Catastrophic Event Project

Catastrophic Event Project
Due Date Is May 2, 2014
Assignment: Design a poster on regular poster board depicting a catastrophic
Research a catastrophic event that has occurred since 1950 either in Texas, the
United States, or in the world. Catastrophic events can be tornados, hurricanes,
tsunamis, floods, earthquakes, fire, landslides, avalanche, or volcanic eruption.
Poster should include the following: (10 points per item)
_____ Lab # and Name on the upper left hand corner of the poster
_____ Newspaper style title that catches the reader’s eye
_____ Location of the catastrophic event
_____ Pictures of the event (at least 3, colored preferred)
_____ Research sources listed (at least 3, post on the bottom right corner)
_____ Estimated loss of life/injury
_____Estimated cost of property damage
_____List ways scientists have developed to predict another event
Ex: collecting seismic data for earthquakes, weather radar
_____List ways scientists/engineers/architects prepare for another event
Ex: control burns, disaster evacuation routes, safe rooms
_____ Font should be large enough to read from a distance of several feet.
_____ Early turn in (before May 2) ……….add 10 bonus points to your grade