
Apartheid in South Africa
Please do not talk at this time
Dec 2
HW: Finish your chart from the documents on Apartheid
• Please turn in your Make up work and
• Put it all in one packet with your name.
• Let me know what part I am re-grading with a
note/arrow/circle etc.
Video on Imperialism in Africa
We’ll start with a short video…
• Think about what you remember about
Imperialism in Africa…
• Today we will be looking at the History of
South Africa as a case study for the
experience of Africa in general.
South Africa
South Africa History:
1652 -- The Dutch settle in Cape Colony at Cape Town.
Slaves from West Africa, Malaysia, and India are imported
into the colony, setting up a system where whites rule
• 1806 – British seize and eventually take over the Cape Colony. Native
peoples are told they must work for white employers and place restrictions
on their travel.
• 1867 – Diamonds are discovered at Kimberley and mining begins. Africans
are given the most dangerous jobs, are paid less than white workers, and
are housed in fenced, patrolled barracks. They are not allowed to organize
union or ask for better wages or working conditions.
• 1910 – The Union of South Africa is born under the British
Commonwealth, ending its status as a colony of Great
Britain. The South Africa Act is also passed which takes
away all political rights of Africans.
• 1948 – Urbanization, economic growth and a world fighting
for freedom during World War II fuels white fears that
equality for all races might gain support. The National Party
introduces apartheid measures against blacks, Indian
immigrants and those of mixed race to keep the races
separate and whites in power.
What do you see in these pictures? What do
they tell you about South Africa at this time?
Please find two people to work
with and make a group of 3
• Please sit with your group
• Please get a folder from the front of the
Comic Strip Assignment- IGNORE
Apartheid Timeline- Required
Overview of Apartheid- Required
Apartheid Chart/Photo page- Required
National Party’s Color Policy- Optional
Kaffir Boy- Optional
South Africa was the first country to gain its independence in
Africa. It became independent from England in 1910.
However, the white minority was determined at that time not to
give away any of the power they had held since Colonial times.
They knew that Education, Wealth and Unity were the three
things that would allow the black population of South Africa to
seize power in the new government and so they passed laws to
begin Apartheid.
Big Question: How did the white South
Africans keep the black South Africans
from becoming Educated? Wealthy?
On pg. 65A in your notebook, please set up the page like this:
White Controls over Non White South Africans
• Education
• Wealth
• United
Look at the Documents before
• You have a Timeline, an article, a graph and
several pictures that you MUST use.
• You also have two Primary Sources you MAY
• As you look at these pages, talk over with
your partner how white South Africans are
preventing black South Africans from
becoming educated, wealthy and united?
• Once you have some ideas… fill out your
• Education
• Wealth
• United
Please do not talk at this time
Dec 3
HW: Finish BSQ for South Africa
Please get out Ed/$/Unity chart.
Please turn in any colored
handouts you may have taken
home in the last few units… Look
for pages labeled Class Set.
On pg. 66A in your notebook, please set up the page like this:
White Controls over Non White South Africans
• Education
• Wealth
• United
Look at the Documents before
• You have a Timeline, an article, a graph and
several pictures that you MUST use.
• You also have two Primary Sources you MAY
• As you look at these pages, talk over with
your partner how white South Africans are
preventing black South Africans from
becoming educated, wealthy and united?
• Once you have some ideas… fill out your
• Education
• Wealth
• United
Life Under Apartheid- Skin Deep Video
Add to your charts with specifics from
this video.
Keep in Mind….
Power + Prejudice = Racism
According to this definition, racism exists in
the US today. How is Racism the same or
different than prejudice or bias?
Prejudice- To make a decision about someone without
evidence- pre-judge
Bias- to have an opinion about something based on
emotion instead of facts
Big Question: How did the
white South Africans keep the
black South Africans from
becoming Educated? Wealthy?
Please do not talk at this time
Dec 4/5
HW: Finish Take Action Assignment
India/South Africa Quiz on Friday
I will collect the following on
India DBQ
South Africa Chart and BSQ
Take Action Assignment
USA and The End of Apartheid- Pg 66A
Get a copy of the reading on the USA and the End
of Apartheid. This is a Class Set.
Read this together with your partner. As you read,
think about the effect everyday people in the US
had on the economy and government of a
country on the other side of the world.
What is Divestment?
How does it take money away from South Africa?
What did UC Berkeley do and why did they do it?
How does the Boycott of South Africa expand beyond
banks and investment?
5. What effect does all this have on South Africa?
Using the reading about The USA and End of
Apartheid answer these questions with your partner.
1. What did Americans do that led to the fall of
1. How did Americans affect the system of Racism (as
defined by Power + Prejudice) in South Africa with
their actions?
2. If Americans without the internet and cell phones did
this in the 1980’s, How would the same campaign
look today? What actions would they need to take?
What tools could they use?
Take Action- 67A
Take Action!
Class Set: Please return with your
1. Find a cause you believe in. You might want to support
animal rights, civil rights in the US or other countries, occupy
Wall Street, political reform, a response to global warming… you
might want to make people aware of injustice here in the US or
in other countries like Columbia, Syria, or the Democratic
Republic of Congo. You can choose any cause that means
something to you. I will not judge!
Please now go to the Mexico
Ed/$/Unity Chart and Apartheid
DBQ- Pg 65A
USA and Apartheid- Pg 66A
Take Action- Pg 67A