Full Service and The Future of Mail Acceptance Anthony Loera Supervisor, Business Mail Entry 1 Full-Service Benefits Reduce Costs • Receive automation price discounts • Eliminate permit fees • Use the same permit at any location Address Correction • Address correction on Full-Service pieces Monitor Service • Start-the-Clock on Mail Entry • Visibility and Tracking 2 Full-Service Requirements for Automation Rates – Jan’14 Intelligent Mail Barcode • On Mailpieces, Trays and Containers Barcode Uniqueness* Electronic Documentation Valid MIDs, CRIDs • Mail.dat®, Mail.XML™ or Postal Wizard By-For Valid Service Type ID in Barcode * Exception: For mailings of <10,000 pcs barcode can contain same serial number for every piece in the mailing. Serial # must be unique for each mailing. 3 Mail Eligible for Full-Service • Effective January 26, 2014, use of Full-Service Intelligent Mail is required to qualify for automation prices for – – – – First-Class Mail® postcards, letters and flats Standard Mail® letters and flats Periodicals letters and flats Bound Printed Matter flats • On April 18, 2013 the Postal Service posted the Final Rule Federal Register Notice which outlines the requirement for January 2014 – This Federal Register Final Notice can be reviewed in its entirety by visiting the website federalregister.gov 4 What is Intelligent Mail? The Intelligent Mail Service uses information-rich barcodes and electronic documentation, providing valuable services that enhance business operations such as marketing, financials and customer support Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb) Intelligent Mail Tray barcode (IMtb) SCF SAN FRANCISCO CA STD FLTS SCF BC/NBC 940 XYZ CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL FALLS, MN Intelligent Mail Container barcode (IMcb) (Mailer Area) Under the Full-Service option, most mailers are required to use unique Intelligent Mail barcodes for mailpieces and handling units (trays or sacks) and keep those barcodes unique for 45 days. 5 What is Electronic Documentation (eDoc)? • Electronic documentation allows mailers to submit postage statements and qualification reports electronically through the PostalOne! system • The 4 Options for submitting electronic documentation are: • • • • Mail.dat Mail.XML Postal Wizard Intelligent Mail for Small Business (IMsb) Tool 6 Available eDoc Technologies Mail.dat® Mail.XML ™ Postal Wizard • Mail.dat is an electronic file that represents the mailing • Mail.dat uses a fixed file format to send mailing information • Mailer uses own software or vendor software to create electronic file • Mail.XML is an electronic file that represents the mailing • Allows two-way conversational communication letting the customer select data fields submitted • Mailer uses own software or vendor software to create electronic file • Mailer types information into online forms in Postal Wizard, a USPS tool • Postal Wizard creates the electronic postage statement • Separate software is needed to generate barcodes 7 Intelligent Mail Small Business Tool (IMsb) • Designed specifically for small-volume mailers • Allows mailers to: • Upload address list to the IMsb Tool • Print address with an Intelligent Mail barcode on labels, envelopes or insert page • Print tray labels • Prepare mailings for entry into the mailstream • Submit postage statement(s) electronically As a New Customer, how do I obtain a single MID? • When creating a new business account on the Business Customer Gateway (BCG), a MID and CRID will automatically be assigned for that business location – Log-on to the Business Customer Gateway to access all online services. https://gateway.usps.com 8 As an Existing Customer, how do I obtain an additional MID? • Customers can obtain additional MIDs through the BCG “Mailer ID” portal, which can be accessed one of three ways: - Mailing Services menu - Shipping Services menu - Click on the “Mailer ID” button within the Favorite Services panel 9 As an MSP, how do I obtain an additional MID? Mail Service Providers may request individual or bulk CRIDs, MIDs or both on behalf of a client through the BCG 10 Intelligent Mailpiece Barcode TRACKING CODE ROUTING CODE Barcode Uniqueness BARCODE ID SERVICE TYPE ID MAILER ID SERIAL NUMBER ROUTING CODE EXAMPLE: 50 FOR MIXED AADC EXAMPLE: 300 FOR FIRSTCLASS MAIL® EXAMPLE: 123456 EXAMPLE: 200800001 MAILER ASSIGNED EXAMPLE: 6449 EARL CT, MEMPHIS, TN 38141834649 USPS ASSIGNED 11 Unique Intelligent Mail Tray Barcode for Handling Units (IMtb) Barcode Uniqueness ZIP CODE CONTENT ID # PROCESSING CODE MAILER ID SERIAL NUMBER LABEL TYPE EXAMPLE: MEMPHIS, TN 38141 EXAMPLE: 3-DIGITS DESCRIBING THE TRAY EXAMPLE: 1 FOR AUTOMATION COMPATIBLE EXAMPLE: 123456 EXAMPLE: 20080001 MAILER ASSIGNED EXAMPLE: 1 FOR 6-DIGIT MID USPS® ASSIGNED Under the Full-Service option, most mailers are required to use a unique Intelligent Mail® tray barcode on all handling units (trays or sacks) and keep this barcode unique for 45 days. 12 Unique Intelligent Mail Container Barcodes (IMcb) SCF SAN FRANCISCO CA STD FLTS SCF BC/NBC 940 XYZ CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL FALLS, MN (Mailer Area) APPLICATION IDENTIFIER TYPE INDICATOR MAILER ID EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE: 99 M USPS ASSIGNED, EXAMPLE: Ex: 2034Z SERIAL NUMBER EXAMPLE: Mailer Assigned, Ex: 200800000001 Barcode Uniqueness Under the Full-Service option, most mailers are required to use a unique Intelligent Mail® container barcode on the Intelligent Mail® container placard and keep this barcode unique for 45 days. 13 Full-Service Mailing Solutions Commercial Mailing Software Vendors • Mailing software vendors offer easy, ready-to-go solutions for preparing and submitting Full-Service mailings. - Mail.dat/Mail.XML: software solutions for mailers who wish to use software to prepare presort mailings, generate unique barcodes, and submit mailing information electronically to USPS. - Postal Wizard: software solution which allow mailers to presort mail and generate unique barcodes, but require the mailer to enter the postage statement information online via the online Postal Wizard tool. For additional details, reference the RIBBS Certifications > eDoc & Full-Service page: https://ribbs.usps.gov/index.cfm?page=electronicdoc 14 Full-Service Mailing Solutions Commercial Mailing Software Vendors (Cont’d) • For a list of software vendors that offer dynamic Full-Service solutions and have tested them with USPS, reference the following documents on RIBBS: – The summary list is a one-page document which identifies the three types of presort software and which vendors offer each type • Also identifies the specific submission methods and classes of mail that are supported by each vendor – The detailed list is an Excel vendor matrix which provides more in-depth details about the capabilities and offerings of each software vendor – Mailers using a product on one of these lists can start mailing in production without additional testing in the Test Environment for Mailers (TEM). Mail Owners and Mail Service Providers who wish to validate a FullService test mailing can do so by submitting a single file through TEM instructions on the fact sheet located on RIBBS: http://ribbs.usps.gov/electronicdoc/documents/tech_guide s/TEMProcessMailingsMail.dat_Mail.XML.pdf 15 16 Intelligent Mail® package barcodes 17 Intelligent Mail® package barcodes • Enhanced package visibility • Federal Register filing September 10, 2010 – Notice of advanced rulemaking • Federal Register filing February 26, 2013 – Request for comments • Federal Register filing July 11, 2013 – Proposed rule 18 Requirements • Existing – Required on all commercial parcels with exception of Standard Mail parcels effective January 27, 2013 • Claiming presort or destination entry • All parcels of any class with tracking • All mailpieces with shape requesting extra services • Proposed effective January 2014 (on or about 01/26/14) – Required on all remaining commercial parcels – Require transmission of supporting electronic documentation • Including piece level address (or ZIP+4) information • Proposed effective January 2015 – Complete destination delivery or 11-digit delivery point validated ZIP Code required in electronic documentation 19 eInduction • eInduction improves the Plant Verified Drop Shipment (PVDS) process by streamlining the entry process. – Eliminates paper 8125s and 8017s – Utilizes electronic documentation • In Pilot • National Deployment – October 2013 • eInduction Guide For Mailers – RIBBS>Intelligent Mail Services>Guides and Specs 20 Mailer Scorecard What is Mailer Scorecard • The Mailer Scorecard provides a dashboard view summarizing performance • Allows comparison across facilities • Conditional formatting provides a trending view across months • Drill reports provide a way to determine specific mail preparation errors • Available for any company that submits electronic documentation – Data grouped by a eDoc submitted CRID Postal Explorer • Postal Explorer located at USPS.COM • Federal Register Notices Postal Explorer • DMM Advisory – Send email to dmmadvisory@usps.com to subscribe DMM Advisory Federal Register Notices 22 Postal Explorer – FRNs & DMM Advisory 23 RIBBS • RIBBS.USPS.GOV • Full-Service Intelligent Mail Requirements for Automation Prices – Federal Register Notice (Final Rule) • Intelligent Mail Services – – – – Latest News Getting Started Guides & Specs Business Customer Gateway • eDoc and Full-Service Authorization for Software Vendors 24 Questions Thank You! 25 Q&A 26