LMSC Site Forecasts using RASP BLIPspot Graphical Forecasts For Great Britain. Introduction The UK RASP site provides soaring forecasts at differing resolutions for up to a week in advance. UK RASP maps are great for planning cross country flights; however if you are not planning to go XC a detailed spot forecast for your intended flying site for the full day might be more useful. RASP BLIPspot Location Graphs use the same high resolution forecast data as the UK RASP Map but present it on a graph rather than a map making it fairly easy to view and interpret, a whole day on one page if you like. What are they good for? These graphs are good for a close up site forecast for example you might be looking for that weather window after work to grab an hour or two soaring; or maybe you are trying to weigh up which site would work best for the whole day given that you’ve ‘pulled a sicky’ or need to consider travel time? Equally you might be looking for that launch pad for a monster XC? How It Works? By clicking on the links you will be taken to the RASP BLIPSpot Graphical Forecast page with the Lat Lon coordinates already entered for the selected LMSC site. The BLIPSpot Graph page will pop up displaying a number of graphs showing RASP weather data for the nearest RASP Blipspot for selected site location (2-5km). It defaults to today; however you can select any day in the week ahead using the Select Day drop down box; if it is slow loading hit the red Get Plots button below the Select Day drop down box. As with all forecasts the nearer the day in question the better the accuracy. BLIPSpot Graphs. On the graphs the horizontal axis represents the hours of the day and the vertical axes the RASP data. Some graphs contain multiple data where they share a common vertical axis value such as height above the ground. I’d suggest not getting too hung up on detail here but use the graphs to build up a picture of the day especially wind direction, wind strength, thermal strength, cloudbase etc. What follows is a brief description of the 8 graphs and what they can tell you, Graph 1 is by far the busiest but stick with it. I’ve marked those I have personally found useful with a * and in some cases* *. Graph 1 Main RASP Metrics. The boundary layer (BL) is the vertical region above the surface within which air has been mixed by thermal or windshear eddies, i.e. the region where glider pilots normally fly. This graph displays key parameters from the RASP core data to give an idea of the boundary layer (BL) height and cloud base throughout the day. The vertical axis here represents thousands of feet / rate per minute so in effect it provides a vertical cross section throughout the day. The coloured lines represent the following RASP Parameters: * Red = Thermal Updraft Velocity Average dry thermal updraft strength near mid-BL height. Subtract your glider descent rate to get average vario reading for cloudless thermals. Note: this is shown in feet per minute. For example 500 fpm (2.5 m/s), less your glider sink rate of 250fpm (1.2 m/s) equals a climb rate of 250 fpm or 1.3 m/s. Updraft strengths will be stronger than this forecast if convective clouds are present as RASP neglects "cloudsuck"). W* depends upon both the surface heating and the BL depth. MoreInfo * Green = Height of Boundary Layer Top Height of the top of the mixing layer, which for thermal convection is the average top of a dry thermal. Over flat terrain, maximum thermalling heights will be lower due to the glider descent rate and other factors. In the presence of clouds (which release additional buoyancy aloft, creating "cloudsuck") the updraft top will be above this forecast, but the maximum thermalling height will then be limited by the cloud base (see the "Cloud prediction parameters" section below). MoreInfo Blue = Thermal Height Uncertainty This parameter estimates the uncertainty (variability) of the BL Top height prediction which can result from meteorological variations. MoreInfo Yellow = Height of Critical Updraft Strength (Hcrit) This parameter estimates the height at which the average dry updraft strength drops below 225 fpm (1ms) and is expected to give better quantitative numbers for the maximum cloudless thermalling height than the BL Top height given above, especially when mixing results from vertical wind shear rather than thermals. MoreInfo * Grey = Cumulus Cloudbase (Sfc. LCL) This height estimates the cloudbase for small, non-extensive "puffy" clouds in the BL, if such exist i.e. if the Cumulus Potential parameter (above) is positive or greater than the threshold Cumulus Potential empirically determined for your site. The surface LCL (Lifting Condensation Level) is the level to which humid air must ascend before it cools enough to reach a dew point temperature based on the surface mixing ratio and is therefore relevant only to small clouds. However, this parameter has a theoretical difficulty (see "MoreInfo" link below) and quite possibly the actual cloudbase will be higher than given here - so perhaps this should be considered a minimum possible cloudbase. MoreInfo Graph 2 Cumulus Potential. Provides a graph of Cu Potential. This evaluates the potential for small, non-extensive "puffy cloud" formation in the BL, being the height difference between the surface-based LCL (see below) and the BL top. Small cumulus clouds are (simply) predicted when the parameter positive, but it is quite possible that the threshold value is actually greater than zero for your location so empirical evaluation is advised. Clouds can also occur with negative values if the air is lifted up the indicated vertical distance by flow up a small-scale ridge not resolved by the model's smoothed topography. MoreInfo Graph 3 Temperature. A graph of wet/dry temperatures useful for estimating lapse rates as the day progresses based on the difference between the two, big gap generally = big lapse rate and higher cloudbase. Graph 4 Wind Speed. This script provides a graph of wind speeds in Knots. *Brown = Surface Wind Speed. The speed and direction of the wind at 10m above the ground. **Green = Upper Wind Speed Very useful as a big difference between surface and upper winds suggest a strong wind gradient and the danger of getting blown over the back, on a PG anyway. Graph 5 **Wind Direction. Wind direction in degrees. * Graph 6 Sun. Sun as a percentage i.e. the amount of solar radiation which would reach the surface in a dry atmosphere in the absence of clouds and water vapour expressed as a percentage. This parameter indicates the degree of cloudiness, i.e. where clouds limit the sunlight reaching the surface. * Graph 7 ' Star Rating' Paul Scorer came up with an experimental rating system called Stars. The metric basically states a higher number equals better conditions. This is an experimental metric based on using data from other standard RASP parameters. The scale is 1 to 5 with 5 being excellent (for sailplanes). * Graph 8 Rain. Forecast rain in millimetres per half hour. Site Links Sites RASP Graphs RASP BLIPspot Display - Wrekin SE RASP BLIPspot Display - Wrekin NW RASP BLIPspot Display - Shepherds Tump RASP BLIPspot Display - Sarn RASP BLIPspot Display - Llandinam RASP BLIPspot Display - Long Mynd RASP BLIPspot Display - Long Mountain RASP BLIPspot Display - Lawley RASP BLIPspot Display - Wrekin RASP BLIPspot Display - Corndon RASP BLIPspot Display - Llangollen RASP BLIPspot Display - Llan Fawr RASP BLIPspot Display - Clatter RASP BLIPspot Display - Camlo RASP BLIPspot Display - Caer Caradoc RASP BLIPspot Display - Bache RASP BLIPspot Display - Clunbury