JRN 302: Introduction to Graphics and Visual Communication - Proximity, tri-fold brochure Thursday, 7/24/14 Class Objectives Lecture Design Principle: Proximity Project Discussion: Trifold brochure Homework assignments Read Chapter 2 Suggestion: Start on your brochure Design Principle of Proximity Position related/similar items together Make them appear as a cohesive group rather than fighting for individual attention Implies closeness or relationship of items Also allows for easier understanding of items Think of a menu- all appetizers are in one area, all entrees in another Is yet another way for a designer to control where the eye goes and the stopping and starting of the reading Proximity and Novice Designers Very often, novice designers try to fill up the entire space of a design When pieces of a design are scattered all over, the page appears unorganized and the information may not be instantly accessible to the viewer. Do not fear white space created by moving elements because of using proximity. Proximity Can achieve proximity by physically moving elements closer to each other Quick test is to squint at design and look for chunks of visual data Make it without a doubt that elements go together Esp. if your audience is quickly looking at design Example of use of proximity Ask yourself these ?s for each… Where do you first look? Where do you look next? How do your eyes travel around the design? How fast can you access information? Example 2 Top design definitely has everything together… But proximity is more than just placing all elements near each other; try to have an reason why groupings occur Bottom design, 3 readings being close together show they are connected While bottom information is further away Proximity Answers the “who”, “what”, “when”, “where” questions quickly You don’t lose the viewer because they just give up Clear communication of message is better than amateur design Proximity and Your Project Look at examples in your book of what information should go together Again, do not fill up a design/page just because there is the space White space is a good thing Why design a trifold brochure? http://nine3nine.com/print-trifold-brochure-design-2/ http://creatingimpressions.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/ hobbymaster-trifold-brochure-01-01.jpg http://www.chuckthomas.com/rrock/rrads.htm http://www.visiblelogic.com/blog/2011/02/6-tips-for-trifold-brochure-design/ They fit into Envelopes Display racks Who uses it Sales people Trade show exhibitors want something that can be handed out to prospects. Consumers request printed information about products and services. Part 2A: Trifold Brochure Elements you need in your design Your logo Photographs and/or illustrations (again, has to be 300 ppi) Have to be original/taken by you or downloaded off of sxc.hu (and then turned to TIFFS) Resizing and resampling homework should have prepared you to make 300 ppi images now Part 2A: Trifold Brochure Elements you need in your design Copy/text You have to write all of this content by yourself Be sure to proof for grammar and spelling This is where people get the most points off in spelling/grammar for part 2 (10 points possible out of 100) This brochure should help achieve your goal (which you wrote way back in your company write-up.) Color printout from lab computer (which means bleeds won’t print), taped/ glued/ printed 2-sided (not stapled or not assembled) Trifold Brochure Design 1. Front cover provides enough content to get the reader to open the piece and read more Not a lot on the front in terms of text and images because space is limited yet you don’t want too much clutter Include logo, company name, a tag line/slogan Can also include a short amount of text (almost like a title to the brochure) Can also include an image Trifold Brochure Design 2. Back cover is least likely to be read Definitely include all contact information May also include a map (we’ll demo) May also include a color or image May be set up to be mailed Trifold Brochure Design 3. Front inside panel is very important. State the reasons why the product or service that is being promoted is the best and the most suitable for clients. May also want to include some contact information (tel, website) here May want to summarize best point from 3 panel spread (so design this panel last) It’s ok if it’s redundant. May want to include testimonials. Trifold Brochure Design 4. Inside 3 panel spread Detailed description of the different activities, products and services of the company. Weakest design is center aligning everything into 3 columns Use different text and photo alignment, kerning, leading Spread an image or text over multiple panels Suggestions Avoid inside of brochure = 3 columns centered on all Can do 2 columns (one very large, one wide panel) Can do 3 columns with various alignments Try to have the look be consistent from panel to panel Body copy on inside panel will be no more than 10-12 points Other things Don’t use more than 3 typefaces Images placed need to be flattened TIFFs or transparent TIFFs Must have coherence between the inside and the outside panels May have the same graphic elements, color, text on all panels Try to vary these elements slightly to avoid monotony. Other things This is the most important and viewed the heaviest for the design portion of p2 grade. Don’t procrastinate this Don’t give 24 point typeface and consider it done = incomplete Don’t leave too much empty space (as opposed to white space) = incomplete It is up to you to find good examples of trifold brochures. Printing 2-sided on lab printers You can either print 2 pages and tape (not staple) or glue them together Or you can try to print one 2-sided printout Note that you may need help from the lab attendant to do this Or, you will have to do this by trial and error on your own Just make sure one side (interior or exterior) has folds that line up Brochure Templates Can use templates instead of measuring where to fold Types of trifold brochures C fold (most common) Two ways to fold it (determines where your cover is) 2 long panels, one shorter Z fold All panels are same size Remember, the lab printer does not print all the way to the edge So you don’t receive points off for this! Can use these templates for C-fold only Copy these two files to your drive/area where you are saving files… may need to add .tif to name 8.5x11_trifold_in.tif (more important) 8.5x11_trifold_out.tif Create an InDesign file with 2 pages <File <Place Create a second layer (so you can turn the visibility OFF/ON the template layer) Be sure to hide this layer when you print Suggestion is to use very light, thin tick mark fold lines at top and bottom of 2 folds on inside spread