Snack Bar KS2 Sample PowerPoint Slides

Junk Food Science
Snack Bar KS2 Lesson
Sample Slides
Lesson Objective
I am learning to recognise what we need in
a healthy diet.
What do you think the British Institute of
Eating Control (BIEC) does?
Scientific Advisory Committee
You have an important role as members
of a Scientific Advisory Committee. You
are going to advise the BIEC whether they
should allow a new food bar to be
Collect your SAC badge and go
to your SAC table
Food Information – What is your
• Look at the information in the table about
the different snacks
• Use the information to answer the
Fruit Munchy Square
• A company wants to sell a new snack bar
• In your SAC you have to decide whether
they should be allowed to sell it
Fact or Opinion
• What is a ‘fact’?
• What is an ‘opinion’?
Snack Bar Video
• Watch the video and write down important
points you hear
• Think about what each person says
• Which things are ‘fact’?
• Which things are ‘opinion’?
SAC Task 1
• In your SAC write down all the points each
member of your group has recorded on
the large sheet of paper
• Highlight all the ‘facts’ in blue
• Highlight all the ‘opinions’ in yellow
SAC Task 2
• Look at the ‘Fruit Munchy Square’
• Compare it with the information about the
other snacks and the Recommended Daily
Ban, License or Endorse
• Using the information about the Fruit
Munchy Square and the facts from the
video you have to decide whether to
• ban (no way)
• license (allow it to be sold)
• endorse (everyone should have it
because it’s really good for you).
• Your decisions should be based on facts
• You must be able to give reasons for your
• One person will speak for your group
Decision Time!
• What has your SAC decided?
• Should the Fruit Munchy Square be
• Banned
• Licensed
• Endorsed?
Advise to the food company
• What advice could you give the food
company to improve their snack bar?
• Think about the importance of a healthy,
balanced snack (e.g. use more fruit or less
• Think of ideas in pairs