Game Design (PowerPoint)

Game Design
Why study game design in CS?
• It's fun and interesting.
• Might be in a one-person company or
• Be able to speak the same language as the
• Be able to evaluate, contribute, advise
• Research
• Where else?
Recommended book
Fundamentals of Game Design
by Ernest Adams and Andrew Rollings
published by Prentice Hall
Some of the materials in these slides come
from this book.
What is a game?
What's the difference between . . . ?
• Toys
• Puzzles
• Games
What is a game?
What's the difference between . . . ?
• Toys
Just play, no rules or goal
• Puzzles
A goal, but usually no rules (e.g. Rubik’s
• Games
Play, goal, rules
Participatory form of entertainment
• Compare to books, theater, film, which are
not interactive.
Pretending – the Magic Circle
• Important even in a physical game like
soccer. Why?
• The magic circle comes into existence when
players join the game and agree to abide by
the rules.
• Also called the object of the game
• Might or not be achievable
– Examples of games with unachievable goals?
• Defined by the rules, is arbitrary
• Must be nontrivial and present a challenge
• Victory conditions
– Game does not always end when victory
conditions are achieved
– Can specify loss conditions also (or instead)
Definitions and instructions that players
agree to accept
Semiotics--meaning and relationships
between symbols
Gameplay--challenges and actions
Sequence of play
Metarules--exceptions or changes to rules
I Have No Words & I Must Design
by Greg Costikyan
The following slides summarize sections
from Greg Costikyan's 1994 paper. You can
find a link to it on the class Notes page.
(Click on the Game Design link.)
We will look at the 2002 version of the paper
later in the term.
Think about these concepts in terms of
games you like or dislike.
So, what is a game?
Decision making
Managing resources
Game tokens
Decision making
Costikyan: "The thing that makes a game a
game is the need to make decisions."
• Tradeoffs
Costikyan: "If you have no goal, your
decisions are meaningless."
Costikyan: "A game without struggle is a
game that's dead."
How can you get the right level of
Managing resources
Costikyan: "If the game has more than one
'resource,' decisions suddenly become more
• Tradeoffs
– Decision increases one resource but decreases
– Both resources are important in the game.
Game tokens
• Anything the player directly manipulates:
cards, pieces, character, etc.
Costikyan: "To give a player a sense that he
controls his destiny, that he is playing a
game, you need game tokens."
Costikyan: "The interface must provide the
player with relevant information. And he
must have enough information to be able to
make a sensible decision."
AI--It doesn't matter how smart your AI is if
the player doesn't know what the AI is
How do you give information to the player?
Giving information
Writing: Show, don't tell.
Game design: Do, don't show.
Clues--partial information
Other things that strengthen games
Variety of encounter
Position identification
Narrative tension
Costikyan: "Whenever multiple players are
involved, games are strengthened if they
permit, and encourage, diplomacy."
• Non-exclusive goals
• Directly opposed goals--backstabbing in
• Olympia vs. Atlantis
Computer games are almost inherently
solitaire, and to the degree they permit
diplomacy with NPC computer opponents,
they generally don't make it interesting.
Network games are, or ought to be,
inherently diplomatic; and as network
games become more prevalent, we can
expect most developers from the computer
design community to miss this point
Costikyan: "Color counts for a lot."
Axis and Allies
Costikyan: "Simulating something almost
always is more complicated than simply
exploiting a theme for color. And it is not,
therefore, for every game. But when the
technique is used, it can be quite powerful."
Playing simulations of the Battle of
Waterloo versus reading books about it.
Variety of encounter
Costikyan: "If a game has inadequate
variety, it rapidly palls. That's why no one
plays graphic adventures more than once;
there's enough for a single game, but it's the
same thing all over again the next time you
Random elements
Story director
Position identification
Costikyan: "To the degree you encourage
players to care about 'the side,' to identify
with their position in the game, you increase
the game's emotional impact."
Point of view: Identifying with Rommel vs.
Rommel's staff
Costikyan: "Roleplaying is a powerful
technique for a whole slew of reasons."
– Position identification
– Color
– Socialization
Costikyan on HeroQuest: "There is no
mechanism for players to ham it up, to
characterize themselves by their actions, to
roleplay in any meaningful sense."
What if the players don't want to
Everquest and other MMORPGs
Costikyan: "Historically, games have mainly
been used as a way to socialize.”
Realism (involved combat tables) vs.
roleplaying and socializing
Costikyan in 1994: “One oddity of the
present is that the most successful games
are all solitary in nature…
“I have to believe that the solitary nature of
most computer games is a temporary
aberration, a consequence of the technology,
and that as networks spread and their
bandwidth increases, the historical norm
will reassert itself.”
Is that what happened?
Narrative tension
"Tension makes for fun games.”
“One of the most common game failures is
• The stadium still empties whether it's the home
team that's winning a blow-out, or the visiting
• Canasta
Save the toughest obstacles for last.
Story director
Narrative tension
Adams and Rollings distinguish between dramatic
(narrative) tension and gameplay tension.
Tension (conflict): “the sense that something
important is at stake coupled with a desire to know
what happens next”
Gameplay tension: “comes from the player’s desire
to overcome a challenge and uncertainty about
whether he will succeed or fail”
Possibility of failure
Time pressure
Summary of Costikyan paper
• What do you think are his most important
• What points that he discusses had you not
considered before?
• Given that these points are important, how
can you use them in game design (as
opposed to game criticism or review)?
Making games fun
Adams & Rollings
50% Avoiding errors--bad programming, bad
music and sound, bad art, bad user-interfaces, bad
game design. "Basic competence will get you up to
35% Tuning and polishing--attention to detail
10% Imaginative variations--level design
4% True design innovation--the game's original
idea and subsequent creative decisions
1% An unpredictable, unananalyzable, unnamable
quality--"luck, magic, or stardust"
Do you believe them?
Making games fun
Adams & Rollings
• 50% Avoiding errors
• 35% Tuning and
• 10% Imaginative
• 4% True design
• 1% Luck, magic, or
• A well-tuned game with
no major problems and
interesting levels but no
new ideas could be 95%
• A novel game idea that
is (very) poorly executed
could be only 4% fun.
Do you believe them?
Finding the fun factor
Adams & Rollings
• Gameplay comes first--give people fun
things to do
• Get a feature right or leave it out
• Design around the player
• Know your target audience
• Abstract or automate parts that aren't fun
• Be true to your vision
• Strive for harmony, elegance, and beauty
How to become rich and famous . . .
The hierarchy of challenges
Adams & Rollings
Complete the game
Finish a mission
Finish a sub-mission
Finish an atomic challenge
• Player will usually be thinking about
current atomic challenge.
• Awareness of higher-level challenges
creates anticipation.
• Victory conditions and atomic challenges
are usually explicit.
• Intermediate challenges are usually
– Players get tired of just following instructions.
• "The most interesting games offer multiple
ways to win" -- Adams & Rollings, p. 284
– More than one way to accomplish intermediate
– Capture the flag (p. 284): defensive approach,
aggressive approach, stealth approach
Interactive fiction
A way to try out some principles of game
design with relatively little overhead.
Text game engines: