Interagency Communication and Collaboration in Nebraska

Interagency Communication and
Collaboration in Nebraska:
Meeting the Educational Needs of Youth
in Out-of-Home Care
Pat Frost
State Title I, Part D, Coordinator
Nebraska State Department of Education
Ad Hoc Committee on the Education of
Students in Out of Home Placement
Why the Need: Hawkins-Stafford Act & Improving
America’s Education Act – connect Title I, student
performance, accountability
1996: Multi-Agency Task Force, co-led by State
2001: Ad Hoc Committee on the Education of
Students in Out of Home Placement
2004: Legislation regarding students earning credits
Commitment/legislation completed; Need to refocus
the mission of Ad Hoc Committee – assign smaller
specific work group projects
Collaboration: Who Is Involved
Education Department Stakeholders – Special
Education, Federal Title Programs, Accreditation, School
Career Counseling
Partnering Agencies – State Foster Care Review
Board and Private Residential Facilities, etc.
Established Committees – Special Education
Advisory Committee, etc.
Advisory Committees – Transition, etc.
Practitioners – local teachers, principals
Collaboration Strategies
Established vision, mission, and goals
 Gathered data through networking and
 Enlisted other established agencies and
foundations for Ad Hoc membership:
Ad Hoc Committee: 26 designees
 Smaller workgroups focused on priority areas
(e.g., transition, state assessments, data,
school completion)
Collaborative Activities
2008: Conducted annual needs assessment for
Committee priorities – identified a need for Nebraska
“systems” toolkit, using information gained from:
Focus groups with stakeholders
Topical workgroups – adding a systems workgroup
2009: Supreme Court, HHS, ED, Juvenile Justice
representatives attend Utah Collaborative Initiative
Combining the two:
Integrate toolkit with initiative
Ad Hoc Committee on the Education of Students in Out of
Home Placements & Court Initiative Advisory
 Develop timeline for collaborative planning and completion
of initiative – partnering4students website
Barriers and Lessons Learned
Use of blended funding: foundations, “in kind,”
and ED grants
Sustainability: Retirements & MOUs
Prioritizing goals and objectives
Reaching out to practitioners (e.g., Nebraska
Educators of Students At Risk (NESTAR))
Continuous improvement: professional
development and evaluation
Dissemination of information
Works In Progress and Outcomes
Online data/information sharing project
State Transition Liaison (Pilot) – Special
Education and Vocational Rehab funds
“Training of Trainers” cadre for professional
development, including cross-agency training
Partnering conference on transition
 Source
of information for primary systems dealing
with juveniles and education
For Additional Information
Templates, bylaws, mission/vision
statements, priority areas structure,
practitioners samples, etc.
 Contact:
Pat Frost
State Title I, Part D, Coordinator
(402) 471-2478