System integration

Lars Frank:
• 1971
Cand. Scient. in computer science (Datalog) and math.
• 1975
HD in organization
• 1975-93 Database consultant (primært i banksektoren)
• 1994-
Associate professor at CBS
• 2008
Dr. merc. from CBS
The objectives of System Integration:
The right data
should be at the right place
for the right persons/system
to the right time
in the right quality
to the lowest costs.
Where are the conflicts between the objectives in system integration?
System integration definition :
Two systems are integrated if they
use common data or if they
exchange data.
Are two systems integrated if they use common keys
like social security number or CPRnr.?
How would you recommend to integrate Library
reservation systems with the e-mail systems of the
System integration definition:
Two systems are integrated if they
use common data or if they
exchange data.
Are two systems integrated if they deliver data to the
same data warehouse?
System integration examples:
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) examples:
The Sales/e-commerse, Production, and Procurement modules
all use the common product stock data.
CRM (Customer Relations Management) and the Sales
modules both use the Name and Address of the customers.
The Procurement module may transfer money data to the
Accounting module in another ERP system.
The HRM (Human Resource Management) module may be
integrated with the tax authorities.
How are the ERP modules normally integrated internally?
How are different ERP systems normally integrated externally?
Description of integrated systems
that do not have common data:
The integrated data may be
described by the local data models
supplemented by the description of
the consistency management.
The integrated applications may be
described workflow diagrams.
Consistency of integrated data:
Two systems are integrated if they
use common data or if they
exchange data.
Can the consistency of common data always be managed
by a DBMS (Data Base Management System)?
Why is SOA (Service Orientated Architecture) normally
used to integrate systems that do not use common data?
The ACID properties are implemented automatically by
a DBMS (Data Base Management System):
• Atomicity = the all or nothing update property.
• Consistency = if a database is consistent before a
transaction is executed, then the database must also
be consistent after the transaction is executed.
• Isolation = The updates of a transaction must not be
seen by other transactions before the transaction is
• Durability = Committed data can be recovered in
case of failures.
What happens if an accounting transaction does not have ACID properties?
System integration may have many “dimensions”
Data with
relaxed ACID
properties are
not consistent
but they are
managed in
such a way that
they can be
trusted anyway.
Are there more “dimensions” in system integration?
The ACID properties are implemented by a
DBMS (DataBase Management System).
Relaxed ACID properties are implemented by
the application programs.
Why are organizations often forced to use relaxed ACID properties
in practice?
Relaxed ACID properties are implemented by the
application programs in such a way that the users can
trust the data even when ACID properties are missing.
• Atomicity = the all or nothing update property.
• Consistency = if a database is consistent before a
transaction is executed, then the database must also
be consistent after the transaction is executed.
• Isolation = The updates of a transaction must not
be seen by other transactions before the transaction
is committed.
• Durability = Committed data can be recovered in
case of failures.
How would you recommend to implement Relaxed Atomicity and
Durability across two integrated systems with local ACID properties?
Course overview grouped by
System integration software types:
1. Homogeneous ERP systems integrated by using a common database.
2. Heterogeneous ERP systems from different suppliers may be
integrated by using relaxed ACID properties.
3. Workflows and Relaxed transaction can send subtransactions to other
systems and they may use a common (distributed) database.
4. Data warehouses integrate distributed data by sending data to a
common data warehouse database by using ETL
(Extract, Transform, and Load) of data from the operative systems.
Miniproject examples:
• Choose a fictive company or a company you know with
integration problems. Describe the theoretical possibilities
for making integration in the company. Analyze and
describe your recommendations for making the integration
in practice.
• Describe an ERP system with the focus on integrating the
value chain/supply chain of a company (both internally and
across company borders).
• Describe how you will recommend to integrate mobile
• Describe how you will recommend an enterprise to
migrate from one ERP system to another.
• Try to integrate two or more of the projects described
Issues for structuring integration miniprojects:
•Describe the data of the systems to be integrated. (For example, how are the tables
fragmented in a centralized DB solution and how are the tables
fragmented/replicated in a distributed DB solution?)
•Which replication method is used per table segment/attribute
•Use workflows to describe integration with other systems and resources
•Describe how you would recommend to use relaxed ACID properties for the most
important update transactions
Why are you here ?
Describe yourself from the point of view of making project groups:
– Name
– Intereste or working expierence that could be relevant for a mini project.
– Ideas to a miniproject.
End of session
Thank you !!!
System integration:
Two systems are integrated if they
use common data or if they
exchange data.
Can two systems be integrated in such a way that the
first system is integrated with the second system
but the second is not integrated with the first?
System 1
Data flow
System 2
The ACID properties of transactions:
• Atomicity = the all or nothing update property.
• Concistency = if a database is consistent before a
transaction is execued, then the database must alo
be consistent after the transaction is executed.
• Isolation = The updates of a transaction must not
be seen by other transactions before the
transaction is committed.
• Durability = Committed data can be recovered in
case of failures.
What is the difference between failure and disaster recovery?