Chapter 4: Defining Intelligence-Led Policing Community policing Policing philosophy? Defined by its programs? neighborhood mini-stations customer satisfaction surveys foot patrols school visits Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) local newsletters Neighborhood Watch Purpose – increase police legitimacy Some CP definitions ‘A collaboration between the police and the community that identifies and solves community problems’ (CPC 1994) ‘An organizational strategy that leaves setting priorities and the means of achieving them largely to residents and the police who serve in their neighborhoods' (Skogan 2006b: 27–28) CP key features Increases the interaction between the police and the community, either directly through collaboration or simply through consultation Attempts to provide named and accountable officers who know their area Gives communities a greater hand in driving police priorities Enhances decision-making at the lowest ranks of the police service Regains the legitimacy of police in the eyes of the public Allows a social service ethos to predominate, in which perceptions of community safety take priority Gives precedence to solving community problems over reactive law enforcement Community policing Broad Problem focus Community policing Narrow Crime events Operational focus Offenders Problem-oriented policing (POP) “The emphasis in problem-oriented policing is on directing attention to the broad range of problems the community expects the police to handle … and on how police can be more effective in dealing with them. … It recognizes that the ultimate goal of the police is not simply to enforce the law, but to deal with problems effectively – ideally, by preventing them from occurring in the first place.” Herman Goldstein (Foreword, in Scott 2000: vi) POP key features Require officers and crime analysts to identify crime and disorder problems, and issues that cause harm to the community Seek a thorough and detailed analysis of a problem before determining a possible solution Allow that potential solutions to crime problems do not exclude the possibility of enforcement action by police, but often seek a long-term resolution that does not involve arrests Resolution of the underlying issue is at least as important as alleviation of the harmful consequences of the problem Greater decision-making and problem-solving freedom should be given to officers Evaluation of the outcome of a solution is required in order to determine success SARA methodology Scanning Analysis Collecting and analyzing all relevant data on the problem, with the objective of revealing ways to alter the causes of the problem Response Identifying recurring problems and how the ensuing consequences affect community safety Seeking out responses that might have worked elsewhere, identifying a range of local options, and then selecting and implementing specific activities that will resolve the problem Assessment Testing data collected before and after the response phase in order to determine whether the response reduced the problem and, if not, to identify new strategies that might work Problem-oriented policing (POP) Problem focus Broad POP Narrow Crime events Operational focus Offenders Compstat Compstat is a police managerial accountability mechanism Compstat involves four principles: Timely and accurate intelligence Effective tactics Rapid deployment Relentless follow-up and assessment Accountability In a Compstat oriented police department, mid-level commanders are made accountable to the executive level of the police department for the management of crime in their basic command units. By encouraging accountability, it is believed that precinct captains and managers will make use of regular, detailed crime intelligence and from this intelligence flow determine an appropriate crime reduction strategy. Compstat Problem focus Broad Compstat Narrow Crime events Operational focus Offenders Original tenets of intelligence-led policing Target prolific and serious criminals Triage out most crime from further investigation Make greater strategic use of surveillance and informants Position intelligence central to decision-making (HMIC 1997: 1) NIM Control Strategy The targeting of offenders The management of crime and disorder hot spots The investigation of linked series of crimes and incidents The application of preventative measures What is intelligence-led policing? Intelligence-led policing… is a management philosophy/business model aims to achieve crime reduction and prevention and to disrupt offender activity employs a top-down management approach combines crime analysis and criminal intelligence into crime intelligence uses crime intelligence to objectively direct police resource decisions focuses enforcement activities on prolific and serious offenders Original situation of intelligence-led policing Problem focus Broad ILP #1 Narrow Crime events Operational focus Offenders Intelligence-led policing definition Intelligence-led policing is a business model and managerial philosophy where data analysis and crime intelligence are pivotal to an objective, decision-making framework that facilitates crime and problem reduction, disruption and prevention through both strategic management and effective enforcement strategies that target prolific and serious offenders Intelligence-led policing Problem focus Broad ILP #2 ILP #1 Narrow Crime events Operational focus Offenders Easily defined? Community Problemoriented CompStat Intelligence-led No Fairly easy Yes Fairly easy, but still evolving Managerially challenging Easily adopted? Superficially Difficult At the technical level, but managerially challenging Orientation? Neighborhoods Problems Police administrative units Criminal groups, prolific and serious offenders Hierarchical focus? Bottom-up As appropriate for problem Top down Top down Who determines priorities? Community concerns/demands Crime analysis, but varies Police management from crime analysis Police management from crime intelligence analysis Criteria for success? Satisfied community Reduction of problem Lower crime rates Detection, reduction or disruption of criminal activity or problem Expected benefit? Increased police legitimacy Reduced crime and other problems Reduced crime (sometimes other problems) Reduced crime and other problems Policing paradigms Broad Problem focus Community policing POP ILP #2 Compstat ILP #1 Narrow Crime events Operational focus Offenders