Restoring Confidence

Restoring Confidence
What is significant about Roosevelt’s first 100 days in office?
Restoring Confidence
What is significant about Roosevelt’s first 100 days in office?
•Time at the beginning of FDR’s presidency where he
pushed many programs through congress to provide relief,
create jobs and stimulate economic recovery.
Restoring Confidence
What is significant about Roosevelt’s first 100 days in office?
•Time at the beginning of FDR’s presidency where he pushed many programs through
congress to provide relief, create jobs and stimulate economic recovery.
•Why did Roosevelt close the banks?
Restoring Confidence
What is significant about Roosevelt’s first 100 days in office?
•Time at the beginning of FDR’s presidency where he pushed many programs through
congress to provide relief, create jobs and stimulate economic recovery.
•Why did Roosevelt close the banks?
•To organize the banks and give him a chance to see how
healthy the bank was
Restoring Confidence
What is significant about Roosevelt’s first 100 days in office?
•Time at the beginning of FDR’s presidency where he pushed many programs through
congress to provide relief, create jobs and stimulate economic recovery.
•Why did Roosevelt close the banks?
•To organize the banks and give him a chance to see how healthy the bank was
•What is the FDIC?
Restoring Confidence
What is significant about Roosevelt’s first 100 days in office?
•Time at the beginning of FDR’s presidency where he pushed many programs through
congress to provide relief, create jobs and stimulate economic recovery.
•Why did Roosevelt close the banks?
•To organize the banks and give him a chance to see how healthy the bank was
•What is the FDIC?
•Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation – insured bank
deposits up to $5,000
Restoring Confidence
What is significant about Roosevelt’s first 100 days in office?
•Time at the beginning of FDR’s presidency where he pushed many programs through
congress to provide relief, create jobs and stimulate economic recovery.
•Why did Roosevelt close the banks?
•To organize the banks and give him a chance to see how healthy the bank was
•What is the FDIC?
•Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation – insured bank deposits up to $5,000
•What is the SEC?
Restoring Confidence
What is significant about Roosevelt’s first 100 days in office?
•Time at the beginning of FDR’s presidency where he pushed many programs through
congress to provide relief, create jobs and stimulate economic recovery.
•Why did Roosevelt close the banks?
•To organize the banks and give him a chance to see how healthy the bank was
•What is the FDIC?
•Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation – insured bank deposits up to $5,000
•What is the SEC? Security Exchange Commission – regulated
the stock market
Restoring Confidence
What is significant about Roosevelt’s first 100 days in office?
•Time at the beginning of FDR’s presidency where he pushed many programs through
congress to provide relief, create jobs and stimulate economic recovery.
•Why did Roosevelt close the banks?
•To organize the banks and give him a chance to see how healthy the bank was
•What is the FDIC?
•Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation – insured bank deposits up to $5,000
•What is the SEC? Security Exchange Commission – regulated the stock market
•What were these measures designed to do and did they
accomplish their goal? Explain.
Restoring Confidence
What is significant about Roosevelt’s first 100 days in office?
•Time at the beginning of FDR’s presidency where he pushed many programs through
congress to provide relief, create jobs and stimulate economic recovery.
•Why did Roosevelt close the banks?
•To organize the banks and give him a chance to see how healthy the bank was
•What is the FDIC?
•Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation – insured bank deposits up to $5,000
•What is the SEC? Security Exchange Commission – regulated the stock market
•What were these measures designed to do and did they
accomplish their goal? Explain.
•They were designed to restore the public’s confidence in
the banks and other financial institutions
Creating Jobs
Creating Jobs
FERA – Federal Emergency Relief Act – Sent funds to
depleted local relief agencies
Creating Jobs
FERA – Federal Emergency Relief Act – Sent funds to depleted local relief agencies
What are Public Works Programs designed to do?
Creating Jobs
FERA – Federal Emergency Relief Act – Sent funds to depleted local relief agencies
What are Public Works Programs designed to do?
- Government funded projects to build public facilities
Creating Jobs
FERA – Federal Emergency Relief Act – Sent funds to depleted local relief agencies
What are Public Works Programs designed to do?
-Government funded projects to build public facilities
Creating Jobs
FERA – Federal Emergency Relief Act – Sent funds to depleted local relief agencies
What are Public Works Programs designed to do?
-Government funded projects to build public facilities
CWA – Civil Works Administration – gave the unemployed jobs
building or improving roads, parks, airports, and other
Creating Jobs
FERA – Federal Emergency Relief Act – Sent funds to depleted local relief agencies
What are Public Works Programs designed to do?
-Government funded projects to build public facilities
CWA – Civil Works Administration – gave the unemployed jobs building or improving roads,
parks, airports, and other facilities
Creating Jobs
FERA – Federal Emergency Relief Act – Sent funds to depleted local relief agencies
What are Public Works Programs designed to do?
-Government funded projects to build public facilities
CWA – Civil Works Administration – gave the unemployed jobs building or improving roads,
parks, airports, and other facilities
CCC – Civilian Conservation Corps – put 2.5 million unmarried
male workers into forest, beach and park maintenance and
restoration projects
Creating Jobs
FERA – Federal Emergency Relief Act – Sent funds to depleted local relief agencies
What are Public Works Programs designed to do?
-Government funded projects to build public facilities
CWA – Civil Works Administration – gave the unemployed jobs building or improving roads,
parks, airports, and other facilities
CCC – Civilian Conservation Corps – put 2.5 million unmarried male workers into forest, beach
and park maintenance and restoration projects
Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 –
Creating Jobs
FERA – Federal Emergency Relief Act – Sent funds to depleted local relief agencies
What are Public Works Programs designed to do?
-Government funded projects to build public facilities
CWA – Civil Works Administration – gave the unemployed jobs building or improving roads,
parks, airports, and other facilities
CCC – Civilian Conservation Corps – put 2.5 million unmarried male workers into forest, beach
and park maintenance and restoration projects
Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 – ended the sale of tribal
lands and restored ownership of unallocated lands to Native
American groups
Helping Business
Helping Business
NIRA – National Industrial Recovery Act – bolster prices of
business and industry to keep them stable
Helping Business
NIRA – National Industrial Recovery Act – bolster prices of business and industry to keep
them stable
Helping Business
NIRA – National Industrial Recovery Act – bolster prices of business and industry to keep
them stable
NRA - National Recovery Administration – set out to balance
the unstable economy through extensive planning
Helping Business
NIRA – National Industrial Recovery Act – bolster prices of business and industry to keep
them stable
NRA - National Recovery Administration – set out to balance the unstable economy through
extensive planning
Helping Business
NIRA – National Industrial Recovery Act – bolster prices of business and industry to keep
them stable
NRA - National Recovery Administration – set out to balance the unstable economy through
extensive planning
PWA – Public Works Administration – built many public works
projects like dams to give people jobs
Saving Homes and Farms
Saving Homes and Farms
HOLC – Home Owners’ Loan Corporation – Refinanced
mortgages of middle-income homeowners
Saving Homes and Farms
HOLC – Home Owners’ Loan Corporation – Refinanced mortgages of middle-income
Saving Homes and Farms
HOLC – Home Owners’ Loan Corporation – Refinanced mortgages of middle-income
AAA – Agricultural Adjustment Administration – paid farmers
not to raise certain crops and animals in hopes that lower
production would boost the prices on agricultural products
Saving Homes and Farms
HOLC – Home Owners’ Loan Corporation – Refinanced mortgages of middle-income
AAA – Agricultural Adjustment Administration – paid farmers not to raise certain crops and
animals in hopes that lower production would boost the prices on agricultural products
Saving Homes and Farms
HOLC – Home Owners’ Loan Corporation – Refinanced mortgages of middle-income
AAA – Agricultural Adjustment Administration – paid farmers not to raise certain crops and
animals in hopes that lower production would boost the prices on agricultural products
TVA – Tennessee Valley Authority – helped farmers and
created jobs in the Tennessee Valley (the least modernized
region in the U.S.)
Saving Homes and Farms
HOLC – Home Owners’ Loan Corporation – Refinanced mortgages of middle-income
AAA – Agricultural Adjustment Administration – paid farmers not to raise certain crops and
animals in hopes that lower production would boost the prices on agricultural products
TVA – Tennessee Valley Authority – helped farmers and created jobs in the Tennessee Valley
(the least modernized region in the U.S.)
How affective was the New Deal? Explain.
Saving Homes and Farms
HOLC – Home Owners’ Loan Corporation – Refinanced mortgages of middle-income
AAA – Agricultural Adjustment Administration – paid farmers not to raise certain crops and
animals in hopes that lower production would boost the prices on agricultural products
TVA – Tennessee Valley Authority – helped farmers and created jobs in the Tennessee Valley
(the least modernized region in the U.S.)
How affective was the New Deal? Explain.
•- It helped a little but in the long run it was unable to pull
the U.S. out of the Depression
The Second New Deal
New Agencies
The Second New Deal
New Agencies
WPA – Works progress Administration – provided jobs for
people. It constructed and improved many public areas
The Second New Deal
New Agencies
WPA – Works progress Administration – provided jobs for people. It constructed and
improved many public areas
The Second New Deal
New Agencies
WPA – Works progress Administration – provided jobs for people. It constructed and
improved many public areas
FSA – Farm Security Administration – loaned money to
farmers and set up camps for migrant workers
The Second New Deal
New Agencies
WPA – Works progress Administration – provided jobs for people. It constructed and
improved many public areas
FSA – Farm Security Administration – loaned money to farmers and set up camps for
migrant workers
The Second New Deal
New Agencies
WPA – Works progress Administration – provided jobs for people. It constructed and
improved many public areas
FSA – Farm Security Administration – loaned money to farmers and set up camps for
migrant workers
REA – Rural Electrification Administration – offered loans to
electric companies and farm cooperatives for building power
plants and extending power lines, as well as to farmers and
other rural residents to wire their homes and barns
The Second New Deal
New Agencies
WPA – Works progress Administration – provided jobs for people. It constructed and
improved many public areas
FSA – Farm Security Administration – loaned money to farmers and set up camps for
migrant workers
REA – Rural Electrification Administration – offered loans to electric companies and farm
cooperatives for building power plants and extending power lines, as well as to farmers and
other rural residents to wire their homes and barns
Wagner Act –
The Second New Deal
New Agencies
WPA – Works progress Administration – provided jobs for people. It constructed and
improved many public areas
FSA – Farm Security Administration – loaned money to farmers and set up camps for
migrant workers
REA – Rural Electrification Administration – offered loans to electric companies and farm
cooperatives for building power plants and extending power lines, as well as to farmers and
other rural residents to wire their homes and barns
Wagner Act – legalized closed shops (only union members can
work there), and allowed for collective bargaining by unions.
It also outlawed spying on the unions and blacklisting of union
The Second New Deal
New Agencies
WPA – Works progress Administration – provided jobs for people. It constructed and
improved many public areas
FSA – Farm Security Administration – loaned money to farmers and set up camps for
migrant workers
REA – Rural Electrification Administration – offered loans to electric companies and farm
cooperatives for building power plants and extending power lines, as well as to farmers and
other rural residents to wire their homes and barns
Wagner Act – legalized closed shops (only union members can work there), and allowed for
collective bargaining by unions. It also outlawed spying on the unions and blacklisting of union
The Second New Deal
New Agencies
WPA – Works progress Administration – provided jobs for people. It constructed and
improved many public areas
FSA – Farm Security Administration – loaned money to farmers and set up camps for
migrant workers
REA – Rural Electrification Administration – offered loans to electric companies and farm
cooperatives for building power plants and extending power lines, as well as to farmers and
other rural residents to wire their homes and barns
Wagner Act – legalized closed shops (only union members can work there), and allowed for
collective bargaining by unions. It also outlawed spying on the unions and blacklisting of union
NLRB – National Labor Relations Board – set up by the
Wagner Act, its job was to enforce the Wagner Act
The Second New Deal
New Agencies
WPA – Works progress Administration – provided jobs for people. It constructed and
improved many public areas
FSA – Farm Security Administration – loaned money to farmers and set up camps for
migrant workers
REA – Rural Electrification Administration – offered loans to electric companies and farm
cooperatives for building power plants and extending power lines, as well as to farmers and
other rural residents to wire their homes and barns
Wagner Act – legalized closed shops (only union members can work there), and allowed for
collective bargaining by unions. It also outlawed spying on the unions and blacklisting of union
NLRB – National Labor Relations Board – set up by the
enforce the Wagner Act
Social Security Act –
Wagner Act, its job was to
The Second New Deal
New Agencies
WPA – Works progress Administration – provided jobs for people. It constructed and
improved many public areas
FSA – Farm Security Administration – loaned money to farmers and set up camps for
migrant workers
REA – Rural Electrification Administration – offered loans to electric companies and farm
cooperatives for building power plants and extending power lines, as well as to farmers and
other rural residents to wire their homes and barns
Wagner Act – legalized closed shops (only union members can work there), and allowed for
collective bargaining by unions. It also outlawed spying on the unions and blacklisting of union
NLRB – National Labor Relations Board – set up by the
enforce the Wagner Act
Wagner Act, its job was to
Social Security Act – system that provided old age pensions
for workers; and aid for dependent mothers and children, the
blind and the physically disabled