1st For Training Limited Welcome You To Getting the most from Sage – RTI and Market Developments Presented By Lesley Wells Of 1st For Training Ltd Mobile: 07932 860690 Email lesley@1stfortraining.org.uk Getting the most from Sage During this session we will make you aware of how Sage Payroll is now – RTI compliant Getting the most from Sage The second part of our talk will look at some of the new features of Sage 50 Accounts 2013. RTI (Real Time Information) Requires employers to make submissions of employee payment and deduction information to HMRC at the point payments are made to employees. RTI (Real Time Information) Allows employee NI numbers to be verified, quickly, to ensure they are legitimate. RTI (Real Time Information) Collects information about contracted hours or hours worked by employees – this supports the introduction of Universal Credits. RTI (Real Time Information) Will reduce the likelihood of repayments or bills being issued to employees after the tax year end. RTI ( Real Time Information). Is being phased in from April 2013 – October 2013. Or have any of you been involved in the pilot study already? RTI ( Real Time Information). HMRC will notify employers 4-6 weeks before they are required to begin making RTI submissions. HMRC Statistics on just some of the data submitted in the 2009/2010 tax year. 824 employees were submitted with a surname “unknown” 160 employees were submitted with the name “Test” 507 submissions contained the employee “ A N Other” 128 employees were submitted as “Mr” or “Mrs Dummy” Some employees were submitted as X, casual, cleaner. More than 2000 employees were submitted with an NI number of AB123456 and over 1000 with an NI number of AA111111!!!! Validating Your Payroll Data To avoid these mishaps – its advisable to carry out a Sage Health Check Login under Manager user name Choose Toolbar Health Check Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory Literature References:Howard E Gardener’s book Frames of Mind (2011) (3rd Edition) published by Basic Books Internet reference http://www.businessballs.com/howardgardner multipleintelligences.htm 08/05/2011: 16:10 Validating Your Payroll Data Make full use of the RTI Centre accessed from the toolbar. As well as guiding you through the Healthcheck……. Validating Your Payroll Data By choosing the Preparing for RTI tab You can use a standard letter to communicate to all your employees and asking them to confirm their personal details. David Kolb’s – Cycle of Learning David A. Kolb: Experiential Learning: Experience as the source of Learning and Development (1983) Prentice Hall RTI Submissions There are 4 new submissions you’ll make when processing under RTI. These take effect from your migration date, which for most employers will be 6 April 2013. RTI Submissions Employer Alignment Submission (EAS) One-off, 1st submission under RTI. Provides HMRC with a snapshot of your data. Benchmarks who is employed at start of the tax year. RTI Submissions Full Payment Summary (FPS) Regular submission made each time you pay your employees. Starter/Leaver info. Employee details Payment and deduction info. RTI Submissions HMRC use the info. Submitted on the FPS to know what payment to expect each month or quarter. RTI Submissions Employment Payment Summary (EPS) You submit an EPS when you need to report values to HMRC not on the FPS submission, which will effect your Monthly/quarterly payment. RTI Submissions NI Number Verification Request (NVR) Used to improve the process of Obtaining a correct NI number. The submission – Returns a NI No. when missing Confirms NI No. is correct. PTLLS –Preparation to Teach in Lifelong Learning Sector Learning Criteria 1.2 states – Summarise key aspects of relevant legislative requirements and codes of practice within a specific context. Learning Criteria 1.4 states – discuss issues of equality and diversity, and ways to promote inclusion. With this in mind I have given you all a copy of Worcestershire County Council’s Equality and Diversity Policy Universal Credits – Recording Employees Contracted Hours Enter contracted hours Employee Record Employment Tab Salary, in second line enter contracted hours. PTLLS –Preparation to Teach in Lifelong Learning Sector Learning Criteria 1.3 states – review points of referral available to meet the potential needs of learners. Let’s now brainstorm what “points of referral” we might use? Universal Credits – Recording Employees Contracted Hours If you are already using pay elements, which we would expect most employers to be doing. Then don’t use the “I want to pay this employee box” As it will double up the amount you pay. Universal Credits – Employee hours will fall into these 4 bands BAND A Up to 15.99 hours BAND B 16 to 29.99 hours BAND C 30 hours or more BAND D Other – no set hours, enter 0.00 in employee record. Preparation checklist We have prepared a RTI checklist which you will find in your presenters. Any questions on getting ready for RTI? RTI Submissions It is important that you only start doing these submissions AFTER your migration date, for most employers that will be 6 April 2013. RTI Submissions Employment Alignment Submission (EAS) Main elements of the submission: Company PAYE ref. accounts office ref. and tax office number. Employee name and address Employee payroll ID Employment start date, and end date RTI Submissions Employment Alignment Submission (EAS) Before submitting Check and cleanse your data, verify with employees. Enter all new starter info, in Sage. Add any employees, previously processed outside of Sage. E.G. under P38A arrangements. Ensure any leavers are processed RTI Submissions Full Payment Submission (FPS) This is the main submission that you’ll make each time you pay your employees. Starter & Leaver info. Employee info. Employee payment & deduction PAYE,NIC and Student Loan contributions. RTI Submissions Full Payment Submission (FPS) What you should do before you submit: Ensure the payroll is complete/final Print all payslips & pre-update reports Put irregular payment employees on hold Complete the Update Records Make sure you have processed leavers RTI Submissions Full Payment Submission THE TIMING OF THIS SUBMISSION IS KEY. You must submit on the date you pay the employees or earlier. If normal payday falls on a weekend then you have to submit before the weekend. HMRC look at the payroll processing date, to check that submission is on time. RTI Submissions Employer Payment Summary (EPS) Use this to report monthly figures to HMRC, that are not contained in the FPS……. Statutory payments recovered NIC compensation on statutory payments Advance funding obtained from HMRC for tax refunds and statutory payments. CIS deductions suffered RTI Submissions Employer Payment Summary (EPS) You submit an EPS at the end of the tax month when or before your payment to HMRC is due. Ensure all pay periods are updated Set processing date to tax month end date i.e. 6th of one month To the 5th of the next month. RTI Submissions Employer Payment Summary (EPS) When do I need to make an EPS? Only required if you have extra payments to disclose not covered by the FPS. To check run a P32 report and look to see if there are any additional items in rows 5 – 14. RTI Submissions Employer Payment Summary (EPS) You submit an EPS at the end of the tax month when or before your payment to HMRC is due. Ensure all pay periods are updated Set processing date to tax month end date i.e. 6th of one month To the 5th of the next month. RTI Submissions National Insurance Number Verification (NVR) Use this submission on an as and when basis to verify an employees NI number is correct. Select the employees you want to verify, Choose e-submissions NI Verification