Real Estate Free Agency - Ifma

Real Estate Free Agency
Effective Management of
Your Portfolio
Session 7.08
Real Estate Agent
“Real” Estate Agent
Just Kidding!!
• This presentation does not recommend foregoing
professional real estate agency partners
• Comment when I submitted this presentation for
consideration – “A very interesting topic that'll have
RE brokers picketing at the back of the room.”
The key is:
Every organization needs to have an internal
focus on managing their real estate portfolio
Meet Our Presenter
As manager of 26 leased office locations around the
world, Mark Ellis has encountered numerous
triumphs and tribulations in managing his
company’s portfolio. Having been involved in
negotiating over 75 lease contracts worldwide, he
has had an opportunity to work under exclusive,
preferred, and unaffiliated agreements with minor
and major players in the Real Estate Agency world.
His experience and knowledge of these
relationships and their effectiveness in helping to
reduce lease costs over 30% worldwide for his
portfolio make him an ideal individual to learn from.
Mark Ellis, CFM
Director, Global Facilities
& Real Estate - Tekelec
Learning Objectives
• Understand that the tools and benefits of the real estate
partnership go both ways
• Understanding the type of partnership you should have with
a real estate agency partner given your portfolio
• Choosing the right local agent or agency for your transaction
• Ensuring that your agent is motivated to get YOU the best
deal and giving you THE critical post-transaction deliverable
• Cultivating the partnership – it’s a two-way street
Look for “The Bottom Line”
Tools and Benefits of an Effective Partnership
• Regular communication with a dedicated account team
• Lease management tool and initial abstracts where needed
• Proactive market monitoring in existing locations
• Access to market reports
• Access to white papers on important real estate topics
• Initial assistance with real estate “side projects”
• Annual-threshold commission sharing proposition
Benefits both sides of the partnership
Exclusive vs. Preferred
• Exclusive Partnership
Agreement where you are required to use the agents of the partner for all
Too often this leads to a hands-off approach from the client, no real
leverage for creative commission agreements, and are locked in to the
local agent regardless of performance
• Preferred Partnership
Requires partner to earn business with each transaction
Can and should receive same tools and benefits of an exclusive
partnership, albeit subject to reasonable activity levels
Commission-sharing proposition is more prevalent in this relationship to
incent client to utilize agency
Remember – It’s all about the individual agent
Preferred Partnership – The Good Story
Regular communication with a dedicated account
team - quarterly
Lease management tool and initial abstracts
where needed – free and remained so
Proactive market monitoring in existing locations
– several agency-initiated transactions
Access to market reports – full access to library
Access to white papers on important real estate
topics – full access to library
Initial assistance with real estate “side projects”
Annual-threshold commission sharing proposition
Significant rebate on HQ extension
Got the best dots!
Exclusive Partnership – The Bad Story
Regular communication with a dedicated account
team – when they felt like it
Lease management tool and initial abstracts
where needed – For $90,000 annual
Proactive market monitoring in existing locations
– Had to ask for specific location
Access to market reports – upon request only
Access to white papers on important real estate
topics – upon request only
Initial assistance with real estate “side projects”
Annual-threshold commission sharing proposition
– not a chance
Became a dot-referral service
The Serviced Office Blind Spot
• Serviced office (like Regus) portfolios suffer in most exclusive
Most large agencies do not put the proper attention and focus on these
transactions – there are alternatives….unless you are exclusive, of course
There’s more than just Regus out there!
Should get same property search and comparison as traditional
Can easily get locked into top-tier pricing and/or autopilot
Need an agent that understands the differences in negotiable terms as
compared to traditional
Setup fees, exit fees, service fees, operational flexibility, parking, internet connection,
phones, furniture fees, and sometimes various “hidden fees”
Manage these transactions – do not allow local resource “sweet deal”
Need same focus on these transactions too!
Choosing The Right Local Agent
• Start with the preferred-partner recommended agent
Be a good partner, stay true to preferred status
• Explain the objective: business strategy, use, desired submarket, buildingtype, critical amenities, budget, and operational flexibility targets for the
• Examine the initial property search report critically
Did they listen to you? If there are mismatches, did they explain why they still meet objectives?
Can they give examples of recent transactions they completed and what they
were able to achieve through negotiations from starting positions?
If you are satisfied, move to commission negotiation
If not, explain to your account management team why you will be looking at
other agents
The right agent will be a great listener
Negotiating Commission Agreements
• For international transactions, often the client pays some or all of the
commission fee
• Understand the commission norms for the market
• Do not be afraid to construct a creative commission agreement
Try to base on exceeding objectives (higher percentage), percentage of
negotiated savings from beginning position, min/max structure, lease abstract
deliverable, and/or other creative ideas to incent the best deal
If can’t agree, utilize your account team to resolve - but in the end, be satisfied
with your agreement or end the engagement and start again elsewhere
This is NOT about hammering the commission down to an unreasonable level
• If you do not achieve an agreement on commission structure, stop here
Be fair – do not go beyond an initial search unless you engage
The right agent is creative with commissions
The Domestic Transaction Conundrum
• For domestic transactions, the landlord pays the fee
Sounds great, but you can bet you pay for it in the deal
• So, how do you ensure that you are getting the best deal if your
agent is paid more when the landlord makes more?
You need to focus on comps, evidence of the agent to negotiate strongly from
initial starting position, and press for what you need to get the deal done
Ensure at least three properties are FULLY negotiated so you can maximize
leverage in final negotiations with your preferred choice
Landlords are competing against each other for your business – leverage it!
Remember, your agent doesn’t get paid unless they make a deal, so stick to
your guns! The right agent will be creative and meet objectives….
…..but be reasonable and understand the limits
Full negotiation of several properties a must
Cultivating The Partnership
Take an active role in managing your portfolio
Help your agency help you
Passive management leads to missed opportunities
Meet your account team regularly to discuss market condition
at current locations and your current business strategic plans
Review upcoming critical dates and develop a plan to meet
location objectives
Provide honest and critical assessments of local agent
performance in recent transactions
Indicate where service or information could be improved
Help your partner improve their performance
Learning Objectives – Mission Accomplished!
• Understand the tools and benefits
• Dedicated account team, lease management tool, initial market and side-project
reports/advice, proactive research for your market opportunities
• Understanding the type of partnership you should have with a real estate
agency partner given your portfolio
• A Preferred Partnership is likely your best bet
• Choosing the right local agent or agency for your transaction
• It’s all about the individual agent, don’t be afraid to shop, but be fair
• Ensuring that your agent is motivated to get YOU the best deal and giving
you THE critical post-transaction deliverable
• The right agent will be flexible to be tenant-motivated and get your LEASE ABSTRACT
• Cultivating the partnership – it’s a two-way street
• Providing constructive feedback to make your brokerage a better partner
Questions & Answers
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