Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Web

Understanding Cisco
Unified Communications
Manager Administration
Administering Cisco Unified Communications Manager
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 Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration and User
 Cisco Unified Communications Manager User Web Interface
 Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Web
 Cisco Unified Communications Manager Serviceability Web
 Cisco Unified Communications Manager Disaster Recovery Web
 Cisco Unified Communications Manager Operating System Web
 Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration
Command Line Interface
© 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
CIPT1 v6.0—2-2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration and User Interfaces
© 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration and User Interface Options
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Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration and User Interface Functions
User Web Interface
Allows end users to customize their own IP phone
settings, configuration, and features
Administration Web
Allows Cisco Unified CM administrators to provision
the system and to configure call routing, voice mail,
devices, applications, end users, etc.
Serviceability Web Interface
Allows Cisco Unified CM administrators to control
feature and network services, configure alarms, trace
information, etc.
Disaster Recovery Web
Allows platform administrators to perform or schedule
Cisco Unified CM backup and restore tasks
Operating System Web
Allows platform administrators to manage the Cisco
Unified CM operating system
Administration CLI
Allows platform administrators to manage the Cisco
Unified CM operating system via a CLI
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Cisco Unified Communications Manager
User Web Interface
© 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Cisco Unified Communications Manager
User Web Interface Functions
Allows users to configure their IP phone to:
 Forward all calls to a different number
 Configure speed-dial numbers
 Subscribe to IP phone services
 Configure personal address book and fast dials
 Change message waiting lamp policy
 Change locale, password, and PIN
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Accessing the User Web Interface
 https://server-address/ccmuser
 Log in using the personal user account created by Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Administrator
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Cisco Unified CM User Main Page
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Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration Web Interface
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Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration Web Interface Functions
 System configuration: Cisco Unified Communications Manager groups,
presence groups, device-mobility groups, device pools, regions,
locations, phone security profile, etc.
 Call routing configuration: Dial rules, route patterns, call hunting, timeof-day routing, partitioning and CSS, intercom, call park, call pickup, etc.
 Media Resource configuration: Conference bridges, transcoders,
MOH, MTPs, etc.
 Voice-mail configuration
 Device configuration: Gateways, gatekeepers, trunks,
IP phones, etc.
 Application configuration: Manager, assistant, attendant console)
 User management: End users, application users, groups, and role
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CIPT1 v6.0—2-11
Accessing the Administration Web
 https://server-address/ccmadmin
 Log in using Cisco Unified Communications Manager
administrator account (created during installation)
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Cisco Unified CM Administration
Main Page
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Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Serviceability Web Interface
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Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Serviceability Web Interface Functions
Allows Cisco Unified Communications Manager
administrators to complete these tasks:
 Configure alarms and logs
 Configure traces
 Configure CDR disk storage and external billing servers
 Activate, deactivate, start, stop, and restart network and feature
 Configure SNMP settings
 Configure serviceability reports
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Accessing the Serviceability Web
 https://server-address/ccmservice
 or access from the navigation shortcut:
 Log in using Cisco Unified Communications Manager
administrator account (created during installation)
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CIPT1 v6.0—2-16
Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Serviceability Main Page
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Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Disaster Recovery Web Interface
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Cisco Unified CM Disaster Recovery Web
Interface Functions
 Provide a user interface for backup and restore tasks
 Write backups to a physical tape drive or remote SFTP server
 Support full cluster backups
 Support ad-hoc backup and restore jobs
 Support scheduled backups
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Accessing the Disaster Recovery Web
 https://server-address/drf
 or access from the navigation shortcut:
 Log in using platform administrator account (created during
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Cisco Unified CM Disaster Recovery
Main Page
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Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Operating System Web Interface
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Cisco Unified CM Operating System
Web Interface Functions
Allows platform administrators to configure and manage
the Cisco Unified Communications Manager operating
system. Here are examples of operating system
administration tasks:
 Check software and hardware status
 Upgrade system software and install or upgrade options
 View or update IP addresses
 Manage NTP servers
 Manage server security, including IPsec and certificates
 Ping other network devices
 Manage remote support (TAC) accounts
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Accessing the Operating System
Web Interface
 https://server-address/cmplatform
 or access from the navigation shortcut:
 Log in using platform administrator account (created during
© 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
CIPT1 v6.0—2-24
Cisco Unified CM Operating System
Main Page
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Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration CLI
© 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration CLI Functions
Allows platform administrators to complete these tasks:
 Display platform information such as, product version, CPU, memory,
disk usage, platform hardware, serial number, etc.
 Display network, process, and load information
 Configure additional platform administrator accounts
 Change platform administrator account and security passwords
 Perform disaster recovery tasks
 Use tools such as ping, traceroute, and packet capture
 Change network configuration settings
 Start, stop, and restart services
 Perform system restarts, shutdowns, and switch versions
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Accessing the Administration CLI
 Use an SSH client
 Log in using platform administrator account (created during
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Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration CLI Main Page
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 The User web interface allows end users to customize their own IP phone
settings, configuration, and features.
 The Administration web interface allows Cisco Unified CM administrators to
provision the system and to configure call routing, voice mail, devices,
applications, end users, etc.
 The Serviceability web interface allows Cisco Unified CM administrators to
control the feature and network services, to configure alarms and traces, etc.
 The Disaster Recovery web interface allows Cisco Unified CM platform
administrators to perform or schedule Cisco Unified CM backup and restore
 The Operating System web interface allows Cisco Unified CM platform
administrators to manage the Cisco Unified CM operating system.
 The Administration CLI allows Cisco Unified CM platform administrators to
manage the Cisco Unified CM operating system and to perform backup and
restore tasks from a CLI.
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© 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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