BTEC IT Unit 02 Lesson 09 Practical Work Briefing – P5, P6, P7 Mr C Johnston ICT Teacher Session Objectives Understand how to install and configure software to suit a user, Understand the grading requirements for the practical work, Practical Work Tasks Your practical work Install missing hardware [P5] Configure ROM BIOS [P6] Install and configure an operating system to meet user needs [P5/6] Select, install and configure security options and utilities to meet the needs to the user, [P6] Select, install and configure application software to meet the needs of the user, [P6] Practical Overview Install Hardware Configure Bios Install and Configure Operating System Install and Configure Software T E S T I N G Testing Testing is the process of checking that things works as we are expecting, For P7 you need to test the configured computer system for functionality, taking screen shots as appropriate, In ICT we test by writing a test table first with a range of tests and their expected result… Test Description Expected Outcome Check that MS Word allows text to be entered On screen showing “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” Pass / Fail Actual Outcome Corrective Action Programs installed function – save, print, etc Time and date correct Printer works Testing Ideas Programs installed run Display settings are correct OS loads Username and Password works Scheduled tasks run at required time BTEC Book – Unit 02 p20-26 Practical Planning Whilst the practical demonstration is taking place you need to create a project plan / test plan to help you with your work. Use the activity column to makes notes on the different tasks you will perform and write some tests for each. Test Plan Activity Test Expected Outcome Install HDD Has power Power cable connected to HDD drive Data cable present IDE Cable attached to drive Data cable properly connected Red strip towards power connector (pin 1) on the drive – red strip towards pin 1 on the board Jumpers set proper Set to master HDD is secure in the case HDD is inserted properly and doesn’t move Pass / Fail Actual Outcome Corrective Action Leave these column blank: they will get filled in when you do the practical work Activities Hardware Install Activities BIOS Config Activities Date, Time, Drive Configuration, Boot Sequence, Password Operating System Pre-Install Activities HDD, Optical Disk Drive, RAM, Processor Partition, Format Drive, Regional Options, Languages, Product Key, Admin Password, Operating System Post-Install Activities User accounts, appearance, organise folders, install printers, scanners, webcams, security setting (firewall, malware, antivirus) - schedule, setup internet, activate windows, windows updates, install required drivers, customise start menu (do at end) Task Guidance Ensure you have written your test plan before you start your practical work, Take lots of photos and screen shots to show you have carried out the practical work… use some within your testing, Ensure your teacher completes the required witness statement, To write up the practical add few lines under each picture to state what you have done – especially important for M3 where you need to justify the configuration selected. P5 - set up a standalone computer system, installing hardware and software components, P6 - configure a computer system to meet user needs, P7 - test a configured computer system for functionality. • For P5, you must install at least one hardware and one software component in a stand-alone system. This is best evidenced with a witness statement or observation record and screenshots. You must use suitable safety equipment/tools and pay due regard to health and safety issues. • For P6, you must configure some basic system settings, such as left and right mouse buttons, powersaving options, screen resolution, desktop theme, font size, default language setting, default folder locations etc. You may have needed considerable prompting to do so. This is best evidenced with a witness statement or observation record and screenshots. • To achieve M3, you will need to have configured system and software settings in order to make the system more appropriate for the specified purpose, • For P7, evidence will be provided by a test plan and subsequent test results. Screenshots may be relevant. Any test failures should be explained, with reasons.