Curriculum for excellence parents






What model does CfE propose ?

An S1 of approx 15 subjects or 8 curricular modes;

An S2 of approx 15 subjects or 8 curricular modes;

An S3 of approx 15 subjects or 8 curricular modes;

An S4/5/6 of 5 subjects, each 160 hours in length.

2 stages in a school career, the Junior and the

Senior phase.

Uddingston Grammar Model - S1

S1 remains the same as at present

PERIODS 4 4 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 32

Uddingston Grammar Model – S2

S2 remains the same as at present

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Uddingston Grammar Model – S3

Pupils study 5 electives / choices at Level 4 until February

Pupils move into National 5 course outcomes in these subjects in February

Some continue with National 4 course outcomes

Pupils continue with a minimum of 1 period for additional

CfE certification eg John Muir; ASDAN; YA ; IDL etc

Pupils continue with English; Maths; PE and Languages as core until the end of S3;

Including PSE and RMPS pupils study 12 subject areas

At the end of S3 pupils move out of the CfE column and drop one other choice area inclusive of Languages

ALL subjects MUST be involved in IDL planned activities

Uddingston Grammar Model – S3 cont


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Pupils continue with Languages and choose 5 subjects and have a CfE column for Youth Achievement; ASDAN; Sports Leadership awards etc

Uddingston Grammar Model – S4

Pupils study 10 subject areas including PSE; RMPS and PE

National 4/5 pupils presented in 7 subjects including English and Maths

Additional core certification in PSE; RMPS and PE

(PE at National 4 or alternatives)

2 year Higher may be available in English; Maths and Languages

S5/6 will then follow a 5 subject structure the same as at present.

Uddingston Grammar Model – S4 cont


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Pupils DROP one choice and the CfE column to concentrate on SQA subjects

– choice subjects now increased contacts from 3 in S3 to 4 in S4.

Mechanisms required for success

Personal Learning Planning – tracking and monitoring – first level guidance role will be crucial

– the WHOLE school – staff and pupils – will need to be involved in PLP to ensure Literacy and

Numeracy outcomes are monitored

Curriculum has to evolve – double periods in S3 and

S4 may be required

What are other schools thinking ?

6 subjects in S4 is increasingly common

Electives in S1 is increasingly common

PLP is very common already and becoming more so

7 / 8 subjects beginning in S3 is very common

6 Highers in S5 is becoming a live issue in some areas

2 year Higher is becoming more popular

Vocational qualifications are gaining credibility and are becoming more common

Things to think about ….

Is our model of 12 curricular areas too narrow in S3 ?

Is the time associated with each curricular area too generous eg an average of 210 hours for 160 required?

Is 7 SQA subjects in S4 too many ?

Should ALL curricular areas be optional at the end of

S4 ?

Should S5/6 National 5 repeat candidates present alongside S4 candidates (they would already have achieved the internal awards)

Could subjects other than English; Maths and Languages offer potential 2 year Higher ?

Summary – Our proposal

S1 and S2 – same as at present

S3 – pupils choose 8 subjects + CfE + PE; RMPS and PSE – this is the same as at present with CfE being an addition

S4 – pupils DROP one subject + CfE and sit 7 subjects + PE; RMPS and PSE

S5/6 – same structure as at present with only

English being compulsory in S5
