Письмо (С 1,С 2) Основные проверяемые умения: дать развернутое сообщение запросить информацию высказать мнение, аргументы, доказательства, примеры сделать вывод. Письмо (min.90-154 max.) Организация текста (3 ) Содержание (3) 6 баллов Обращение, Благодарность за письмо, извинение, что долго не писал, ссылка на предыдущий контакт. Основная часть: Ответ на вопросы письма –стимула Вопросы другу по переписке в соответствии с заданием Причина, по которой заканчиваете письмо, приветы, дальнейшие контакты Завершающая фраза Подпись (4 основных абзаца) Адрес Дата Эссе (min.180-275 max.) Содержание (3) Организация текста (3) Лексика (3) Грамматика (3) Орфография и пунктуация (2) 14 баллов (C2) Use the following plan Make an introduction (state the problemперефраз!) Express your personal opinion and give reasons for it Give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it Draw a conclusion (4 основных абзаца) В помощь ученику Dear Ann, Sorry for not writing for a long time, I must apologize for not writing for a long time. Sorry my mum is calling me, I have to finish my letter. Write back soon, much love, keep in touch, best wishes, lots of love, look forward to seeing you soon (to hearing from you soon). Для письма и эссе (средства логической связи) For instance, for example, on the one hand, on the other hand, firstly, secondly, thirdly, to sum up, to my mind, in my opinion, I think, I believe, I consider, in addition, to begin with, finally, as a result, in fact, in spite of, the issue is far from solving, many people think that, as critics point out, however, though, besides, moreover, nevertheless, in conclusion , one can come to the conclusion. Темы для писем You know, my sister would like to be a school teacher. She likes children but I wonder whether it’s enough to make a good teacher. What qualities in your opinion are necessary for any teacher? And what qualities are connected with a particular subject he or she teaches? Would you like to try teaching? Why or why not? By the way, yesterday we bought a new TV set with a large screen for our living room… In Great Britain young people want to become independent from their parents as soon as possible. Could you tell me what you and your friends think about not relying on your parents? Are you ready to live your family immediately after you finish school? Is it easy to rent a house or an apartment for students in Russia? As for the latest news, I have just returned from a trip to Scotland… Результаты ЕГЭ Аудирование 2009 (% набравших 2010 (% набравших В1 58,32 34,30 А1-7 А 8-14 60,08 50,62 60,31 39,40 максимум за задание) максимум за задание) Чтение 2009 В2 65,34 37,87 В3 А 15-21 35,08 72,33 24,99 42,13 Средний балл % 2010 Средний балл % Лексика,грам-ка 2009 средний балл % 2010 средний балл % В 4-10 В 11-16 А 22-28 50,6 57,4 58,22 55,15 62,54 37,22 Письмо 2009 2010 С1 44,7 46,12 С2 31,4 34,69