SELF AWARENESS The process of change can be daunting. Even though a person may want to make changes they may feel at a loss at how to do so. Having some self awareness can be a basis for the changes we would like to make. In twelve step fellowships, the framework for self awareness is called taking a moral inventory. This process identifies ‘character defects’ and ‘assets’, it looks at how individuals can alter their attitudes and start to act differently. Other therapeutic processes work on a similar basis. However you do it, unless we know what’s not working we won’t be able to identify what might work and how to get there. Our self-talk can help keep us stuck, but positive self-talk or affirmations can help reframe our beliefs, help us look at our goals and change how we feel about a situation. For every liability there is a strength. We have access to both, but sometimes directing our attention to the positive can take practice. AFFIRMATIONS: INDICATE ACHIEVEMENT ARE ACTION WORDS ARE ACCURATE ARE POSITIVE ARE BALANCED ARE PERSONAL ARE PRESENT TENSE HAVE POSITIVE EMOTION DON’T COMPARE YOU WITH OTHERS ARE REALISITIC It’s a good idea to start this practice by swapping negative for positive statements such as: I get upset over little things. / I remain calm and relaxed. No one likes to hang out with me/ I am a good person to be around. I’ll never be any good/ I do good things every day and am moving closer to my goals. What is your self-talk like? Using the above as a guide, share with your peers what statements about yourself could you change? PEER SUPPORT CAPACITY BUILDING PROJECT © Self Help Addiction Resource Centre 2015