Coaching as a Tool for School Improvement


Coaching as a Tool for School

Improvement: The SEA Role

Karen Laba

Center on Innovation and Improvement

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 Purpose of the presentation

 Intended outcomes

 Brief overview

“If you don’t know where you’re going, you might wind up someplace else.”

Yogi Berra

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Coaching for School Improvement: WHY?

 Local capacity limitations

 State capacity limitations

 Coherence

Coaches who can outline plays on a black board are a dime a dozen. The ones who win get inside their players and motivate.

Vince Lombardi

PLUS: “ Sam said it was a good idea!”

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ESSENTIAL Coaching Function:

Pressure and Support

“An outside school coach, properly prepared and sensitive to individual and whole-school concerns, can provide a balance of pressure and support to initiate and sustain meaningful school improvement.”

(Kostin and Haeger, 2006)

 “properly prepared”

 “sensitive . . .concerns”

 “provide a balance of pressure and support . . .

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Coach’s Responsibilities

 Locally defined responsibilities

 State expectations

 Other considerations

A good coach will make his players see what they can be rather than what they are.

Ara Parseghian, Notre

Dame football coach

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Coach’s Responsibilities:

State Expectations

 What is the work?

 Continuous improvement – school, LEA

 SIG implementation, monitoring

 Other . . .

 Varying Regulatory

Environments, State

Contexts !!

“Keep it simple. When you get too complex you forget the obvious.”

Al Maguire

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SEA Sponsors of Coaching

 Some State sponsors of coaching for school improvement –



New Hampshire


North Dakota


 Coaching within/ beyond Indistar

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SEA Role: Providing Guidance

 Essential competencies

 Personal/ interpersonal, professional

 Knowledge, skills

Performance Expectations

Advice on recruiting coaches

 Advice on contracting for coaching services

"Good teams become great ones when the members trust each other enough to surrender the Me for the We."

Phil Jackson

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Finding good players is easy. Getting them to play as a team is another story.

Casey Stengel

What are some examples of guidance offered by

Pacesetter (and other) states around the qualities and competencies of school improvement coaches?

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SEA Role: Communicating Expectations

Consider Doug Reeves’ advice:

“Effective coaching focuses on changing performance. Therefore, the first requirement of any coaching relationship is that the person receiving the coaching must agree that a change in performance will be useful. Throwing coaches at teachers and principals who have not first agreed that improved student performance is essential will be a waste of time and money.”

(Reeves, 2009, p. 75)

SEA Expectations = (a) tasks (EASY !!)

(b) purpose/ reason (HARD!!)

Task expectations – checklists (Guide, pp. 44, 51, 52)

Purpose expectations – How can the SEA communicate the need for “a change in performance”?

Typical – Federal and/or state accountability sanctions

Optimal – Inspire pursuit of excellence

“You get the best effort from others not by lighting a fire beneath them, but by building a fire within.”

Bob Nelson, Buffalo Bills,

Oakland Raiders .

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Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better.

Pat Riley, NBA Coach

What are some ways

SEAs are communicating expectations – for both school improvement tasks and the need for a change in performance?

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SEA Role: Monitoring Effectiveness

*What Gets Monitored Gets Done*

Monitoring Compliance measures – checklists, self-reports

Indistar® coaching comments – quality, frequency

Monitoring Impact

Intended outcomes/ audience

Trustworthy measures

Instructional practices

Organizational structures

Professional learning

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What are some ways SEAs are monitoring coaching, both for compliance and for impact?

“Look for players with character and ability.

But remember, character comes first."

Joe Gibb, NFL Redskins

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March 2011

Coaching Tools and Resources

Coaching for School Improvement: A Guide for

Coaches and their Supervisors

-- Coaching for School Improvement

-- Coaching with Indicators

-- Selecting and Supporting School Improvement Coaches

-- Monitoring Coaching

Indistar® Blog

Share your stories, strategies and coaching successes and challenges

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Feedback and Next Steps

Send comments, suggestions to Karen

and/or Marilyn Murphy

“I have a plan of action, but the game is a game of adjustments.”

Mike Krzyzewski, Duke basketball

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