1. Define nativism and give examples of nativist actions.
2. Determine arguments for and against excluding Chinese immigrants to prepare for a debate tomorrow.
• Policy of favoring native-born people over immigrants
1840s-1850s: Rise in Nativism
• Increased immigration
• Anti-Catholicism
• Fear of job competition
“The Pope’s Dream:” This cartoon references anti-Catholic attitudes common in the 19 th century that Catholics were anti-democratic and loyal primarily to the Pope.
• Supported white, native-born
Protestants for public office
A nativist cartoon depicting the Irish and the Germans stealing the ballot box while Americans fight at the polls
Flag of the Know-Nothing Party
• 300,000 came for work
• Results: racism and discrimination
Laundry-related artifacts from
Stockton, CA. Many Chinese who came to CA worked as launderers because they could be their own boss, and didn’t need to speak much
View of Chinatown alley
• In response to “new” immigrants from SE Europe, Asia
• CA nativists pressure Congress
Preamble: Whereas, in the opinion of the Government of the United
States, the coming of Chinese laborers to this country endangers the good order of the United States:
• Section 1: Future Chinese laborers will be banned from immigrating to the United States
• Section 2: Chinese laborers already in the U.S. will be allowed to stay.
• Section 3: No Chinese people will be allowed to become
U.S. citizens.
Congressional Debate Motions
I move to amend …
I rise for a point of order.
Adds your changes to a section of the bill
Results in a vote on your changes at the end of the debate of this section of the bill
I move to end debate.
Ends the debate for an immediate vote if majority agree
• allowed only after five minutes debate on a bil
I move to table.
• “kills” the bill if 2/3 agree
• Allowed only after 5 minutes debate on the bill
• Used to ask a question on the section of the bill itself or an amendment
I move for a recess.
• Usually used to allow Congresspersons to talk to one another informally
• Usually not allowed due to time
0-2 Point s 3 Points (full credit)
Cont ribution
Participati on
Off task several or more times
Few or no quality contribut ions
Distracts oth ers in activity ;
Does not listen to others
On task almost all of the time
Several quality contributions
Participates in activity ; listen s to others
3 + Points
On task 100% of the time
Multiple quality contributions
Assumes lea dership role in activity ; demonstrates active listening
NOTE: You must have completed the debate preparation to get credit for the debate!
• Speak at least TWICE! (Work on responding to others with reasons
• Listen and DO NOT talk during debate!
• EC: Respond to others, Connect to the unit or best acting
Preamble: Whereas, in the opinion of the Government of the United States, the coming of Chinese laborers to this country endangers the good order of the United
• Section 1: Future Chinese laborers will be banned from immigrating to the United States
• Section 2: While Chinese laborers already in the U.S. will be allowed to stay, no Chinese people will be allowed to become U.S. citizens.
• Stopped Chinese immigration
• Chinese couldn’t become citizens
•Renewed until WWII
• Nativists wanted literacy tests
(required immigrants to read and write)
•Japanese workers not allowed in U.S.
Japanese immigrants had replaced
Chinese; were strong in agriculture
Signing the Agreement
•Asians in CA couldn’t own agriculture land
Election Poster for Supporter of
Alien Land Act
Choose one of the following questions. Answer it in 2-3 FULL sentences in your notebook.
1. Summarize : Explain the effects of nativism on immigrants.
2. Predict: Do you think that laws similar to those discussed today could be passed today?