Presented By Randhir Sahay, Sr DFM/ASN Ramesh Chauhan, Sr DFM/HWH 1. Linking of works register with Internal check module- In Asansol Division 2. Review of KMA- In Asansol Division 3. Innovative practices in non traction bills savings- In Asansol Division 4. Instant Recovery of excess usage amount from CUG Mobile & Telephone Users- In HWH division 5. Recovery and monitoring of Electric Charges (Staff Quarters)In HWH division 6. Recovery of hospital diet charges- HWH division 7. . System Security on PRIME-AFRES Database- HWH division The Works Register has been computerised and linked to AFRES Module through Internal Check Module. Detail Master Entry of Estimates, Agreements, Budget allottment are done. Various Reports are generated automatically. Benefits due to Works Register 1. Better Budgetary Control-It is also a tool for budgetary control as the system does not allow any payment in excess to outlay of each work as well as each plan head. 2. Better Expenditure Control-The works register is linked to AFRES so work wise monitoring of expenditure is done easily. 3. Generation of Executive wise reports-It gives different reports to monitor and plan expenditure for executives to know as how they stand in terms of their Benefits Cont. It enables executive to control expenditure on the basis of work wise advise from Accounts department. The reports has given an added awareness to everyone that expenditure control is every body’s duty. 4. Accounts is playing a friendly critique role. 5. It has helped in avoiding element of year end surprise. 6. Responsible sanction- It has helped in dropping of many works in the last financial year. Reports generated on works register Work wise report as per format of para 1473 of Engineering Code Estimate Wise expenditure Plan head, allocation wise expenditure Work wise expenditure Report on expiry of BG, SD Report in the format as per para 525, 526 of Finance Code-I List of work under progress in the division in revenue and capital . 2. INNOVATIVE PRACTICES IN NON TRACTION BILLS SAVINGS Reasons For Rising Trend Of Energy Load enhancement at existing stations and sections New sections (Andal - Sainthia and Dhumka – Deoghar) are opened which were electrified New pumping stations (water pumps) have been commissioned To curb this trend a study was conducted and following measures were taken Electric Meters installed at 70 major consuming points for regular monitoring. Stations and units doing energy conservation are rewarded Use of budget allottment for energy efficient T-5 fittings, solar lights, solar geysers etc. Effective use of high mast light Judicious use of lights in office with emphasis on use of natural light during day time. Cont. Effective implementation of 70%-30% scheme at all major stations. Proper labeling of switches and relocation of master switches near exit in every office. Monitoring of switching off and switching on of street lights Regular de-hooking drive RESULT Due to the above measures, the division has been able to reduce non traction consumption of electricity by 7.87 lacs units in the month of October 2012 to February 2013 in comparison to previous year. Recurring savings of approximately Rs 5 lacs per month is being done per month. 3. Savings in Kilometer Allowance KMA is paid to running staff. In ASN division, the Accounts department during auditing of the salary bills observed high KMA was being paid. Mode of charging of salary Payment to Running Staff Payment by Attendance Monthly salary, PLB Payment by Result Running Allowance/ KMA Stipulated kilometer for each category, viz. Coal and Industrial Pilot, Main line, Shunting, etc. Bonus For completion of journey within Standard Hours Overtime Allowance For exceeding 104 hrs of working in a spell of 14 days The earlier practice Stipulated Time taken for a load to travel in a particular section ( colliery)was defined. One trip was not defined clearly. Ideally it should be going to a siding and return back to base, with or without load. But the same was not followed Weightage of : 20Km/Hr was given for each hour of duty irrespective of the KMs covered in a predefined section. Bonus: 50 Km for completing the trip ( to and fro) within stipulated hours Anomaly in the practice Double Charging of Kilometer Allowance and Bonus for • • • • Journey even without fulfilling a Trip Moving from Andal base to a siding with/ without a load , then coming back to the common point, again going to another siding and then return back to Andal after taking a load from the common point, was taken as two trip and KM benefit was also taken for both sidings. Net result: Kilometer Charged= (200+50)+(180+50) Whereas guards charge Single Bonus Outlay per day: 18 setsX(1LP+1ALP+1Gd.) in 3 ShiftsX 50KmX Rs.2/Km = Rs.16,200 which comes to Rs 4.8 lacs per month Study Details • The issue was referred to FA&CAO and subsequently guidelines were issued with the approval of G.M/E.Rly where : • Sections were clearly defined • Base stations were explicitly mentioned • Hours for each section and KMA @20 per hour mentioned Results • Running staff are now booked for earning substantial KMA while working long but covering less distance • When relieved due to operational reasons, full KMA to be paid but no bonus is to be paid in targeted sections • For the purpose of Bonus target hours will be stipulated hours pre defined by HQ. Sidings in close proximity will be reckoned as one and same Results cont. • When pilot works both ways (supply of empty and clearance of load), they will be eligible to get full trip allowances • If the Pilot works one way, the target hours will be reduced by one hour • For Main Line Locos: Actual Km run is the basis for KMA. Upto 125Km: Actual Km; Upto 175Km: Actual+20%; Upto 200Km: Actual+30%; Beyond 200Km: Actual +40% Final Outcome The bonus being paid to LP/ALP is done for successful completion of trip only Kilometre benefit is given on completing of one trip in the pre-defined section. The revised KMA has led to a recurring savings of approximately Rs 4 lacs per month 4. Instant Recovery of excess usage amount from CUG Mobile & Telephone Users • A single window programme has been developed and connected with pay roll Programme to recover the amount for excess usage of CUG Mobile by the Officers / Staff by directly feeding the data in PRIME or Pay Roll Programme. • Soft copy of the CUG mobile bills submitted by the service provider i.e. AIRTEL Limited is collected by coordinating S & T Department and inserted into the table of PRIME database. • A CUG mobile master has been created showing the details of SIM i.e. Mobile No. , EMP No, Employees name, Department, Bill Unit No, Bill Unit Description, Status of Mobile i.e. Open / Closed, ceiling limit, allocation etc where primary key is the EMP No. • Department wise, Bill Unit wise reports is generated both for Serving Employees and NonServing Employees. • Summary of the recovery particulars is directly fed into PRIME / Pay Roll Programme against the serving employees with an intimation to pay bill clerks. • For Non-serving employees – the statements is forwarded to Accounts Department for taking necessary action i.e. recoveries from pensionary benefits in case of retired / death staff or advice sent to the other Divisions / Railways in case of transferred employees. Advantages Ensures 100 % recovery of amount due to Railways for excess usage of CUG Mobile. Periodical Review may also be made very easily to reconcile the recoverable amount and recovered amount. Savings of man power in bill generation department since whole programme is being run by the Coordinating Office. History of Mobile users can easily be ascertained at any time. In the similar way amount for excess usage of Land Line Telephones are also being recovered through single window basis. Through this program electric bills ( Staff Quarters ) are generated after inputting meter reading received from Sr.SEE(G)s and sent to the DDOs for charging in the salary bills. The great advantage of this programme is that a comparison can easily be made at any given period between bills raised against the quarter holders and amount actually recovered from their salary bills and short recovery if any, may be recovered immediately. DDO wise, Bill Unit wise reports are generated and to all DDOs for instant recovery from staff concerned. distributed ‘As Due & As drawn’ statement of Electricity charges ( Staff Quarters) against each quarter holder may be generated at any time. Recovery of Arrear Electric Charges due to revision of per unit rates of consumption from quarter holders are made directly from their salary bills with an intimation to DDOs. Electric billing of Private Party, Govt. & Quasi Govt. Departments • Meter reading received from Sr.Section Engineer/Elec.(G) from different units of this division for private parties, Govt. & Quasi Govt. Departments and Accounts Department generates & raises bills. • Bills are generated quarterly from January to December every year. • The detailed recovery particulars i.e. Instrument (Cheque/Draft/Pay Order/Cash etc), Instrument Number & Date, MR No & Date, deposited amount etc are recorded in the programme. • Bills Receivable Register of Electric billing of Private Party, Govt. & Quasi Govt. Departments is generated from this programme showing – -- Party Masters, -- whether bills have been generated against all parties, -- bills receivable particulars etc. 6. Hospital Diet Bills Diet bills are being generated by Howrah Orthopedic Hospital and direct recovery of diet bill amount has been made from the salary of staff concerned. After implementation of this programme 100% diet bills of Howrah Orthopedic Hospital are being recovered promptly. The diet bills are prepared by the staff of CHD’s Office. After generation of diet bills, the data is transferred to PRIME with an intimation to the concenred DDOs for input checking. 7. System Security on PRIME-AFRES Database The sanctity of User ID & Password have been ensured in PRIME-AFRES The renewal of password after specific period has become mandatory through system check. Failed Login Attempts 5 Times in PRIME & 3 Times in AFRES Account locks in three consecutive wrong password in case of AFRES and Five consecutive password in case of PRIME. Account password expires in 30 days (password life time=30 days) and gives grace period of 3 days . After expire it offers to create new password . THANK YOU