Knowing Resource Centre

A platform of for knowledge and
services sharing
Fernando Ferri
Why the Knowing Resource Centre
Are companies aware of all available financial supports (at local,
national and international)?
Can companies easily find and choose better partners for their
Can companies easily know if a research institution can provide the
scientific support they need?
Can companies be easily reached without fill several forms?
Are local governments and regions aware of policies and financial
instruments proposed by other local governments and regions?
Why the Knowing Resource Centre
Are local governments and regions aware of best practices and
success case proposed by other local governments and regions?
Can companies, institutions and other organizations know how
efficacy is the communication of their websites?
Can actors of the innovation join the scientific debate concerning hot
topic of innovation?
And many more ……
Resource Centre Objective
The Knowing Resource Centre has the objective to
enhance the cooperation of key institutional and
economic actors and to exchange information on
policies, tools and strategies for attracting and
creating “innovation".
The resource centre has been ideated aiming to
be the tool for building and managing a wide
community of communities sharing information,
services, exchanging ideas, supporting knowledge
economy, creativity and innovation.
The Resource Centre: a tool of
collective intelligence
The Knowing Resource Centre can be understood
as a shared or group intelligence that emerges
from the collaboration and competition of many
individuals that continually learns from feedback to
produce just-in-time knowledge for better decisions
The Resource Centre: a tool of
collective intelligence
The four principles:
- Openness: Collaboration predominate over the
- Peering: Horizontal organization of people selforganized
- Sharing: Sharing resources and intellectual
- Acting Globally: no geographical boundaries
Knowing Resource Centre
The Resource Centre allows:
-the creation of a transnational multilevel community;
-the modelling of a permanent, sustainable online Resource
Centre for constant interaction between stakeholders;
-the development of supporting tools to provide information,
knowledge and services for innovative and knowledge-based
- to access and analyze activities on internet social networks
(for example Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter and so on)
- to create and manage repositories of documents
The functionalities
Knowledge acquisition functionalities:
browsing on-line information and services by using
a tool that is based on the most popular search
engine (Google,..)
 browsing shared information and services stored in
the platform and organized according to an
ontology of concepts
 browsing activities and information in the online
communities (facebook, twitter and LinkedIn)
The functionalities
Knowledge creation functionalities:
enabling people to profile themselves, on
the base of pre-defined profiles
 defining a new profile providing its
 providing the profile information
The functionalities
Knowledge storage functionalities:
enabling people to organizing the retrieved on-line knowledge
classifying it in: databases, directories, funding tools, services,
social networks
enabling people to organize the retrieved on-line information and
services in personal databases
allowing users to have a unique e-mail service that allows to
manage all the personal accounts in a unified tool, accessing also
information and services of interest contained in the e-mail
definition of databases with set of data about projects and web
links on innovation, creativity, research and technology
definition of personal databases with on-line information and
The functionalities
Knowledge refinement functionalities:
selecting and filtering information and
services stored in the platform using the
profile information
The functionalities
Knowledge sharing functionalities:
enabling people to share with the
community all or part of information,
services and tools contained in the
personal databases
 enabling people to share knowledge
according to different topics, available on
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
The functionalities
Knowledge utilization functionalities:
combining the results of searching
resources stored in the platform or
available online to find and elaborate new
 re-using the profile information to reduce
the search space
The functionalities
Networking functionalities:
creating a community of interest joining
individuals as well as pre-existing
networks on the base of features of human
behaviours, interests and user profiles
The functionalities
Building artifact functionalities:
building of personalized structured knowledge
bases selecting data and information from
available resources, categorizing them and
integrating in new knowledge
building a structured knowledge bases by
adding URL and supply attribute-value pairs
into the KRC
Knowing Resource Centre
The Resource Centre is available to the following