BEING A GREAT TRIP LEADER CRESCENT SKI COUNCIL TRAINING TRIP STAGES Selection Promotion Pre-trip Administration Ski Week Post-trip Activities SELECTION Ask for input Where do members want to go? WHY? Where do members NOT want to go? WHY NOT? What is important to members (lodging, slope access, night life, air accessibility, restaurant variety, price, etc.)? Use member input when selecting choices from CSC long list of eligible destinations SELECTION Review Ski Week finalists with members Make sure you understand the various components of each trip offering; ask for clarifications from CSC Trips Chair Provide as much information as possible, preferably as handouts or in Powerpoint Show any presentations provided by CSC Trips Chair Cast club vote at CSC Fall Conference PROMOTION Work with TO to get club-specific trip fliers, posters, registration forms, and presentations Show presentation to members; convert it to PDF and email it to membership Distribute fliers at meetings, parties, and other events Answer all questions! If you don’t know the answer, get it from TO or CSC Trips Chair ASAP! PROMOTION BONUS #1 Attract new members** Place posters around town Put trip details on club’s Facebook page and web site Have articles in local newspapers, bulletins, etc. **Seek help from members to accomplish these activities. The trip leader should not be expected to do all of this alone. PROMOTION BONUS #2 Earn a prorated reimbursement of land package costs, less CSC’s upcharge, for TL’s club Based upon number of participants from TL’s club Potential reimbursements, based upon funds availability, are: 8 – 16 participants: 1/3rd 17 – 24 participants: 2/3rd 25 or more participants: 100% PROMOTION BONUS #2 Club determines how to use reimbursement Spend on club participants during trip (group dinner, other social events, etc.) Give portion or all to club TL Fund other club activities TL must work during Ski Week events to meet IRS requirements pertaining to TL reimbursements PRE-TRIP ADMINISTRATION Obtain, through TO, any available group air Determine registration method(s) Paper registration forms Entry in TO database by individual members or TL Review routinely even if entry is by members No database? Process registrations through TL who needs to keep EXCEL spreadsheet with all pertinent information. (A demonstration of a TO database and registration process is available as a Youtube tutorial video at PRE-TRIP ADMINISTRATION Determine price and payment processing Any upcharge by club Payment made to club or TO Let everyone know which club members have registered and who needs a roommate. Assist in arranging roommates / condomates. Provide periodic updates of lodging and group air availability and total CSC participation PRE-TRIP ADMINISTRATION Track payment status Send reminders when payments are due Follow up on what appears to be late payments (not paid, lost in the mail, slow processing by TO?) Encourage all to complete the Emergency Medical Information form; collect forms in advance or at airport PRE-TRIP ADMINISTRATION Review registration details with each participant Lodging selection Roommates / condomates Number of days skiing Ski rentals Clothing size Travel arrangements (dates & times, transfers, etc.) Other group activities (tours, skiing elsewhere, etc.) Total cost; payments made PRE-TRIP ADMINISTRATION Have each participant initial and date registration details sheet If participant is not available locally, send data via email and ask for confirmation of accuracy Advise TO of any errors in registration details Advise local airline personnel if using group air from a small airport PRE-TRIP ADMINISTRATION Give everyone your cell phone number and ask for theirs Give everyone your travel schedule If you are not flying with the group, find a volunteer to oversee flight / transfer activities SKI WEEK Arrive at the airport first and greet / assist others as they arrive Account for everyone; locate stragglers; get all onboard (This is repeated if the group’s itinerary includes plane changes.) Advise TO of flight delays; transfers may be impacted Speak with transfer contact upon landing and advise members where, and when, to go SKI WEEK Assist members with lost luggage claims Account for everyone included in the group transfer; locate stragglers; get all onboard Ensure members know what to do upon arrival at lodging check-in Account for those members who were not part of the group transfer; if any are delayed, make sure TO knows SKI WEEK Attend Crescent Trip Leader meeting Take notes as CSC TL reviews week’s activities Receive door duty and other assignments Give Emergency Medical forms to TO or CSC TL Relay important data from CSC TL meeting to ALL members in a timely manner Greet everyone the first morning Are they settled in? Any problems or special needs? SKI WEEK Mingle with all members during week Ask how things are going Offer to help with any problems Provide information to TO & CSC TL relating to injuries and work with TO to facilitate any medical transportation needs Account for all members who are part of the group departure transfer to airport Assist members in getting checked in at airport POST-TRIP ACTIVITY Return sealed Emergency Medical forms Confirm any refunds due to trip adjustments with TO; advise members of amounts to be received Send email to participants asking for feedback: price (value of trip), tour operator, travel experience, accommodations, social events, skiing (terrain, conditions), etc. Forward all responses ANONYMOUSLY to CSC Trips Chair. MOST IMPORTANT TASK COMMUNICATIONS! Always keep your members informed Use the forum that works best to stay in touch Electronically (email, social media, web site, phone, newsletters, etc.) Face-to-face (meetings, parties, other events) When you learn something (from TO, news reports, articles, etc.), SHARE IT! Offer assistance at every step of the process: registration, travel, arrival, events, departure Words of Wisdom (from experienced trip leaders) Listening is just as important as speaking! Smile! Be Patient! Be Positive! All problems can be solved!! Have fun! After all, it is a vacation!