Inquiry 1.2 Using a Globe and a World Map

Inquiry 1.2 Using a Globe and
a World Map
I M A G E S O F T H E E A R T H
W H E R E O N E A R T H ? 1 . 2 A
D I S C U S S I O N Q U E S T I O N S
C A T A S T R O P H I C E V E N T S W O R L D
R E F L E C T I N G O N W H A T Y O U ’ V E D O N E
Images of Earth
 Globe – spherical model of the
 Map – shows the earth or parts of
it, usually on a flat surface
 Copy definitions on page 7 of your notebook
Where on Earth? 1.2a
 Look at the different types of catastrophic events and
think about where you feel these events most often
occur. Fill in the chart according to your thoughts
about where the events happen and why you think
they happen there (Is it the location (inland or
coast), type of climate, weather patterns).
 Answer discussion questions A-C in your notebook
on pg.7 (tape questions on pg. 7)
Catastrophic Events World Map 1.2b
 Use the large map as a reference, using your color
pencils and the color-code key in your student guide
fill in your (worksheet) according to where you think
certain catastrophic events occur.
 Make a copy of the color-code (key) on your
 This will be page 8 in your notebook.
Reflecting On What You’ve Done
 Answer questions A-E on pg.9 of your notebook.
(tape questions on pg.9, remember to write complete
 A. Are any of the catastrophic event that you listed in your
notebook or recorded on your world map related to each other in
any way? If so, how?
B. Do any of these events help change the way the earth looks
over time? If so, which ones? Why do you think this?
C. What information do you think can be learned about the earth
by studying catastrophic events?
D. How do you think catastrophic events affect people?
E. How might scientists predict these events?
Lesson 1 Vocabulary Review
 Globe – spherical model of the earth
 Map – shows the earth or parts of it,
usually on a flat surface
 Satellite – an instrument that orbits
the earth (weather – taking pictures
and measurements)