Guide for Excel Integration Fusion CRM ADFdi Derrek Greenleaf Product Manager 1 Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. An overview of CRM Excel Integration Framework End-user flow for CRM Excel Integration Framework Authoring and administration tasks Example of CRM Excel integration Framework template and usage 5. Excel forms and examples 6. Contact information, additional reference Goal – To promote the usage of the CRM Excel Integration Framework to product managers and to assist pillar product managers in documenting requirements (FDD) for specific business processes where Excel integration is needed. Oracle Confidential, DRAFT 2 1. Overview of CRM Excel Integration Framework When and why to utilize Excel Integration Framework? – – – Who should utilize Excel Integration Framework? – – CRM product managers and engineers Standard toolkit for delivering OOTB Excel templates for specific business processes (e.g. Territory Management, Opportunity Management) CRM customers To modify OOTB Excel templates or to create new Excel templates for specific business processes What are capabilities of Excel Integration Framework? – – – – – When end-users need a fast and easy way to make mass changes to large amounts of CRM data (which is very difficult and timely to do inside Fusion CRM) To increase end-user adoption - enable CRUD operations of CRM data in Excel (a familiar, user-friendly desktop application) To lower TCO - based on CRM-built Excel components & Oracle Application Development Framework Desktop Integration (ADFdi) Bi-directional data exchange between Fusion CRM and Excel End-user control over data downloaded from Fusion CRM to Excel End-user access of Excel templates from Fusion CRM or stand-alone User authentication, data access, server-side validation consistent with Fusion CRM Administrator authoring and distribution of Excel templates It is not designed to be… – – – One-way, static export of data from Fusion CRM to Excel Reporting tool Replacement for the CRM client Oracle Confidential, DRAFT 3 1. Overview of Excel Integration - framework • Custom download • Saved searches • Multi-sheet navigation • Template admin SCM • Export from Fusion HCM CRM Excel Integration Framework = red blocks FINANCIALS CRM Excel Components • Starter kit ADFdi Features • Download & upload • Create, copy, delete records • Track changed records • Form and list layout • Template authoring • User authentication • Single sign-on • Support for Excel 2003, 2007 (forthcoming) Oracle Confidential, DRAFT 4 2.User flow for CRM Excel Integration Framework Optional ~ advanced search User can pull data from the application to work with, in the Excel template A. B. Download Working in Excel Start from within an application - OR – Start direct from an Excel template (from attachment, url, etc.) Within Excel template, use native Excel features (e.g. drag & drop, calculations) to create, review, update, delete data C. D. Upload Validation Modified data uploaded back to application Server side data validation For a sales rep, this could include mass edits, calculations, advanced formulas, and formatting Oracle Confidential, DRAFT 5 A. Download Start from application or template directly User selects to work in Excel If there are multiple templates available, user selects from list Oracle Confidential, DRAFT 6 B. Working in Excel (opportunity ex. below) Oracle Confidential, DRAFT 7 Optional – advanced search from within the template, user can query data Oracle Confidential, DRAFT 8 C. Upload - data uploaded back to application Oracle Confidential, DRAFT 9 3. Author and Admin tasks for CRM Excel Integration Framework Developer constructs Excel template and the application administrator associates application objects in JDEV Excel elements defined and constructed using developer tool (such as the DEG- data entry grid) in the Excel Template (This step is a developer assisted operation ) Template sent as an email attachment or URL Of note: Distribution of the template to the field Template posted to shared location Administrator associates the template w/in the application through administration Screens •Multiple templates can be associated within an application view; a selection box will appear for the user to choose correct template. •A content management system can be used to manage templates : to version, expire templates etc. Oracle Confidential, DRAFT 10 4. Example usage and template 1 Fusion CRM Sales rep searches for opportunities > $100M Sales rep wants to manipulate and edit multiple opportunities, using most convenient, familiar tool: Excel Sales rep opens Excel template to update opportunities 2 Excel Sales rep updates probability and amount of several opportunities, using native Excel operations: update probability (drag, drop) Sales rep creates new opportunity (copy, paste) 3 Fusion CRM All updates made in Excel by sales rep uploaded back to Fusion CRM Application Oracle Confidential, DRAFT 11 4. Example – step 1. Search for oppty’s and select the Excel template Step 1. Sales rep searches for opportunities > $100M • Sales Rep searches for opportunities > $100M • Sales Rep wants to manipulate and edit multiple opportunities, using most convenient, familiar tool: Excel Step 2. Select Excel Template Oracle Confidential, DRAFT 12 4. Examplestep 2. End user updates data (oppty’s) in Excel •Sales rep updates probability and amount of several opportunities, using native Excel •Sales rep creates new opportunity (copy, paste) Oracle Confidential, DRAFT 13 4. Examplestep 3. Updates made by user are uploaded End user can upload from CRM ADFdi enabled template menu, or from upload button Oracle Confidential, DRAFT 14 5. Product manager next steps and action items Product manager’s (you the audience) next steps: Please construct an Excel mock up for your specific needs: 1. Select data 2. Think about data layout and presentation 3. What layout you want 4. references Last – take that template mockup and put in your FDD Your engineers can then mock-up the templates for inclusion in the product package, and ADFDI enable them. Oracle Confidential, DRAFT 15 6. Contact info, reference materials Author and product manager owner for the CRM Excel Integration Framework: Derrek Greenleaf, User experience’s team Excel ADFDI recommendations and site: http://fusiongps/guidelines/content/guidelines/adfdi/index.htm I’ll reference this presentation – The CRM Excel Integration Framework Guide – and updated versions in Oracle files at the following location: (Fusion) For additional information on the framework and/sample etc., please direct your technical resources (development & engineering) to the following: FDD – Excel Integration ADFdi Fusion Sales CRM – CRM Engg wiki: http://www-apps/cgi-bin/fdi/wiki ADF Wiki – Includes Technical requirements for ADF – Technology stack and includes Sample Project for ADF setup – Learn ADF Site: – Alex Davis’ (ADF – Desktop Integration – ‘DI’) wiki: Oracle Confidential, DRAFT 16 END Additional Reference Materials follow Oracle Confidential, DRAFT 17 Excel Integration Templates are constructed within a Java Enterprise – Client side element that enables ADFdi Excel interaction Authoring kit, that allows for the interaction with ADFdi / JDev. See ADFdi internal engineering Wiki Programming Guide: – – Templates are maintained and created externally – Can use a Content Management Tool See Stellant documentation Oracle’s Content Management toolkits – Implement through a shared folder structure Sharepoint Structure / Windows Webserver folder structure Oracle Confidential, DRAFT 18 ADFdi enabled Excel template screenshot What ADFdi looks like from an end Toolbar Menu List user perspective (old visual style) ADFdi Toolbar Workbook Commands Flag Indicator Change Indicator Worksheet Commands Data Entry Grid (DEG) Oracle Confidential, DRAFT 19