March 17, 2014

How to Prepare Your Entry
For the Marketing Communications Awards
Step 1. Think about your
recent marketing projects.
Of which project are you most proud?
Which was the most effective?
Marketing communications projects completed
between January 2012 and December 2013 are
eligible for entry in the 2014 MCAs.
Can’t decide? Enter multiple projects and categories!
Step 2: Check the MCA deadlines.
March might seem far away at the moment, but you
want to make sure you have plenty of time to prepare.
Early-Bird Deadline: March 3, 2014
Postmark your entry by this date and enjoy a discount
on the entry fee.
Final Deadline: March 17, 2014
Your entry must be delivered to SMPS Headquarters
by this date in order to compete in 2014.
Step 3: Decide in which category
to enter your project.
There are 21 categories. Here’s the full list:
1. Advertising
2. Annual Report
3. Book/Monograph
4. Brochure
5. Corporate Identity
6. Direct-Mail Campaign
7. Feature Writing
8. Holiday Piece
9. Internal Communication
10. Magazine
11. Media Relations Campaign
12. Newsletter-External
13. Newsletter-Internal
14. Promotional Campaign
15. Recruitment & Retention
16. Social Media
17. Special Event
18. Specific Project Marketing
19. Tradeshow Marketing
20. Video
21. Web Site
Step 4: Read the
submittal requirements.
Once you’ve decided which categories to enter, check the
MCA page on the SMPS web site for submittal requirements,
which vary by category.
The requirements have been updated for 2014.
Even if you’ve entered before, please read the submittal
requirements, because we’ve made some changes.
Step 5: Print and complete
your entry form.
To print your entry form, go here:
Fill out one entry form for all submissions from your team.
Is more than one team entering from your firm?
Each team should complete its own entry form.
The completed form must be included in your binder, so
please keep it handy.
Step 6: Get a binder and clear
plastic sleeves.
Your entry must submitted in a
standard 8.5-x-11-inch,
three ring, view binder.
A separate binder is required
for each entry.
Sample binder.
Front cover with entry form.
Your 8.5-x-11” three-ring view binder must include the following:
Entry form, Entry Fee, Table of Contents, Clarification Statement,
and Exhibits/Samples
All materials, including samples, must be inserted into clear plastic
sleeves. Are your samples too large to fit into the sleeves? If so, please
use rubber bands to secure the items to your binder. Items such as
clothing or hats that can’t fit must be photographed and the photograph
needs to be included with your entry.
Please note: A separate binder is required for each entry.
Step 7: Put the entry form &
entry fee into the binder.
After you complete the entry form, it’s time to make a copy. You’ll
need to include two copies with each entry.
They’ll go in the binder like this:
1) One copy of the completed form inside the clear cover of the
2) Second copy with the fee* in an envelope, then the envelope
goes inside the binder’s front pocket.
*If you’re paying by credit card, fill out the card information on the entry
form. If you’re paying by check, enclose the check in the envelope with the
second copy of the entry form.
Step 8: Prepare the table of contents.
Preparing the table of contents is easy. You just need to include two
titles/descriptions on the document:
1) Clarification statement [these exact words]
2) Name of the marketing material you’re entering.
Don’t forget to put the table of contents in your binder!
Step 9: Prepare the clarification
Clarification statements require careful attention. So, please make sure
you read Submittal Requirements. You’ll find detailed guidelines and
information about what should be included. In general, each clarification
statement should have:
1) Marketing Objective 3) Content Deliverable
2) Content Messaging 4) The Results
To get detailed information about the clarification statement, visit:
Don’t forget to put the clarification statement in your binder!
Step 10: Prepare exhibits/samples
of projects entered.
Now’s the time to prepare your marketing piece*. If the entry was
produced as a hard copy, like a brochure, include the sample as a hard
copy. If the entry was produced as a digital piece, like a Web Site or video,
include the sample on a CD/DVD.
When submitting a digital piece on a CD/DVD, please make sure it’s
viewable using Windows Media Player or Internet Explorer 9. And, please
test the files prior to submitting.
*Some categories require more than one sample. Please review category requirements for
quantity. Also, check the SMPS Web Site for instructions on how to label your CD/DVD.
Don’t forget to put the samples in or attached to your binder!
Step 11: Check your binder.
It takes a lot of work to put together your entry, so it’s important to check it
against submittal requirements. We hate to say it, but failure to comply with
requirements could result in disqualification. We don’t want that to happen.
So, please take your time and review everything before sending it to us.
Step 12: Mail your entry.
Congratulations, you’re almost done!
Once you’re sure the binder is ready, it’s time to mail it out.
Send your submission to:
123 N. Pitt Street, #400
Alexandria, VA 22314
If you’re entering more than one project, you can mail all binders in one
package or box.
Important dates to remember:
March 3, 2014: Early-bird discounted entry.
March 17, 2014: Final entry deadline.
April 4-5, 2014: Judging weekend.
July 31, 2014: SMPS Awards Gala to honor all finalists.
All participants will receive a letter in May letting them know where they
stand in the competition and if they’re a finalist in a category.
MCA Entry Checklist:
Think about your marketing projects.
Check the MCA deadlines.
Decide on categories to enter.
Read submittal requirements carefully.
Download and complete your entry form.
Get binder and clear plastic sleeves.
Insert entry form [both copies] into the binder.
Prepare table of contents and insert it into the binder.
Prepare clarification statement and insert it into the binder.
Prepare exhibit/sample and insert it into the binder.
Check your binder to make sure you’ve followed submittal requirements.
Mail entry to SMPS no later than March 17, 2014 [March 3 for early-bird discount].
You’re done! Grab a coffee, or treat yourself to some ice cream.
Sample binders.
Marketing piece (brochure)
in clear plastic sleeve.
Clarification statement in
clear plastic sleeve.
37th Annual Marketing Communications Awards
If you have any questions, visit the MCA FAQs page on the SMPS web site
or contact Molly Dall’Erta at or 800.292.7677, x231.
For inspiration, check out the 2013 MCA winners on Pinterest:
Good luck! And, thanks for participating.