AOS Paper One tips and strategies[1]

Paper 1: Area of Study
What is the Area of Study?
• Common area of study for Advanced and
Standard students = Paper 1 is common
• Explore and examine :
– relationships between language and text, and
interrelationships among texts.
– individual qualities of texts while considering
the texts’ relationships to the wider context of
the Area of Study.
– ideas to clarify meaning and develop new
Area of Study- ‘Belonging’
• 2009-2012: Area of Study- ‘Belonging’
• You will:
– explore the ways in which the concept of belonging/and or not
belonging is represented in and through texts.
– Examine, question and reflect:
• concept of belonging is conveyed through the representations of
people, relationships, ideas, places, events, and societies that they
encounter in the prescribed text and texts of their own choosing
• language modes, forms, features and structures shapes and is
shaped by a sense of belonging
• own experiences of belonging, in a variety of contexts
• your perception of the world through texts
• exploring the concept and significance of belonging may broaden
and deepen your understanding of yourself and your world.
Paper 1- Specifications
• Time allowed: 2 hours (plus 10 minutes reading time) =
40 minutes each section
• The paper will consist of three sections.
– Section I (15 marks)- Short Answer
• Short response questions based on unseen texts related to the Area
of Study.
– Section II (15 marks) – Creative Writing
• There will be ONE question.
• You will be required to compose or adapt a text for a specified
context, purpose and audience.
– Section III (15 marks) – Area of Study (Prescribed text + at least
TWO related texts)
• There will be ONE question based on the Area of Study and
prescribed texts.
• The question will require an extended response.
Section I (15 marks)- Short
• In this section you will be assessed on
your ability to examine, question, reflect
and speculate on:
– what is being said about ‘belonging’
– How the concept of ‘belonging’ is conveyed in
texts through visual and written language
– Your understanding of the way perceptions of
‘belonging’ are shaped in and through texts
– Assumptions about ‘belonging’ that underlie
Section I – requirements
• To analyse a variety or written and visual
texts including: posters, cartoons,
advertisements, feature articles,
photographs, artwork, short stories,
reviews, extracts form stories, poems,
• Answer questions with specific value
Section I – types of questions
• ‘WHAT’: ideas (this includes themes,
aspects, issues, the main idea)
• HOW: techniques i.e. the way the ideas
are conveyed (eg. Metaphor,
personification, vector, foreground,
shadowing etc)
• ‘SYNTHESIS’: compare, contrast, analyse
different perspectives on ‘belonging’ in
selected texts
Examples – Section I
Examples – Section I (cont…)
Some tips for Section I
• DO:
– Answer the question
– Use complete
sentences and
– Watch your grammar
– Write for each
question weighting
– Complete all questions
– Provide examples for
all questions
• DON’T:
– Write in point form
– Re-write the question
– Write too much for a
question especially a
one mark question (no
more than two lines)
– Leave any questions
Section II (15 marks) – Creative
• In this section you will be assessed on your
ability to:
– Communicate ideas focussing on belonging
– Use stylistic devices appropriately to purpose,
audience and context
– Use a range of language features to influence
meaning and response
– Demonstrate control of expression and conventions of
form or text type
– Link directly to the question
– Show a personal response
Some tips for Section II
• DO:
– Watch your grammar as it
– Use complete sentences
and paragraphs
– Focus on an aspect of
belonging/ not belonging
– Be prepared to respond in
a variety of text types eg.
Editorial, magazine article,
conversation, speech
– Demonstrate writing skills
and techniques
• DON’T:
– Use Swearing
– Write about violence,
abuse etc.
– Write what you don’t know
– Use clichés or stereotyped
– Write a poem
Some tips for Section II (cont..)
• Prepare for this section
• Be aware that you could be asked to use
specific stimuli- a visual or a quotation
• Prepare a scenario (possible descriptions,
characters or a concept around the idea of
• Remember: Formulas for writing a story
Examples – Section II
1. Use the following as the starting point for a
narrative on ‘Belonging’ as a concept.
‘As she looked back at the video, she wondered
how she had ever been that person ever actually
done that.‘
2. ‘Every moment we hope to belong but are never
sure if we do.’
Use the above as a starting point for a narrative
on ‘Belonging’.
Examples – Section II (cont…)
3. Use one of the following as a stimulus for
a piece of writing on ‘Belonging’.
Section III (15 marks) – Area of Study
(Prescribed text + at least ONE related
• In this section you will be assessed on
your ability to:
– demonstrate understanding of the concept of
‘belonging’ in the context of your study
– analyse, explain and assess the ways
‘belonging’ is represented in a variety of texts
– organise, develop and express ideas using
language appropriate to audience, purpose
and context
Your extended response
• Your response should sum up:
– WHAT: (themes, issues, concerns, ideas)
– HOW: (techniques)
• You might be asked to respond in another
text type other than an essay such as a
speech, interview, editorial, presentation,
web article, conversation/dialogue, panel
discussion etc.
Checklist for your extended
Definition of ‘Belonging’
Address the question
Use specific examples form each of the texts
TWO- THREE strong pieces of related texts that
are same quality as the set text
Address HOW ‘belonging/ not belonging’ is
represented in each of the texts.
Context of the texts and your own context
Personal response
Write according to the text type asked.
Examples – Section III
‘Despite an individual’s desire to belong to a group or community,
this is not always possible.’
How do the texts you have studied represent the processes and
results of ‘belonging and/ or not belonging’?
You have been invited to speak at the book launch of a new
collection of texts entitled Belonging in our Society.
In your speech, explain and assess the ways in which ‘belonging’
is represented in the texts in the collection.
‘Belonging to a community or group has a significant impact on an
individual’s sense of self’.
Discuss this statement, focussing on how the composers of the
texts you have studied represent the concept of ‘belonging’.
Examples – Section III (cont…)
‘Belonging to a group or community can provide
opportunities and disappointments’.
To what extent do the texts you have studied support
this idea?
‘More than anything else, belonging is about finding a
sense of place in the world.’
Do you agree? Argue your point of view referring to the
texts you have studied.
You have been invited to write an article for a teenage
magazine called Youth and Belonging.
In your article, analyse the ways in which ‘belonging’ is
represented in the texts you have studied.