Mental Skills for Triathlon


Iowa HEAT Workshop

Cathryn Lucas-Carr

About Me!

 PhD student in Health & Sports Studies

 Working toward AASP certification as a Sport

Psychology Consultant

 Runner & triathlete!!!

Why Mental Skills for Triathlon?

 Triathlon – 3 sports (or 4 if you count the transitions!!!) in one

 Do you have a discipline that you’d say is your weakness?

 You might find that mental skills will help!

 Lots of time out on the course stuck inside our own heads!!

“Maintain your strengths, train your weaknesses”

Mental Skills for Physical Activity &


 Focus & Concentration

 Negative Thought Stoppage & Positive Self-


 Overcoming Mistakes or Setbacks

 Relaxation, Visualization & Imagery

 Controlling Emotions & Anxiety

 Goal Setting

Training Strategies

Race Strategies

Focus & Concentration

Internal, Narrow External, Narrow

(Rehearse) (Act/React)

Internal, Wide External, Wide

(Analyze) (Assess)

Focus & Concentration

• Workshop Practice

– 99s

– Walkabout

 Which were you able to better concentrate during?

 During periods with “no distractions,” did you find your mind wandering?

 What did you think about?

Focus & Concentration

Practice at Home

– Counting breaths w/ and w/o distractions

– Word searches w/ and w/o distractions

Practice while training

– Think about a specific topic for 30 seconds without interruption (build from there!)

– Bring your focus to various parts of your body, and complete “status checks”

– Play “I spy” games while training

What happens when the workouts are just really tough???

 Internal Thoughts

Focus specifically on how your body is feeling or technique

Control breathing, count strides, strokes, RPMs

 External Thoughts

 Turn your attention away from screaming lungs/muscles

Have a “go to” thinking subject

Play internal decorator to the houses you pass

 Other Strategies

 Break the workout/race into do-able sections

 Mantras


 Short, self-affirming phrases to help you stay focused and/or get you through the tough spots

 Keep it Short & Simple

 One sentence or less

 Keep it Positive

 Moving toward a goal or challenge

 Keep it Energized

 Use action verbs or adjectives

 Provide Instructions for yourself

 Get up this hill!

Negative Thought Stoppage &

Positive Self-Talk

 Self-talk is a way we internalize our environment, thoughts, and behaviors.

 Our self-talk often reflects our mood, and can often spiral out of control. This is called negative self-talk.

 With negative self-talk, many athletes talk themselves out of a good performance.

 We can develop positive self-talk

Negative Self-Talk

 How can we stop negative self talk?

 We can learn to recognize our triggers and intercept negative self-talk before it begins!

 We can create positive affirmations to reinforce our confidence!

 We can replace our negative thoughts with positive ones!

 Learning positive self-talk can keep us relaxed in a variety of situations!

Negative Thought Stoppage

 Specific strategies for reversing negative self-talk

 Recognizing when we are starting have negative thoughts

 Thought stoppage w/ physical or verbal cue

 Replacing a negative thought with a positive affirmation

 Performance reviews and achievement reminders

Visualization & Imagery

 What is Imagery?

 Seeing yourself performing & rehearsing a skill

 Imagining yourself competing in a specific situation

 Not just seeing: Incorporate sounds, smells, tastes, & feelings

 Reproduction of ALL sensory information that produces a skill

How do you do visualization?

 Maintain a positive approach. Picture yourself completing the skills well, the perfect pass or shot.

 Image in ‘real time’. Imagine yourself completing the skill at the speed you would normally complete it.

Timing is a critical part of sport, and getting your body prepared for ‘real time’ situations will help you when those situations arise.

 Feel the movements. Focus on how all the muscles involved feel during that skill, how your equipment feels. You should really feel as if you are in the situation.


 Transition Visualization

 1 st : visualize the set-up of your transition

 2 nd : visualize yourself going through the transition, from the swim exit, to your transition space, and out the bike start.

 Visualizing a problem or setback can help you stay calm and deal with it when it happens

 Taking care of a flat tire

 Your reaction to “dead legs” on the run


 Staying relaxed is a good way to ensure a good performance.

 As with the other mental skills we must PRACTICE relaxation

 Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a good way to learn how to feel when your muscles are relaxed

 Then you can do “targeted spot checks”

Thank You!!!!
