© Yolanda Paul
Wizznotes.com Tutor
Real Life Situation #1
Real Life Situation #2
Meaning of Summary
In other words
Summary for CXC
The CXC Approach
The “Do” & Don’t”
Key Notes
Time Structure
Sample Question
Sample Question Cont’d
(c) Yolanda Paul
• You were driving on one of the main streets in your town and you witnessed a car accident. The Police officer asks you to briefly tell him what you saw.
What would you say?
• Your mother comes home tired and missed the News broadcast. She quickly asks you for the main highlights. What would you say?
• (noun) -a comprehensive and usually brief abstract, recapitulation, or compendium of previously stated facts or statements.
• (adjective) - brief and comprehensive; concise.
• - direct and prompt; unceremoniously fast: to treat someone with summary dispatch.
(Excerpt adapted from http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/summary)
• Synonyms: succinct, brief, compact, condensed,short, short and sweet
• Antonyms: lengthy, long winded, unabridged, wordy
• When someone asks you to tell them “quick” or “fast” “what went on” or
“wat ah gwaan,” all they would like to know is the main information as to what happened. They would like to know what happened, with whom, when, where and the end result.
• The examiners have taken a skill we use every single day in our day to day lives and have just given you a passage with information and asked you to summarise it the way you would summarise a day at the beach or a day in the market or a car accident for a friend.
• DO NOT BE DETERRED: When looking at the passage, just think about your sister, gf/bf, friend and give them the relevant information as well.
• 1: Read (passage) – Read the passage to get a general understanding of what the author is trying to convey.
• 2: Read (question)-Read the question asked by the examiner so that you have a better understanding about the information you need to get from the passage.
• 3: Read the passage (2 nd time) – Read the passage again and highlight the points that you think are appropriate to use in answering the examiner’s questions.
• 4: Order the points – Place the points in order of priority i.e. most important to least important.
• 5:Begin writing: Ensuring that the information you provide answers the question asked by the examiner.
Word Limit
ALWAYS stick to the word limit.
Use YOUR OWN WORDS at all times. The only exceptions to this rule are for repeating proper names i.e. Name of a study/country/group/project etc. (e.g. CSME, Guadeloupians,
In other words names that you cannot change the names for.
Note also that you only include these proper names if they are
NECESSARY in answering your question.
Word Limit
NEVER cross 120 words/ the number of words as stipulated in the instructions by the examiners (as it is the maximum). Examiners mark up until that point!
Do NOT REPEAT words/ phrases from the passage. Examiners will deduct marks for this. Note that any vocabulary word/s used must be explained simply or using synonyms. REPETITION is NOT allowed!
Use Vocabulary words & phrases
Use vocabulary words & phrases that would convey the same meaning without wasting words
E.g. Consequently, Therefore, As a result of, Subsequent to, Prior to which, ascertain etc.
Remember: The point of summary writing is for you to tell the story in your own words as briefly and succinctly as possible including all relevant information.
Use Vocabulary words & phrases
Do NOT be LONG WINDED . There are some words/ phrases which can be replaced by other shorter more concise ones to convey the same meaning. Sticking to the WORD LIMIT is important!
• When thinking SUMMARY think
brief, concise, to the point
- in my own words
- sticking to the word limit
- giving information that is relevant to the question
• CXC recommends that you spend NO MORE THAN 35 mins on the
Summary Writing piece. Try to STICK to the suggested time structure!
Why? – Once you have successfully completed this question, you will never need to return to it, giving you time to focus on the others.
15 minutes Preparation time (i.e.
1st read of passage, reading question, rereading passage, ordering points)(Refer to slide #7).
20 minutes
5 minutes
35 minutes
Write the Summary
Writing piece.
Re-read written work & correct errors.
• Imagine that you are Lizzie. In not more than 120 words, write the letter to the villagers.
Lizzie Smith! Don't you know that the students from
Guadeloupe arrive on September 20th?
Lizzie: Yes Troy, both the boys and the girls.
Yes and that's only a month away . We haven't found accommodation for them as yet. The hotel says there won't be any room at that time. As secretary, it's your responsibility...
I know, I know. I'll arrange for them to stay in private homes. I'm sure the villagers won't mind taking them in for a small charge.
It's only for two weeks. Our visitors are booked to leave on the
Not a bad idea. Why don't you write to all the villagers asking them to write to us if they are interested in putting up these students? I wonder how much they'll charge.
I'll ask them to give their rates. We'll have to insist, though, that the villagers who are interested must be able to speak French. The
Guadeloupans speak no English.
At least not the six who are coming. Should the villagers provide meals?
Breakfast and dinner, except on Sundays when they must include lunch as well.
I think we should let the villagers know that two club members will want to inspect homes and chat with the applicants before making the selection.
Agreed. Letters from those who are interested should reach us by August
15th. Then our members can visit on the
After six p.m., I suppose? Should the villagers write to you as secretary?
Right on both counts; I'll tell them to write to:
The Secretary
Old Boys’ Sports Club
P.O. Box 65
Salmon Village.
But suppose a villager can put up more than one student?
Then that’s just a bigger plus for us!
• I dare you to accept the challenge of attempting the Sample Question having read the steps to Summary writing. Remember this:
1. Challenge yourself always. You CAN do it
2. Practice & Writing makes PERFECT
Look out for a sample answer for the question in our next module!