4. What will we have to equip the hotels and guest houses with?

Rearrange the following letters to make the
meaningful word
1. dbiul
2. eduparg
3. deiwn
4. pqeiu
5. tieserdav
6. dhlo
7. cruteri
upgrade [ʌp'greid]
advertise ['ædvətaiz]
recruit [ri'kru:t]
Describing for the preparations for the Games
Monday, March 12th 2012
Period 79
Task 1: Match a line in A with a line in B
a) the training areas, roads to sports
b) one more national stadium
c) people to serve the games
d) the National Sports centers
e) a competition to choose an official
f) sports- places – dates and time
g) hotels with modern facilities
Task 2: Questions :
Suppose Vietnam is going to hold the Asian Games
1. To prepare for the Games, What will our
country do first?
2. Why do we need to upgrade the national
sports centers and local stadiums?
3. What will we do with the training areas and
the roads to sports buildings?
4. What will we have to equip the hotels and
guest houses with?
5. Is it necessary to promote and advertise
6. Who should we recruit to serve the Games?
7. Will we have to hold competition to choose an
official song?
Task 2: Questions :
Suppose Vietnam is going to hold the Asian Games.
1. What will our country do first?
- We’ll build one more National Stadium and some sports
buildings and car parks
Suppose Vietnam is going to hold the Asian Games.
2. Why do we need to upgrade the national sports centers
and local stadiums?
- Because they are not in good condition
Suppose Vietnam is going to hold the Asian Games.
3. What will we do with the training areas and the roads to the
sports building?
- We will widen the training areas , the roads to the sports
Suppose Vietnam is going to hold the Asian Games.
4. What will we have to equip the hotels and guest houses
with to welcome foreign athletes and visitors?
- We will have to equip all the hotels and guest houses with
modern facilities to welcome foreign athletes and visitors
Suppose Vietnam is going to hold the Asian Games.
5. Is it necessary to promote and advertise all the
preparations for the Games?
- Yes, it is
6. Who should we recruit to serve the Games?
- We should recruit university teachers and students with
good English to serve the Games
7.Will we hold a competition to choose an official song for
the coming Asian Games?
Yes , we will
Write a paragraph to describe the preparations for
the Asian Games ( about 120 words )
Use the questions and answers as the suggestions
Use sentence connectors : First,second….,
and,then ,finally…
You may begin with:
To prepare for the coming Asian Games, we have a lot of
things to do. First of all, we will build one more National
Stadium and ...
1. What will our country do first?
2. Why do we need to upgrade the national sports
centers and local stadiums?
3. What will we do with the training areas and the roads
to the sports building ?
4. What will we have to equip the hotels and guest
houses with to welcome the foreign athletes and
5. It is necessary to promote and advertise all the
preparations for the Games?
6. Who should we recruit to serve the Games?
7. Will we hold a competition to choose an official song
the coming
Asian Games?
begin with:
To prepare for the coming Asian Games, we have a
lot of things to do. First of all, we will build one more
National Stadium and ...
Sample writing:
To prepare for the coming Asian Games , we have a lot
of things to do
First of all we will build one more National Stadium and car
parks. The national Sports centers and local stadiums are
not in good condition so we will upgrade them .
And We will widen training areas and the roads to sports
buildings .
Then we have to equip all the hotels with modern facilities
to welcome foreign athletes and visitors. These hotels
should also have special services for disable athletes. It is
necessary to promote and advertise all the preparations for
the Asian Games on the radio and TV.
Finally We will recruit volunteers to serve the Games
.These people should be university teachers and students
with good English
One more important thing is that we will hold a competition
to choose an official song for welcoming the Asian Games.