Islam Test Study Guide

Islam Test Study Guide
What is an oasis AND why are
they important on the Arabian
An oasis is a fertile area in
the middle of the desert.
They are important for
traders because they
provide water and farms
and helped cities grow.
What is the Ka’aba AND where
is it located?
The Ka’aba is a religious shrine that
Muslims believe was built by
Abraham and his son Ishmael. The
Ka’aba is located in the holy city of
What is Islam’s main teaching?
Islam’s main teaching is that there
is only one God.
Why did Muslims call Christians
and Jews “people” of the book”?
Jewish people, Christians, and
Muslims all use a holy book.
What was the main effect of the
growth of trade on the Arabian
People from distant places came
together and exchanged ideas
and cultures
How was the first caliph chosen
after Muhammad’s death?
Following Muhammad’s death the
people elected a new caliph or
Why did the first caliphs begin a
military conquest of other
The caliphs wanted to spread the
religion of Islam
Why did the Muslim community
The Muslim community split when
the Umayyad rulers took power
and some Muslims refused to
accept the Umayyad rulers as the
rightful rulers
How were clans important to
Bedouin life on the Arabian
Clans provided support for
Bedouins in the extreme desert
What did Arabs believe about
the Ka’aba? (who built it?)
Muslims believe that the Ka’aba
was built by Abraham and his son
Why do you think Muhammad
began his teaching in Mecca?
Muhammad was born to a powerful
family in the city of Mecca.
What did Muhammad do after
God spoke to him?
Muhammad began preaching that
there was only one God
What happened to the Muslim
community after Muhammad’s
The people elected a leader or
caliph to be Muhammad’s
Why were people on the
Arabian Peninsula nomads?
The desert climate was not good
for farming on the Arabian
Peninsula and people had to
move around to find food
Why did the Shiites oppose the
Umayyad rule, when they took
The Shiites believed that the caliph
should be a direct descendant of
Why did Muhammad and his
followers migrate to Yathrib
(current day Medina)?
Muhammad and his followers were
persecuted (attacked and treated
badly) in Mecca and fled to
Yathrib to escape
What made Mecca an important
trade center?
Mecca was located on major trade
routes between three continents
What do you think was Abu
Bakr’s greatest achievement?
He was a powerful military leader
How did the formation of Islam
change the lives of the Arab
Islam brought order and hope to
the lives of nomads; it gave them
a permanent source of faith
How did Muhammad believe
that God spoke to him?
Muslims believe that Allah (God)
spoke to Muhammad through the
angel Gabriel
What are four things that Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam have in
• monotheism – all 3 religions believe in one god
• Holy book – all 3 religions use a holy book to guide
their faith
• Belief in prophets – all 3 religions believe that prophets
have spoken the words of God
• House of Worship – all 3 religions use a house of
worship- Jewish people use a synagogue or temple,
Christians use some type of church, and Muslims use
a mosque
The Five Pillars of Islam
• Public profession of faith
• There is only one god and Muhammad is
the prophet of God
• There have been many prophets, but
Muhammad is the last and final prophet
• Shahada is so important, it should be the
first thing a baby hears when they are born
and the last thing a Muslim hears before
they die
• Prayer; said five times a day
• Before prayer, Muslims must make
sure their body is clean; the wash is
known as wudu
• Muslims pray on a prayer mat
• Prayer is always said facing the holy
city of Mecca
• Prayer is done in a pattern with
different postures
• A welfare contribution
• Muslims must donate a certain
amount of their income to the needy
or less fortunate
• Muslims believe that all possessions
really belong to Allah
• Zakat helps distribute wealth in a
Muslim society
• Muslims fast from dawn to sunset during the month
of Ramadan
• Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar
• The sick, elderly, very young, and pregnant women
are excused from the fast
• During the fast, Muslims avoid eating, drinking,
smoking or taking anything into the body
• Fasting during Ramadan brings Muslims selfcontrol, discipline, and an awareness of those that
are less fortunate
• Muslims believe observing Sawm helps them live
their lives according to the will of Allah
• A pilgrimage or journey to Mecca
• The Hajj should be done once in a
Muslims lifetime
• The Hajj occurs during the twelfth month
of the Muslim calendar
• The focus and holiest place for Muslims
during the Hajj is the Ka’aba – the cube
shaped shrine in the center of Mecca
• Muslims circle the Ka’aba seven times
A Split in Islam
Sunni Muslims believe
that the first four caliphs
after Muhammad were
the rightful rulers of Islam
Sunni Muslims believe
that any Muslim who
follows Muhammad’s
example may be a ruler
Shiite Muslims believe
that only Ali,
Muhammad’s son-in-law
was a legitimate caliph or
Shiite Muslims believe
that only a descendant of
Muhammad’s can be a
ruler for Islam
Extra Credit
The test will have 10 extra credit
questions. Study the video
questions and the Islam: A History