Strengthening Relationships: The One on One Agenda What is a One on One – A once a week meeting with your direct reports – Lasting no more than 30 minutes – Focuses on your direct report – Covers current and future issues Who is conducting One on Ones? What are the benefits Establishes a flow of communication Saves time Stimulates productivity When do you have One on Ones – Hold once a week – Same time every week – 30 minutes Never Cancel only Reschedule Where do you have the meeting How do you structure the meeting The Future The Employee 5-10 5-10 You 5-10 How to Organize a One on One What information do you need follow-up with? What Information do you need to share? What is coming up? How to monitor the One on One Example of Notes How Will These Practices Impact CARE? Improve Talent Management Practices AOP Goal: To show an increase in managers’ communication effectiveness How Will These Objectives Impact CARE? My manager informs us about changes in the organization before we hear about them through the grapevine. USA 3.09 LACRMU 3.66 ARMU 3.48 ECARMU 3.69 MEERMU 3.82 SARMU 3.52 WARMU 1.00 3.36 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 My manager discusses with me how organizational changes may affect my work. USA 3.01 LACRMU 3.58 ARMU 3.43 ECARMU 3.38 MEERMU 3.92 SARMU 3.37 WARMU 1.00 3.32 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 My manager acknowledges and respects the work I do. USA 3.71 LACRMU 4.10 ARMU 3.95 ECARMU 4.14 MEERM U 4.21 SARMU 3.98 WARMU 1.00 3.92 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 My manager provides me with an appropriate amount of recognition for work well done. USA 3.56 LACRMU 3.79 ARMU 3.66 ECARMU 3.77 MEERMU 3.95 SARMU 3.69 WARMU 1.00 3.49 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 My manager effectively communicates my views to higher levels of management. USA 3.06 LACRMU 3.42 ARMU 3.27 ECARMU 3.38 MEERMU 3.61 SARMU 3.19 WARMU 3.21 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 My manager asks for and listens to my ideas and perspective on issues. USA 3.76 LACRMU 3.99 ARMU 3.79 ECARMU 4.01 MEERMU 4.18 SARMU 3.76 WARMU 1.00 3.87 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 Steps to Implement the One on One Announc e and Schedule Review in Staff Meeting Practice Practice Practice Potential Challenges • Starting the meeting • Keeping a Schedule • Hesitation from Employees Quick Review A meeting between the manager and his or her direct report used to touch base Once a week for 30 minutes A quiet place where you will not be interrupted The 10-10-10 schedule, prepare and take notes Strengthens relationships, improves communication and productivity