Phillip Little
Southeast Randolph Middle School
Ramseur, NC
Essential Question:
How can I use quickwrites/prewrites and marking in the text to maximize time-on-task , improve information processing , and engage students in my classroom?
What Makes These Effective Strategies?
Engagement? Focus and refocus students
Equity? Achievement Gap most prevalent when there are surprises. Teaching Skills limits surprises.
Future ready? 21st Century? Personal
Responsibility, Literacy
•Students who are engaged in active learning have a higher chance of achieving academic goals than those who are not.
Think of a very effective strategy that you have observed teachers using that REALLY engages students. What made it so effective?
•(2-10 mins) What’s your standard?
* Think/Pair/Share* “A” Partners, 2 minute talk
• Connections between effort and achievement
I ’ m no good at social studies.
1. Describe what you did to prepare.
2. What strategies can you use next time to improve your achievement?
• Did you do what you said you were going to do?
• What ’ s the #1 thing you can do in this class to improve your grade?
• What works for you?
• What is your greatest barrier to achieving success in this class?
• What do you need from me in order to achieve your goals?
Activate prior knowledge/springboard for discussion or inquiry-based learning
Explain a process
Analyze errors
Construct support
Analyze perspectives
Predict an outcome
What if?
Discussion Boards are different!
Exchange and proof/respond to each other
Whole class discussion
Turn in, Post on Board
Use for group selection
Periodic Binder checks
Discussion Boards:
– Replies to agree/disagree/partner
– I can respond!
– Check the ones in your notes you can use
Directions: Read each statement, mark your answer and be ready to explain your choices.
_____1. The verbal transmission of knowledge cannot maintain or improve American society.
_____2. Most teachers do not expect their students to be literate in their subject until they train them.
_____3. The average student spends 45 minutes reading after the school day.
* 1 minute talk *
» Think Alouds
» Word Splash
» KWL Chart
» Guaranteed Vocabulary
» Pictures and Artifacts!
» Partial Outline/Summary
» Anticipation Guide
» Marking in Text!
» Check the ones in your notes that you use!
Yellow Journalism
- Number paragraphs
- Circle key terms/names/people
- Underline relevant information
Outline the Room (pics for students)
1s, 2s, 3s
- Locate main idea – 1s
- Mark main idea (3-4 words)
- Mark supporting details – 2s and 3s
(3-4 words)
- Circle words you do not understand
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA) infection is caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, often called "staph." Decades ago, a strain of staph emerged in hospitals that was resistant to the broad-spectrum antibiotics commonly used to treat it. Dubbed methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA), it was one of the first germs to outwit all but the most powerful drugs. MRSA infection can be fatal.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
( MRSA ) infection is caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, often called " staph ." Decades ago, a strain of staph emerged in hospitals that was resistant to the broad-spectrum antibiotics commonly used to treat it. Dubbed methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA), it was one of the first germs to outwit all but the most powerful drugs. MRSA infection can be fatal.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
( MRSA ) infection is caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, often called " staph ." Decades ago, a strain of staph emerged in hospitals that was resistant to the broad-spectrum antibiotics commonly used to treat it. Dubbed methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA), it was one of the first germs to outwit all but the most powerful drugs. MRSA infection can be fatal .
1. Classify the Room; explain 1s, 2s, 3s
2. Stress First Sentence
3. Locate and mark main ideas in all paragraphs
*Differentiate* … What question will you be able to answer?
5. Complete first paragraph – whole class
6. Second paragraph- partners and whole class
7. Succeeding Paragraphs- individual and whole class
8. Homework: individuals
• Essential Question:
How can I use quickwrites/prewrites and marking in the text to maximize time-on-task , improve information processing , and engage students in my classroom?
• * 2 min talk *
• What strategies or ideas were most helpful?
• What strategies or ideas do you currently use that were not covered?
• What suggestions do you have?
• What are your Questions?
Active Classroom before Students Arrive
Activator: Quickwrite
Think/pair/share (collaborative pairs) 1-2 minute talks
2-Column notes, Partial Outline
10-2, Anticipation Guide
Technology: PowerPoint
Ticket to Leave