The Little Prince

The Little Prince
Response Journal pages
#1 Journal Response
• Pages 1-13
• In three to four sentences, describe what
happens to the pilot’s career as an artist.
Choose ONE bullet to complete
• Have you ever been discouraged from pursuing
something? If so, explain what that something
is/was and how you feel about it now. OR Tell
about something that you used to do as a “kid”
that you no longer do now because you are “too
#1 cont.
What are (at least) two other things that the
pilot reveals about grownups. Do you agree or
disagree? Back up your response with an
anecdote from your personal experience.
• In three to four sentences, describe what you
know about the character of the Little Prince
#2 A Journal Response
• View page with info about the Baobab
• Then answer the Q’s
• Baobab Tree
• These trees may be the oldest life forms on the African and
Australian continents. Baobab
trees flower for the first
time at about 20 years of age. It is thought that baobabs
live up to 2,000 - 6,000 years. In mid-summer, dozens of
luminous white blossoms—the size of saucers—open at
sunset. Their strong musky odor attracts fruit bats and
hosts of insects. The baobab’s branches, with their
hollows, dents and bloated stems, provide shelter and home
for a great many animals. The Boab has been a bounteous
tree to the Aboriginal people. Almost every part of the tree
is used in one way or another. The seed pods have a
woody casing with a velvety covering that is scraped off to
create artwork on the pod. The seed kernels are eaten raw
or roasted, and are a highly nutritious food source. Leaves
and roots are used for medicinal purposes, primarily gastric
and chest complaints. The bark is used to make string, rope
and twine, and the gum of the tree can be used as glue.
Baobab Tree
Using evidence from the text (that is,
both what the pilot and the Little
Prince say), identify at least three
attributes of baobabs. Next, name
one “baobab” in your life and
compare and contrast your baobab
with the baobabs in the book.
In 4-6 sentences, describe the setting
of the Little Prince’s home planet. In
other words, what is it like and who
lives there? Support your description
with evidence from the text.
#3 Journal Response
• ENTRY TASK: In your response journal,
answer the following:
• Last week we read about the Little Prince’s
travels to several other planets (pp.27-47).
Choose one of the planets the Little Prince
visited and describe a person you know who
is like the inhabitant of that planet. Explain
the person’s behavior and personality and
compare it to the character you choose. Be
specific in your details and include an
anecdote in your response.
#4 Journal Entry (pgs. 48-56)
What can you infer about the snake that the Little
Prince encounters in the desert? For example,
might the snake be a symbol? Use at least two
pieces of evidence from the text to support your
(See below for help answering this question)
I infer that the snake is ______________________.
The text says,
This shows that the snake is _____________
The text also says
______________________________, which further
suggests that the snake is ____________________
because _____________________________.
#5 Journal Entry (pgs. 56-64)
According to the fox, what does it mean to
be tamed? Use evidence from the text to
support your answer.
Have you ever tamed anyone or have you
been “tamed” in the way that the fox
explains? Write 5-10 sentences to explain
your experience.
Put the fox’s “secret” into your own words:
“One sees clearly only with the heart.
Anything essential is invisible to the eyes”
(63). Next, tell about a real-life
circumstance or situation in which the fox’s
secret is true.