October 31, 2012

Student Activities Council Meeting Minutes
October 31, 2012
Call to Order
Roll Call
Present: Blake Barlow, Elizabeth Bousson, Samantha Easterling, Becky Griesmer, Allie Haar, Tiffany
Hudson, Dannie Jackson, Rob Kelly, Ian Kerley, Kelsey Kirkegaard, Kelly Kleier, Brian Murphy, Collin
Neri, Megan O’Donnell, Michael Ryan, Jacquelyn Reineke, Colleen Reynolds, Kat Rivers, Kate Sabetta,
Tyler Sauerbeck, Katie Schad, LeeAnn Scherbauer, Luke Schafer, Lauren Ulmer, Kaitlin Whelan,
Excused: Allie, Brian, Katie Keller, Morgan Zuziak, Kevin Tighe, Becca Longville, Keenan Collins
Given by Katie Schad
Approval of minutes
10/24/12 minutes were approved without change
Public Forum
Sarah Ciabotti
Dodge ball tournament for AB fundraiser
Shelby Alig
Senator, here for constitutional review
Review of the Budget
Crystal Guffey
Opinion Entries
Colleen Reynolds
Hi SAC. Due to the outcome of the Senate meeting on Monday, the Constitutional Review Committee
will be striking our motion from the table today and approaching things a little differently moving
forward. From now on, during our meetings members of the committee will be calling open-exec
sessions so we won’t be voting on the constitution piece by piece. We will instead be taking straw polls
to make changes and then vote on the entire constitution as a whole hopefully by the end of the
semester. As a committee we ask you to do your best to attend our Sunday forums so we can keep
these weekly exec sessions quick and efficient. Senate has also requested to receive the entire
document so we will be sending that to you as soon as we finalize everything. If you have any
questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask any of the committee members. Thanks for being
patient with us as we move forward.
Kelly Kleier
Leaving early
Rob Kelley
Leaving early
Becca Longville
Leaving early
FAC Proposals
Student Activities Council Meeting Minutes
October 31, 2012
Suspend Chapter 9
Facing issue together
Friendly amendment to lower promo to $42? accepted
Is this just for women? geared to women, anyone can come
Why is this late? I thought I had more time
I went to the one at UC and this was a really great event
Open Executive Session
Constitution Motion withdrawn
Committee Reports
Late Night Programming
Late Night is going well. As you can all see, we are exhausted by all the hard work we are doing (Just
Kidding!). Thank you to everyone who helped out at the Late Night Snack Cupcakes on Thursday! We
are working on O’Charley’s for November and we are still open to any ideas that you have for the
December snack. The trip to the movies event is coming together very nicely. There is a lot of
excitement that we are hearing from the students which is great. We will be selling tickets on Monday
the 12th at 5pm. The Dark Knight Rises will be here the last weekend in November and those should
be packed. We have been really lucky for the movies available to us this semester. Hopefully next
semester will be just as good to us. We will start working on next semester in the coming weeks.
Have a safe and fun Halloween!
Rockband with Late Night Snack: we are still working on getting Rockband - if any of you know
anyone please let me (aka Collin) know at the end of my report.
Glo Hard: Keenan went through a walk through with Cintas and Thunderbolt productions that went
great! We are now working on getting quotes ad solidifying contracts. More updates to come soon.
Open Mic Night: Kate, Sam, and now Luke have been hard at work this week on our Open Mic Night
event. It looks like our event is going to be in the Hoff, in the area that has a coffeehouse feel towards
the back of the Hoff. Dining Services is really excited to host this event with us! They even said they
can create a special coffee station and potentially get some coffee mugs to pass out at the events. We
should be coming to you early with this proposal next week.
Major Concert: We are working on the major concert - we have gone through a few options and are
currently deciding what our next path to take is. II apologize that I can't tell y'all too much it's just
that we have to keep it under wraps for right now! Good news though is Keenan and I are going to get
the opportunity to meet with our agent Ari, who will be at NACA. We are excited to make a more
personal connection with Ari and talk to him in person to get some helpful tips in planning and
promoting our major concert.
If you have any questions that you want to ask me (Morgan) feel free to e-mail or text me - ill have
my phone on me all week/weekend.
Student Activities Council Meeting Minutes
October 31, 2012
Campus Traditions
Hi SAC! Big thanks to everyone for all of your help, support and attendance at Frank Warren on
Monday. We couldn’t be happier with this event and it would not have gone as smoothly without the
help of all of our volunteers. Mr. Muskie applications have been extended through this Friday so please
spread the word. We will also take any suggestions you may have for MCs. Traditions has been
receiving great feedback from multiple clubs and organizations about our new Winter Traditions event,
so expect more details and maybe even a proposal by next week. Thanks and Happy Halloween!
Why members of SAC can't be part of Mr. Muskie? Because SAC members can't receive prizes per
rules of order. Would hate to get negative feedback from students, don't want unfair advantage.
Who is hosting? Amanda Martis and have opening, any suggestions?
Life & Culture
Tiffany did a fantastic job with Blue Man Group over the weekend! And we should have some nice
pictures that came out in the Newswire today?
Thank you for passing the “College Issues” proposal. Katie has reserved the rooms and solidified the
speakers for the event, so now she will work on ordering promo and food.
Thank you promo committee for the Cyclones game promo, it looks great! Kelsey and the committee
will be hanging it as soon as it gets in. She has called She will call Peterman to reserve buses, reserve
a table in GSC for ticketing, and she has submitted a fundraising form! The ticket sale is Nov. 12th
from 3-5!
Financial Affairs Committee
On Monday we met with Dance Marathon and Honors Council. We approved both groups requests. If
you want more information, feel free to ask Blake, Kelsey or Becky in today's meeting or email me at
Next week we will finish our constitution. Thank you all for your efforts and patience. We want to
make sure Fac is doing everything it can and should, and have that reflected in our constitution.
Finally, Ian Kelrley is single. And ready to mingle. Unfortunately, due to my absence this weekend, he
is also wingmanless. Someone please step up and help the handsome brotha out. I personally
nominate Blake Barlow, but it is ultimately up to Ian who he wants as his interim wingman.
If you want some updates on NACA, feel free to follow me on twitter @tighekevin.
Report of the SAC Chair
LeeAnn Scherbauer
Hey SAC! Greetings from Gra
Thank you so much everyone who came to SGA Bonding on Saturday. I had so much fun going
through the corn maze and on the hayride. I love my baby pumpkin too.
I have a few updates for you.
First, you will be receiving evaluations on Monday, November 5, 2012. The evaluations are due on
Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at 5pm, or whenever the meeting is over. Please, turn them in on
time, but do not fill them out during the meeting on that Wednesday. Please, turn my evaluation into
Dustin and not in my mailbox. Please, put your name on your evaluation so I know you turned it in.
Tiffany & Whitney and Margaret & Katie, when I return please talk to me about scheduling a mentor
program discussion.
Proposals due to me on Sunday are Late Night Movie, Festival of Lights, and Open Mic Night.
Student Activities Council Meeting Minutes
October 31, 2012
Thank you Blake and Elizabeth for bringing Snacks for SAC; Keenan has snack next week.
Lastly, I have something for you as well.
Please take an updated SAC Roster. Lauren, Luke, and Michael, you are already have one in your
binder. Your binder is in your mailbox if you have not seen it already.
Have a great week and see you when I get back!
Report of the SGA Executives
Matt Morefield
Short term bikes - three bikes being repaired at Fast Wheels, if anyone would like to sign a waiver I
have some with me
We are currently re-evaluating the shuttle program - please email us with feedback
Rollover proposal for $14,500.00 for Senior Board. The money was spent during Senior Week 2011.
We’re all pissed about this. The Controller just found this error last week. We are working to fix the
situation but at this time it appears we will be having to offset it.
Parking meeting last week. Discussed increasing promotions of where TO park not just where NOT to
park. They seemed very open to the discussion and we think we made some significant progress on
the topic. Meeting was with John Beres (Parking), Brian Hicks (Athletics), and Mike Dunn (Cintas).
Remedies? There are new advisors
Is this in addition to the $9,000? Yes
What does Senior Board spend money on? Boat Dance, Aquarium, senior bonding events, etc.
Parking, concern I've heard, commuter students have classes during those times? They adjusted to
make the clearing time happening in-between class times. Students can park in C6 until tip-off. Trying
to make sure lots for students are shown on the "no parking" signs.
Will this be evaluated during budget process so that they get the money if they need it? Yes.
Straw Poll: rollover goes to Senior Board – majority yes
Report of Advisor
Dustin Lewis
Report of the SGA Resource Assistant
Crystal Guffey
Blast from the Past
Movie on the yard
40-70 people. A few SAC people came up to me and said they wished we were showing Hocus-Pocus
disappointed me because we voted on this movie.
Did you know that even though attendance was low, the event was great and we reached a different
I was at the last showing of Hocus-Pocus; the attendance was about the same.
Did you know that 2 years ago, attendance of SAC events were much lower than now?
Blue Man Group
Did you know I was at event, great event.
Post Secret
Success, next time might change allowing community member attendance was about 650. Tickets
went really smoothly. Frank was nice, stayed to sign everyone’s book.
Why did you say not to invite community members? At the end people came up to share secrets,
because we had outside people, not many students got to come up to the microphone to speak.
Student Activities Council Meeting Minutes
October 31, 2012
Received some negative feedback from people who wanted to fly here to attend, mad that they
couldn't buy tickets in advance.
Late Night Snack
Think that problem with sharing promo, snack was really small.
Had 350 cupcakes and gave them all away, but we had to push them out, realized we had a boring
flavor, would have been more attractive if we had fun/different flavors.
Here and Now
Closing Sentiments
Cynthia Bear was given to Tiffany, Secret that no one in this room knows?
Adjourned: (4:30PM)