
Unit I: Writing Mechanics
Writing Paragraphs
The Paragraph
group of sentences that are about one
central idea, called the topic.
The topic is the first sentence of the
paragraph. This sentence is called the
topic sentence.
Types of Paragraphs
1. Descriptive Paragraph – Writer provides
details on a subject: holiday, sports-car, etc.
2. Narrative Paragraph – Writer tells a (very)
short story or tells the reader about a real-life
3. Explanatory Paragraph – Writer explains a
difficult concept or procedure.
4. Instructive Paragraph – Writer provides
detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to
accomplish some task.
5. Summary Paragraph – Writer summarizes the
main points of a larger written work.
6. Opinion Paragraph – Writer tries to convince
reader of their claim by using facts to support the
Paragraph Unity and Coherence
Paragraph Unity - Every supporting
sentence stays on topic and focusses on
the main idea.
Unit is achieved by careful planning in the
pre-writing stage.
Paragraph Coherence - Sentences flow
into one another instead of being
separated by periods and sounding
Coherence is achieved through the use of
complex sentences and conjunctions.
Good Vs. Bad Opinion Paragraphs
Good Opinion paragraphs rely on FACTS to back up its
I think there were three reasons why Pacman was the most
played computer game of the 1980s. First of all, it is a game
played by both boys and girls. A Gallup poll indicates that
both men and women like it for the skill involved. Secondly,
Pacman received new coverage in magazines such as
Maclean’s and Saturday Night. Because of that coverage,
many occasional players tended to want to try Pacman.
Finally, it is a game with many levels of difficulty. The
amateur can feel happy making it through one round ; the
experienced player enjoys the new challenges of later
rounds. Perhaps never again will a single computer game
like Pacman capture so much public attention.
Good Vs. Bad Opinion Paragraphs
Bad Opinion paragraphs use personal opinions to
support its argument.
Pacman was the most popular game of the 1980s
because it’s the best game. Pacman is never boring.
Sometimes the driving games can get boring if
you’ve played them a while. Defender is never
boring, but then it’s hard to understand at first and
you can lose a lot of money just figuring out how to
move your ship and what the attackers can do. You
can tell right away what to do in Pacman. Lots of
other games are just imitations of Defender, but there
is no other games like Pacman. That’s why Pacman
is the most popular game.
The Rest of the sentences.
Once the topic is established, the following
sentences should be used to elaborate it
(flesh it out) or to support it with details
and examples.
A good rule of thumb in grade eight is:
Write the topic sentence, and then write 56 supporting sentences. Finally, write a
summary sentence to close off your
paragraph for a total of 7-8 sentences.
How to Organize Your
Supporting Sentences
Logical Order - Order points from: most important
to least or vice versa; general to specific or vice
versa; most familiar to least or vice versa; simplest
to most complex or vice versa. Used in persuasive
Time Order - Order points according to when they
happen. Used in narrative paragraphs.
Spatial Order - Order points according to how they
exist physically in space compared to each other.
Used in descriptive paragraphs.
Example of a Good Grade 8
Animals are not the only organisms that
occupy very specific niches. Did you know
that countless numbers of microorganisms inhabit the human body? You
could say that each part of your body is its
own ecosystem. Most of these microorganisms are not harmful and the
different species that inhabit the skin, the
mouth, and the digestive tract are your
constant companions.
Checklist for creating wellwritten paragraphs:
· Does the paragraph cover one main idea?
· Is this main idea clearly presented in the topic
sentence, or at least very clear?
· Does each sentence in the paragraph support
the point made in the topic sentence?
· Is the paragraph organized in a logical way?
· Do the sentences flow smoothly from one to
· Is the main idea sufficiently developed with
examples, details, arguments, statistics and/or
The Bad Paragraph
The bad paragraph normally has one key
problem. It goes off-topic.
To make sure this doesn’t happen with
your paragraph map out your supporting
details, what order you want them in and
check to make sure they support your
topic sentence.
An Example of a Bad Paragraph
People who suffer from "winter blues" may be suffering
from S.A.D.-seasonal affective disorder. The classic
symptoms include depression, mild anxiety, fatigue,
withdrawal from social situations, overeating, a craving
for sweets and carbohydrates, oversleeping, and a lack
of energy, enthusiasm, and concentration. The craving
for sweets, of course, is likely to lead to weight gain,
which can be another problem. The symptoms of
S.A.D. peak in the winter months, when the days are
shorter and provide less sunshine. Winter days are
colder, too, especially in the northern climates, and a
person has to wear extra clothing. People who suffer
from the disorder should try to get as much
exposure to light as possible, especially outside,
though bright indoor lighting and a sunny vacation
can help too.
Don’t Forget…
Paragraphs are almost always indented at
the beginning.
A single paragraph should have a closing
sentence, which again summarizes the
topic idea of the paragraph.
A paragraph in an essay should end with a
transition sentence which connects the
main ideas of the previous paragraph, to
the next paragraph.
Checking Over Your Paragraphs
1. Make sure your paragraph has a topic
2. Make sure your supporting sentences
focus on the main idea.
3. Make sure you have a closing sentence.
4. See if your paragraph is interesting.
Closing Sentence
Remember to summarize your topic
sentence again (but in different words).