Hand Tools 1

Hand Tools
Measuring Tools
Cutting and Shaping Tools
Striking Tools
Drill Bits
Measuring Tools
Measuring tape
Scratch awl
Combination square
Try square
Framing square
Tape measure
Tape measures are used to find the exact size of
Scratch awl
Scratch awls are used to mark the center of holes to be drilled
Framing square
Try square
Combination square
Squares are used to find out if cuts are square and for layout
Cutting tools
Utility knife
Wood chisel
Wood rasp
Mill bastard file
Back saw
Hand saw
Block plane
Jack plane
Glue scraper
Putty knife
Utility knife
Putty knife
Glue scraper
Wood chisel
Putty knives are used for applying putty to projects. Glue scrapers are for
scraping glue off projects. Utility knives are for cutting various materials and
wood chisels are for cutting wood.
Hand saw
Back saw
Hand saws are for cutting through wood,
usually detail work. In the past they were the
table , radial arm, and miters saws.
Wood rasp
Rasps are to shape wood. They are a
rough cutting tool. The wood will need
smoothing after the rasp is used.
Mill bastard file
Mill bastard files are for smoothing irregular
shapers and for metal work.
Jack plane
Jack planes are used on edges to straighten
and or smooth them
Block plane
Block planes are for planing end grain
Planes are the jointers and planers of the past. They were used to
plane boards to thickness, joint a working edge, and smooth
surfaces for finish.
Identify these hand tools
A. Ice pick
B. Scratch awl
C. Screw driver
A. Framing square
B. Combination square
C. Center square
D.Try square
A. Framing square
B. Combination square
C. Center square
D.Try square
A. Cross cut saw
B. Hack saw
C. Back saw
D.Rip saw
A. Block plane
B. Jack plane
C. Smooth plane
D. Rabbet plane
A. Block plane
B. Jack plane
C. Smooth plane
D. Rabbet plane
A. Utility knife
B. Wood chisel
C. Putty knife
D. Glue scraper