BANGALORE UNIVERSITY Dr. N Prabhu Dev Vice-Chancellor PROBLEMS FACED BY THE UNIVERSITY FROM THE COLLEGES PROBLEMS FACED BY THE COLLEGES FROM THE UNIVERSITY. 1. Admission Approval: 1. The University will not Some Colleges will not clear the admission submit their list of approval list because candidates for admission of various reasons in time to the University such as documents for approval and to verification, eligibility process of admission will criteria, etc. go till the commencement of examination. 2. Some Colleges submit the examination candidates list without verifying the spelling of the candidates taking examination and other required information. 2. University will issue marks cards, degree certificates , etc., as per the examination candidates list and other information submitted by the college/students . After the issue of marks card/degree certificate candidates find difficulty for correction of their name, father’s name in the marks cards/degree certificates, etc. 3.Some colleges will not submit 3.The University the Internal Assessment/ declare the results practical marks well in time, in of the candidates by case they submit the list, it will marking as ‘Not not tally with the subjects Processed’ without appeared by the candidate for giving reason. the examination. Some Colleges/candidates colleges will not submit are not aware of the practical marks list in the order reason for not of their subjects and will not processed of the mention semester/ subject/ result. maximum marks/minimum marks, etc., required by the computer section. 4. Some colleges allow the 4. The University will candidate to write the not declare such examination whose results because the admissions are not register numbers of approved by the such candidates are University, in turn the not updated in the colleges will allot their computer section. own register number. 5. Some colleges are allowing candidates to write examination who are not eligible as per Regulation. 5. Colleges will not approach the University for clearing of the result of such candidate whose result is under ‘Not processed’ or not declared. Colleges will approach the University after few months/years for declaring of the result of such candidate whose I.A. marks/ practical marks and admission approval. 6. Some colleges will submit 6. The University will the I.A./Practical marks after not declare the result the conclusion of the of such candidates. examination and announcement of results. 7. If the results are not 7. The University ask declared , the colleges will the student to move not approach the University from college to the in time. They will come only University and from when the student approach University to college the college and the and from section to concerned colleges will direct section. the students to approach the University directly. 8. Colleges are not providing accommodation for valuation work. 8. The University is not lifting the valued answer scripts from the colleges after the valuation work. MEASURES TO BE TAKEN ON TOP PRIORITY BY THE UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGES: 1. University has issued letter to all the colleges with a request to send the list of such whose results is not declared. ANNUAL/SEMESTERWISE COURSEWISE (U.G./P.G.) SUBJECTWISE With clear reason why the result is not declared. 2. Colleges have to provide necessary documents regarding: a. Admission approval (if any) b. I.A.Marks not entered. c. Practical marks not entered. d. Theory marks not entered With documents for having attended the examination within 15 days from the receipt of this letter to the Registrar (Evaluation) only in person. REFORMS 1. Colleges have to provide the required number of teachers as and when required by the University. The absence of such teachers will be considered as OOD. 2. The Colleges have to provide accommodation as and when required by the University, in turn the University will provide contingency amount for cleaning of the rooms/toilets, etc. building, cleaning of bath 3. Soon after the completion of the valuation at valuation centre the University will lift the valued answer scripts from the valuation centre and vacate the rooms of the colleges without causing any inconvenience to the college in the University campus and hired premises. 4. The University will provide coffee/tea and refreshment to the valuers at the valuation centre. 5. The remuneration and other allowances will be paid on the last working day (spot payment). 6. The University has introduced OMR sheet, for the B.Ed. and LL.B. Examination, to enter the marks secured by the candidate. 7. By introducing OMR sheet data entry of marks, verification of marks will be avoided, result can be declared within short period. 8. By introducing OMR sheet, result will be announced in any format. 9. Marks card can be printed soon after the completion of result/revaluation result. 10. By the use of OMR sheet, even revaluation result will be declared in a short span of time. 11. By the use of OMR sheet we can print marks card, degree certificate with photo and signature of the candidate. 12. With the help of OMR sheet we can confirm the number of candidates appeared in each course and in each subject. 13. Even by the use of OMR sheet for admission we can be avoided data entry or any other correction in candidate name, father’s name, date of birth, etc. 14. The University is planning to introduce answer scripts cum question paper in order to avoid empty answers or short answers and adding additional sheets, etc. 15. Law examination and B.Ed. examination centres have used OMR sheet smoothly and successfully and this may be continued for U.G. and other examination.