Charlie looked up and he saw Augustus Gloop drinking chocolate

Today we are going
to learn about words
which end with ‘le’
‘I smuggled them over in large packaging cases
with holes in them, and they got here safely. They
are wonderful workers’.
‘What a terrible country it is! Nothing but thick
jungles infested by the most dangerous beasts in the
‘When I went out there I found the little
Oompa-Loompas living in trees.’
Today we are going to
make our sentences more
We’ll let our friend Charlie
It is very poor style to repeat the same kind of
sentence-beginning over and over again, it makes
for boring reading. In a lot of writing, too many
sentences begin with:
He, She, They or It
A time word such as Next, Then, Soon, Afterwards,
Suddenly or When.
Why not start some of your sentences with the
action word (verb). It will make your sentences a lot
“Charlie looked up and he saw Augustus Gloop
drinking chocolate from the edge of the river”
Look at the changes made to the sentence.
“Looking up, Charlie saw Augustus Gloop
drinking chocolate from the edge of the river.”
The second sentence is much
smoother because Charlie is
mentioned only once instead of twice
and we get rid of the ‘and’.
Lets look at another example:
“Willy Wonka patted the Oompa Loompa on
the head and he gave him a cacao bean.”
This sentence is too confusing! Too many ‘he's
and ‘hims’. How could we make it clearer?
That’s right!
“Patting the Oompa Loompa on the
head, Willy Wonka gave him a cacao
Improve these sentences so that the subject is only
mentioned once.
1: I looked through the window and I saw the big black limousine
gliding down the drive.
2: Quickly Sue swung back on to the ledge and she grabbed the rope
just in time.
3: The boy made a loud splash when he jumped into the swimming
4: I got up the next morning and I dressed for school, as usual.
5: Charlotte was changed first and she dashed out into the frosty air.
6: The adventurers looked at the map and they decided to continue to
travel eastwards.
7: Dominic was looking through some magazines when he saw the
article on how to make dynamite.
8: The water crashed in through the window and swirled around the
room before it burst out through the door.
Today we are
going to continue
getting rid of any
unwanted words.
Here is an example of repetitive and boring sentence beginnings.
I went to the cinema last night to see “Lord of the
Rings’. I paid my money, went in and found a seat
at the front of the balcony. The adverts came on
first . I thought these were boring so I went to get
an ice-cream. I was making my way back down
the steps to my seat when I fell and the ice-cream
flew over the edge of the balcony. I dared not look
to see the commotion below so I quickly slid down
into my seat.
Re-write this passage to create a variety of
sentence-beginnings altering the word
order in some sentences, using the verb to
start others and by missing out
unnecessary words.
Extension: Finish the paragraph describing
what happened next.
This is what Charlie would write:
Last night I went to the cinema to see ‘Lord of the
Rings’. Having paid my money, I went in and found
a seat at the front of the balcony. The adverts came
on first. Thinking these were boring, I went to get an
ice-cream. On my way back down the steps to my
seat, I fell and the ice-cream flew over the edge of the
balcony. I dared not to look to see where it went.
Hearing a commotion below, I quickly slid down
into my seat.
Today we are going
to write a description
using a variety of
interesting sentences.
Describe the Oompa-Loompas. Only one
sentence can begin with ‘His’ or “Her’, only
one with ‘The’ and only one with ‘He’ or
‘She’. You must write at least six sentences.