Industry - mrswhitworths

• Remain silent while announcements are
on. Get out a sheet of paper for the
reading quiz.
• Exempt:
– Maggie
– Matt
– Sophie
– Veronica
– Ian
1. In what country did the Industrial Revolution
2. Describe the difference between a bulk-gaining
industry and a bulk-reducing industry.
3. Give one example of a bulk-gaining industry
and one example of a bulk-reducing industry
4. List 4 types of transportation industries can
use to ship their product. Which is the
Warm Up Monday 4/25
List any/all ways human geography had an
impact on your spring break or how your
spring break had an impact on human
Where is Industry Distributed?
• Clustered in 4 regions:
– Northwestern Europe
– Eastern Europe
– Eastern North America
– East Asia
Industrial Revolution
• Western Europe
– 1700’s in Great Britain
• Resulted
– Social
– Economic
– political inventions
United States
• Northeastern
– tied to European Markets
– Good source of raw materials
Today’s U.S. Industrial Mecca’s
• New England
– Skilled labor
• Western Great Lakes
– Access to transportation
Industrial Regions
• Japan
– Manufacture high quality products at low
– Faced with isolation and distance from other
Why do Industries Have Different
• Industry:
– Maximize profits
– Minimizing production costs
Why do Industries Have Different
Situation factors vs. site factors
Situation Factors
• Proximity to Inputs:
natural resources, parts, etc.
• Copper Industry:
– Near copper mine b/c it is a bulk-reducing
• Bulk reducing- Final product weighs less than input
Situation Factors
• Proximity to Markets
– Bulk gaining- gains volume or weight during
• Soft drinks
• T.V.’s, refrigerators, air conditioners
Situation Factors
• Perishable Products
– Must be close to markets
• Inputs/products
– Trucks- short distance
– Ships- long distance
– Air- most expensive
• Break of Bulk Points
– Seaports, airports
– Each time inputs/products transferred cost
Site Factors
• Labor- most important on GLOBAL scale
• Land
• capital
• Low cost + low skilled = MONEY!
• Important if encompasses natural and
human resources
• Manufacturers borrow $ to establish new
• Issues arise in LDC’s
• Name some industries local to our town.
Identify and explain the situation and site
factors involved in each industry’s location.
• Pick an industry in this area and describe
how its closing would affect the town’s
economy. Would the jobs lost in the
closing by the only effects?
• Get homework out. Remain silent while
announcements are on.
Reading Quiz 2
1. In what types of countries is industry
2. What do “right to work” laws deal with?
3. Describe a maquiladora plant.
Financing Development
• LDC’s lack funds for financing
– Loans
– Direct investment
Fair Trade
• made and traded according to standards
– protect workers
– small businesses
Fair Trade Product Standards
• Farmers band together
• Borrow from banks, reduce material costs
• Consumers pay more, higher quality
– coffee
Fair Trade Worker Standards
• Protection of workers rights
• Workers fair wages, environmental safety
• Distribution of money
• Fair Trade Sheet and Project
1st period Quiz Exemptions
Kevin P.
Evelyn R.
2nd Period Exemptions
Site Factors
• Labor- most important on GLOBAL scale
• Land
• capital
Where is Industry Expanding?
Where is Industry Expanding?
• Changing Distribution within MDCs
– Past- cities
– Modern- suburban/rural
• Large land areas
• Land- cheaper
Where is Industry Expanding
• U.S.
– Jobs lost in North
– Jobs expanding in S and W
• Right to work laws- “open shop” and prohibits
“closed shop”
– Closed- Everyone must join a union
New Industrial Regions
• China
– Textile, steel, apparel, household products
• Worlds supply of low cost labor and largest market
for consumer products
• Latin America
– Mexico and Brazil
New Industrial Regions
• Mexico:
– Maquiladora:
• Foreign owned plants (outsourcing)
Why? Cheap labor, export to U.S., import product
Located near U.S.? Ease of transportation, major
U.S. cities,
Important: inexpensive labor costs, NAFTA, weak
env. Regulations in Mexico, proximity to U.S.
markets, shift to tertiary jobs in U.S.
Reading Quiz Unit 5 Part 3
1. What is the new international division of
2. Why do companies outsource?
3. Describe the difference between Fordist
and Post-Fordist production?
Get homework out! Get video questions out!
Proximity to Skilled Labor
– Henry Ford
– Assigning a worker one specific task to
perform repeatedly (mass production)
Proximity to Skilled Labor
Post Fordist: Flexible production
1. Teams- how to perform tasks
2. Problem Solving- consensus
3. Leveling- no special treatment
Just-in-Time Delivery
• Parts arrive at factories just before they
are needed
• Reduces costs
• Dell and Gateway
• Problems:
– Disruptions:
• Labor unrest
• logistics
Why are Location Factor’s
• Proximity of Low-Cost Labor
– Opening places with low wage rates
– U.S.- small towns in South and North
• Transnational corporations- low cost
labor in LDC
• New international division of labor
• Outsourcing– Giving responsibility for production to
independent suppliers
• Outsourcing Airplanes?
• Is outsourcing positive or negative for
America’s economy? WHY or WHY not?
• The World is Flat 5f
– What is the benefit of outsourcing?
• The World is Flat 5g
– What types of jobs are going overseas?
Read the New York Time’s Article
Answer the questions that follow.
Make sure to pair up with a partner for the
last question.
• Roger and Me
Proximity to Skilled Labor
– Henry Ford
– Assigning a worker one specific task to
perform repeatedly (mass production)
Proximity to Skilled Labor
Post Fordist: Flexible production
1. Teams- how to perform tasks
2. Problem Solving- consensus
3. Leveling- no special treatment
Just-in-Time Delivery
• Parts arrive at factories just before they
are needed
• Reduces costs
• Dell and Gateway
• Problems:
– Disruptions:
• Labor unrest
• logistics