SEM1 3.05 A - Promotion • PE - Develop content for use in marketing communications to create interest in product/business/idea • PI - Write content for use on the website • PI - Develop a direct mail offer for SEM products EFFECTIVE WEBSITE CONTENT THE CONTENT OF A WEB SITE HAS A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE SUCCESS OF THE SITE • CONCISE – Space is limited – use it wisely – Break the text up: • Short sections (chunking) • Many headlines • Bullet points – Get information as quickly as possible – update frequently – Users will lose interest if too much text – Make it concise yet interesting to locate relevant information • INTERESTING – Relevant – Link(s) to more detailed pages for more information • EASY TO NAVIGATE – Information needs to be easily located • Do not use: – Long sentences, jargon, humor or stories…see concise!! SEM1 3.05 Activity • Students work in pairs and create copy for a web site based on effective website content • Cut out a magazine article about a sport/event product. • Rewrite the article so that it is appropriate for the web and create a web page about the product • Include: – – – – – Chunk-sized pieces of information Analogies, metaphors Headlines, bullet points & legible font size Short paragraphs Relevant & interesting info for your target market EFFECTIVE DIRECT MAIL GOAL: Generate a response, not a sale! • Should target a specific market • Should be personalized for opening – Addressed to specific individuals, not a company • Should be designed to draw attention – Stand out from other mailings so consumers do not immediately throw away – Unique and Interesting to engage your target market • Should encourage immediate action STRATEGIES FOR EFFECTIVE DIRECT MAIL • Send to specific target markets – Mass marketing should not be utilized as it will waste money • Personalize (Address the recipient by name) – Never address to a company - (Dear “Dominos’ Customer”) • Develop more detailed copy than in print ads – Since you have “targeted” your consumer, they will read more! • Measurable & actionable – Include coupons or reply card – Find out exactly how effective it was PROCEDURE of DIRECT MAIL CAMPAIGN 1. Choose your Product – What are you promoting this time? 2. Define your Customer – Define the TARGET MARKET that is going to be interested 3. Pick the List – Put together your DIRECT MAIL LIST 4. Design – Customers need to quickly connect with it 5. Print and Mail 6. Follow-Up and Document – – Follow-up when you get a response Document those customers for other campaigns 7. Repeat! DIRECT MAIL FORMATS • • • • • • • • Postcards Catalog Sales flyer/brochure Newsletter Larger letter envelopes Letter envelopes CD/DVD disc Contest/sweepstakes response SEM1 3.05 Activity Create a direct-mail letter for alumni to purchase a AKHS Knight’s mascot bobble head doll 1. 2. 3. Create/design your product – must show in your direct mail piece (15) Define your Customer (target market) (5) Select the direct mail list – how will you obtain this list? (5) – 4. 5. Decide on the format of the direct mail piece Create the design and copy/content of the direct mail piece (40) – – 6. 7. 8. 9. How many graduation classes will you include? How are you going to personalize it for each recipient? Make this colorful, eye catching and creative Incorporate some type of reply/purchase card (15) Determine what the cost of postage is per mailing (5) Determine the TOTAL COST (cost per letter X how many letters) (5) Follow-up and document (10) – – – How are you going to measure how effective your direct mail campaign is? How are you going to follow-up with those who “acted” How will you build relationship marketing with your consumers? Web site links for direct mail • • • • • •