SPM Summary Writing Guide: Tips & Model Answer

Summary Writing
for SPM 1119/2
words (including the 10 words given)
•15 marks ( 10 for contents & 5 for language)
Summary tests the students’ ability
extract important points from the
 pick out the main points
 indicate where the important points are
 make an outline of the points
 substitute expressions with single words
 use alternative vocabulary
Read the question to understand the task
Identify the section to be summarized
Read the passage again
Underline the relevant points
Write the summary in ONE paragraph
Begin with the 10 words given
Leave out unnecessary details
Follow the sequence of events in the
Write 130 words (count them)
How To Write A Summary
write precisely
 include important points
 leave out irrelevant /unnecessary details
 avoid using contractions/short forms
 make rough notes of the main points
 arrange the notes in the correct order
(use your own words if possible)
 form sentences by joining notes
use sentence connectors
 replace groups of words with single word
What to leave out
unimportant details
lengthy descriptions
figurative expressions
negative statements
Question 31
Based on the given passage, write a
summary on :
 the hardships the villagers faced as a
result of the floods and landslides
 what was done to help them
Your summary must
be in continuous writing (not in note
 use material from line 16 to line 42
 not be longer than 130 words, including
the 10 words given below
Begin your summary as follows:
The village of Pebo was affected by the floods
Summary – Model Answer
The village of Pebo was affected by the flood as
//well as Pella. At Pebo, houses situated nearest to the
Delwala river were demolished C1 when the banks
burst. Houses were also badly damaged C2 because of
landslides from the surrounding hills. At Pella, landslides
swept away rice fields C4which left farmers without
their source of income C5 and made the others
homeless. They were gathered at Pella village school in
poor sanitary conditions.C7 Gem mines stopped
operations C9 because they were damaged.
The poor lost their mud houses and land
where they worked as labourers. Mercy
Malaysia’s Flood Relief mission donated
clothes C11, shoes and food C12 to the
villagers. Mobile clinics were set up C13
for the people who were sick.C14 The
temple at Pebo became a refugee camp
C3 to shelter the villagers.
127 words