
Current Ratio: Measures ability to meet short term debts
Current Ratio = Total Current Assets
Total Current Liabilities
Authorizations: Set-up
 Review
user authorizations
Go to: Administration > Initial Settings > Authorizations> General Authorizations
Authorizations: Reporting
 Review
user authorizations
Go to: Administration > Initial Settings > Authorizations> General Authorizations
Set-up: General Settings
 Define
settings for assigning cash flow items to transactions
Go to: Administration > System Initialization > General Settings
Elements of Cash Flow Report
Cash Flow Relevant Accounts
Only “active” accounts at the asset level can be Cash Flow Relevant
Use “Category” to classify G/L accounts
Set-up: Cash Flow Line Items
Define cash flow line items assigned to transactions
classifications for Statement of Cash Flow Report
Go to: Administration> Setup > Financials > Cash Flow Line Items .
Recurring Postings & Cash Flow
 Create
recurring postings to capture budgeted expenses
payroll, rents, lease payments
Assigning Cash Flow
Assign cash flow items in Payment Means, Deposit
or Payment Wizard windows.
Cash Flow Reference Report
Use this report to review cash flow transactions
Drill down and modify and/or assign transactions as needed
Go to: Financials > Financial Reports > Financial > Cash Flow Reference Report
Statement of Cash Flow Report
Review classifications, compare & adjust cash flow items
Cash Flow Report
View cash relevant transactions by Security Level and Due Date
Include Recurring Postings or Journal Vouchers
Add any projected future cash transactions, i.e. asset purchases, etc..
The smaller the Date selection, the more relevant the data
Cash Flow Report
Reports by “Security Level”
Shows running projected cash flow balance
Thank you for taking time to participate in the SAP
Business One User Group Meeting.
Please take a few minutes to respond to our survey
and provide us with feedback and suggestions going
We are always looking for new clients to work with. And we would like
to find more clients and partners like you – companies that are
engaged, smart, and focused on their future.
Can you help us out by referring LBSi to someone who could benefit
from our services?
Next Meetings:
Tuesday, Mar. 13, 2012
o What’s
Tuesday, Apr. 10, 2012
– Give us your ideas
Long Business Systems, Inc. (LBSi)
Cleveland – Columbus – Cincinnati –Pittsburgh
Contact Information:
Vicki Smith
Senior Consultant
Phone: 440-846-8500 ext 22