Chapter 11 Reading Test (15-20 minutes)
1. How would you describe slave culture, explaining the similarities and differences among various regions?
2. Why did many white southerners support slavery even when they did not actually own slaves?
3. What forms of slave resistance were practiced in the American
4. Given that by 1860 the economic investment represented by the slave population exceeded the value of the nation’s factories, railroads, and banks combined, explain how important slavery was to the national economy and the emergence of the U.S. as a great power.
Activator, agenda, and objective (30 minutes)
Slave Resistance and Rebellion activity (20 minutes)
Persuasive Essay Assignment (30-45 minutes)
David Walker’s Appeal (20 minutes)
Exit ticket and homework
All students will understand the Pro- and antislavery arguments and conflicts.
AP Topic # 10. The Crisis of the Union.
Slave culture
The slave family
The threat of sale
Gender roles among slaves
Slave religion
Desire for liberty
Slave resistance and rebellion
Forms of resistance
Fugitive slaves
The Amistad
Slave revolts
Nat Turner’s rebellion
Your job is to solve the murder mystery and identify the cause of death for John Taylor, the plantation owner.
Look through the evidence: Obituary; Daily routine;
Plantation map; and the Description of slaves.
Was Mr. Taylor poisoned or did he get sick?
Who had the motive to kill him?
Who had the knowledge necessary to prepare the poison?
Who could give it to him without being noticed?
If someone did poison him, how come they didn’t get caught?
Was he murdered or did he get sick?
Why does it matter whether he was murdered or not?
How sure can you be that they story you wrote is accurate given the evidence you had?
What kind of interpretative leaps did you have to make?
What are some problems of evidence and how we interpret that evidence as historians?
Groups of people working to bring slavery to an end before the Civil War (1860) were called abolitionists.
White abolitionists inspired by the Second Great Awakening
(the conversion experience).
African American abolitionists. Fredrick Douglass, Harriet
Tubman, Sojourner Truth.
Fredrick Douglass
Sojourner Truth Harriet
Everyday forms of resistance.
Poisoning the master and coded stories.
Haitian Revolution (1791)
Gabriel Prosser (1800)
Denmark Vesey (1822)
Nat Turner (1831)
1791 Haitian Revolution sparked slave rebellions world wide.
There was an uprising on sugar plantations in Louisiana in 1811 where slaves were marching toward New Orleans before the militia captured them.
1822 Denmark Vesey was charged with conspiracy and executed in
South Carolina.
Vesey was a religious man who believed the Bible condemned slavery and recognized the hypocrisy in the Declaration of Independence.
Nat Turner’s Rebellion in 1831 – they marched through Virginia attacking white farms.
80 slaves joined Nat Turner and they killed 60 whites.
Turner was captured and executed.
Rebellion sent shock waves through the South.
Virginia tightened its slave laws.
1831 marked a turning point for the Old South as the white southerners closed ranks and prepared to defend slavery to the end.
1829 David Walker, son of a slave but born free in North
Carolina moved to Boston.
1830 he published a pamphlet Walkers Appeal to the Colored
Citizens of the World which became widely read and infuriated the southern slaveholders.
They offered $10,000 for him alive and $1,000 for him dead.
Use the textbook as well as outside research to write the persuasive essay.
Prompt: “What were the main forces that contributed to bringing slavery to an end before the Civil War?”
Use the following format:
The claim.
Reasons in support of the claim.
Reasons against the claim.
Weighing the evidence.
Examine the Book.
Write down the following information:
Is it a primary or secondary source?
What do you think it is about?
What do you think it would tell you about our study of slavery and anitslavery?
Read the first half of ch.12 for Tuesday.
Finish the persuasive essay for Tuesday.
Have a great weekend.