Unit 3_1

Wednesday, October 23
 Objective: I will understand the art of
persuasion (rhetoric) by defining ethos,
pathos and logos and identifying them in
sample advertisements.
 Standards: RI.9-10.6, RI.9-10.8
 Journal Question: Define the word
persuade. Have you ever persuaded
someone to do something? What was it and
how did you do it?
Rhetoric: The Art of
 The history of rhetoric and the concepts ofethos,
pathos, and logos began in Greece.
 Aristotle was a famous Greek
philosopher who studied the art of
persuasion. Literally translated
from Greek, the word
“philosopher” means one who
loves wisdom
 Aristotle taught Alexander the
Great how to properly argue and
perform a public speech.
The Art of Rhetoric
 In approximately 300
B.C.E. Aristotle, who
was a famous Greek
philosopher, wrote a
book entitled, “The Art
of Rhetoric.”
 In his book, Aristotle
identified the three
methods of persuasion.
He called them ethos,
pathos, and logos.
 The use of logic, rationality, and critical reasoning to
persuade. Logos appeals to the mind. Logos seeks to
persuade the reader intellectually.
 The Mac vs. PC ads use logos
because they give specific reasons
that people should own a Mac
instead of a PC.
 These ads are very logical in the
way they approach their
explanations of why a Mac is
better than a PC.
 How does this Cheerios box
use logos?
 The use of emotion and affect to persuade. Pathos appeals
to the heart and to one’s emotions. Pathos seeks to
persuade the reader emotionally.
 For example, this ad from WW2
shows evil hands from other
countries reaching toward an
American baby. It makes you
react emotionally to the picture
and therefore want to buy victory
 How does this ad affect you emotionally? What is it
asking you to do?
 The use of moral or showing moral character. The speaker
must show he or she has expertise in the subject matter and
can be trusted.
 For example, when a trusted
doctor gives you advice, you may
not understand all of the medical
reasoning behind the advice, but
you nonetheless follow the
directions because you believe
that the doctor knows what
he/she is talking about.
 Why would you trust what a
judge says?
Watch the following ads
 Write down the name of the advertisement.
 What are they selling?
 What type of appeals are they using? (Ethos, pathos or
logos?) and how do you know? Write the reasons why.
Ad #1: Colgate
Ad #2: Nikon
Ad #3: Feed The Children
Ad #4: Nike
Ad #5: Coca-Cola
Ad #6: Smart Car
Ethos, Pathos, Logos as
 How would Ethos, Pathos, and Logos look
like as humans or creatures? What would
they like? What would be some things that
would be happening in their lives?
 Fill out the Facebook pages for each.
 On the index card, rewrite the definitions of
Ethos, pathos and logos in your own words.
Revisit Objective
 Today’s objective: I will understand the art
of persuasion by defining ethos, pathos and
logos and identifying them in sample
 Rate yourself and explain why.
 Return your English binder to the shelf.